Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Proud & Foolish

When I walk in the footsteps of those that have gone before me, I like to check their prints. What have they left behind that instructs and informs me about who they are?

Bloody hell... have they lived a hellish life and drawn blood from those that have unwittingly been exposed to wickedness, via following in the path they have carved? 

A person can be innocent and inclined to kindness until they are led astray. If I keep my eyes trained on the markings left by the guy in front of me, and carefully track in the hollows he has left behind, I may become so mesmerized that I forget to look up, look around, and subsequently fail to see where we are going, neglecting to ask the question: Where is he taking me?

I think of the 80/20 rule, otherwise known as the Pareto Principle. I copied and pasted this information, and perhaps you would like to investigate this observation independently, dear reader. 

"What Is the Pareto Principle? 

The Pareto Principle, named after economist Vilfredo Pareto, specifies that 80% of consequences come from 20% of the causes, asserting an unequal relationship between inputs and outputs. This principle serves as a general reminder that the relationship between inputs and outputs is not balanced. The Pareto Principle is also known as the Pareto Rule or the 80/20 Rule."

Dominating 20%
Follow with me as I attempt to apply the Pareto Principle to our current global circumstances on a macro level and on a micro basis too, since family is a singular unit that can be positively and alternatively, negatively impacted by the dominating 20%.  

If 20% of the population rules the remainder, the 80%, this means the majority of people are subject to the whims and fancies of the few. If the few are kind, gentle, thoughtful, considerate, and generous, the 80% stand to gain and live peaceably in a loving and supportive environment (I paint a rosy picture). Now, if the opposite is true, and the 20% are malevolent, merciless, selfish, self-imposing, and avarice ridden, than one might assume the 80% are living in an anxious, hateful, and demeaning environment that stultifies and stifles learning and expansive growth (consider the global leaders that have wreaked havoc for decades and most recently, have decimated whole communities and populations... I won't be specific here, you can extrapolate as you see fit). 

Cruel parents
On a micro level, think of parents that are cruel to their children. In a family of eight offspring, these two adults make up the 20% ruling over the majority. The cruelty spills liberally on the vulnerable eight, and while some work their way out of the tarred and feathered experience to become kind, gentle, thoughtful, considerate, generous citizens of this world, others of the eight, will mirror the malevolent, merciless, selfish, self-imposing and avarice ridden mom and pop they were subjected to in their formative years. (There are other outcome possibilities that you can explore if you like: have at it, dear one!) 

Kernel moment
The defining point for each child is the one when they realize they can choose, and this is the kernel moment, the point in time where a person can become one more bad seed, producing wicked and bad fruit, or sprout and grow into a godly human that honours God and their fellow man. In my very simplistic example, I see choice as the at first resting place, to ponder next step actions, followed closely by moving forward into towing the line of conformity, or going the way of the few, the 20% that rule their own minds, their own destiny, their own life based on thinking, and then being, who they want to be as an individual surrounded by other individuals. 

Group think
Group think is a sickness, and it kills society. Thinking for oneself and assessing what is seen and heard, is the freedom that all responsible humans must harness and engage if we are to resist becoming a part of the 80% that can be easily misled down a dangerous garden path with a pit for falling into, cleverly hidden from unseeing and unsuspecting eyes. The proud & the foolish, do not know they are part of the 80%... they are inclined to "Oh well" their way to their own demise, and follow in the almost invisible bloody footsteps of the 20% that care not for those that blindly take their lead. I paint with a broad brush, the ugly circumstances we literally find ourselves in, with a vast majority choosing to follow the few that said "Go there, come here. Do this, do that. Don't do THAT, or that or that or... " Sound familiar?

Vipers and spiky plants
And hasn't it always been so, dear one? Aren't we all hoping, wanting, desirous, of having loving people to follow that say they want to take us to the promised land of milk and honey, only to discover that following in their footsteps means vipers and spiky plants have to be dodged to keep them from sinking their teeth or pin prick deadly points, into our tender flesh? Who hasn't followed a fallen leader to their shame, dismay and many a time, their own demise?

Only One
Dare I become cliche here, and tell you as a Christian, that there is only One trust worthy leader, One lover of souls that can be faithfully followed without fear of injury, abuse or mistreatment. There is only One, dear reader, and His name is Jesus: 

Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: 
he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, 
but shall have the light of life (John 8:12)

For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls (1 Peter 2:25)

Fearlessly committed
I will be a part of the 20% that follows the Saviour. I say this with perhaps uneducated confidence, based on what I have witnessed in the past couple of years and counting. I cannot statistically prove that 80% have followed the fallen ones, but it seems the minority, those that did not engage in group think, are few and far between, and they make themselves obvious wherever they go, because they are fearlessly committed to challenging the lies, the cruelty, and the despicable ways of the ruthless. 

Does this mean that 80% of people do not follow Jesus as their King, dear reader?

You tell me. Take a poll of ten people and ask them yourself: if they belong to the anti christ crowd they will make this clear to you; if they belong to the Redeemer, they will not be able to help themselves from telling you so. Only those that are filled with the Holy Ghost, can profess Christ as Lord. We simply cannot curse Him, since that would be going against Who we know He is:

1 Corinthians 12:3

Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. 

Who do you follow dear reader and do you know, where you are going?

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Throbbing Thumb

● Are you the sensitive type, dear reader? 
● Do you weep over the suffering of others? 

The shortest verse in the Bible is Jesus wept. In human form, the God of the universe, wept over the hurting hearts of those that grieved the death of a loved one. 

If only everyone knew the living God. If only everyone wept.

Today I grieve, feeling as though the whole world is a throbbing thumb that has been hammered. My hands are useless, utterly imbecilic in their ineptitude. I am all hammered thumbs... too much suffering, too many in pain. What is a person to do, but groan and weep?

Even my dear diary does not want to absorb what rattles around in my brain. As birds fall from poisoned skies, dropping dead to the ground below, so do my thoughts... thudding without life in them. Sharing the thoughts would be a burden to any listener: sharing them would be passing on the pain, giving the one that hears the very same dose of sadness, inadequacy, uneasiness, and soul suffering. 

We humans can be grossly inhumane. If I dared to sin as Darwin had, I would liken us to animals too, but for the fact that God tells us we are created in His image. This makes us damnable, since we are more inclined to be demonic, thoughtfully so, than anything at all like Christ. Humans think then do, the most heinous things with and to one another. I don't have to share for instances with you, dear reader. You know what you have done, and you know what others have done too...

A friend of mine that has faith told a story today that epitomizes what we humans can be like. I quote Chris directed here, adding quotation marks only: 

A guy was leaving mass one Sunday and found that his hat was not on the hat rack at the door of the church. He told the priest and said someone stole his hat. The priest suggested that he will recite the 10 commandments during next week's sermon and perhaps the thief might feel guilty and return the hat. After the mass ended the man approached the priest and said he got his hat back. "Ah", the priest said, "my plan worked. When I said the commandment about thou shall not steal the thief brought the hat back." The guy said, "No father, when you said thou shalt not commit adultery, I remembered where I had left my hat."

When I consider the weeping of Jesus, I see it was death that He grieved: humans going to the grave. Lazarus He would raise, but for those that know Him not, the grave becomes a hellish nightmare from which the person never escapes. The man in the story above retrieved his hat, but did he change his ways? Was pointing out adultery as a sin enough to have him beg his wife for forgiveness? or did he revisit his mistress, have intercourse and upon leaving, retrieve his hat only to "forget" it there once again, to repeat the cycle the next time he chose to cheat on his spouse? Guilt is not repentance. We are all guilty, but are we sorry enough to admit we have sinned against God and man/woman, to swear we will never again, disobey the Holy Father?

It is a sin soaked world, and it is grievous. The Bible states there is: 

A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance (Ecclesiastes 3:4)

Today I weep. Today I mourn. With my imbecilic hands, I pray to God, Who is mighty to save, mighty to redeem, and holds the whole world in His hands. My prayer is for the salvation of souls, the easing of existential, emotional, physical, and spiritual pain that can only come from a saving grace knowledge of the living God through Jesus Christ as Lord. 

I hope you too, are praying, dear reader.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Anxious Companion

Follow the script

"... by 2011, the total number of annual prescriptions written for the group of drugs known as atypical antipsychotics (which includes Abilify and Seroquel) rose to 54 million from 28 million in 2001, almost doubling in the space of a decade, meaning that psychiatrists and psychopharmacologists are likely prescribing the new antipsychotics for off-label conditions not approved by the FDA. The astounding rise in the number of prescriptions for newer antipsychotic drugs may be due to psychopharmacologists' belief that, when added to a depressive's diet, so to speak, an antipsychotic boosts the action of the antidepressant and more effectively irradiates the iron grip of despair than does an antidepressant alone." Blue Dreams, The Science and the Story of the Drugs That Changed Our Minds, by Lauren Slater

I have my finger and thumb gun out again. This time I take aim and shoot at a hidden from sight culprit that many know about, but have yet to take their fair share of the blame in the killing game. I speak of psychiatrists, those dodgy docs that are trigger happy with their pens, scribbling scripts for anxious pill poppers that want their minds soothed and settled without dealing with root causes. Look at the quote above again, dear reader. Antipsychotic drugs were prescribed for people without psychosis because combined with antidepressants, despair would be "irradiated." Imagine being prescribed chemotherapy for a wart, a cold sore, a stubbed toe. Before you accuse me of being insensitive to sorrow, I tell you I know the ache of a grieving soul; I understand a world being drained of colour to a dreary grey during periods of anguish; I comprehend being face down on the floor weeping in despair... but I also know the power of the living God to redeem, renew, refresh, even when it seems nothing will change circumstances, all is doomed, and hope feels like a cheap moving shell game played one too many times, with no winning in sight. To prescribe antipsychotic drugs to someone that is emotionally suffering, is overkill, and has assisted in the demise of western society. 

Just so that we are clear with one another: people have been medicated right out of their sensitivities & sensibilities. They are numb, dumb (as in disabled from expressing their inner workings), and susceptible to suggestion. Enter stage left, the villain that would have their heads, their minds, their souls held in captivity. Drugged and drained of any sense of self, "we" the people went along with Tom, Dick, and Harry, to the insane asylum, sans visible straightjackets, or someone dragging them there against their will. Willing participants in their own somatization, "patients" paid for the drugs their psychiatrists prescribed out of hand, right from their own pockets. Fast forward from the 2011 date mentioned in the quote, and we have us a crisis of drug addiction on a global scale in the years 2021 to the present, with the masses doing doctor someone or others bidding, minus a physical examination, a conversation about symptoms, or a personal and private relationship built on confidentially and trust. A one size fits all prescription was purchase ordered for everyone with a pulse, and the bill was sent to the citizens that didn't even know they were "sick".

Casual conversation
Years ago, in casual conversation, I learned a couple of my friends were on low dose anxiety medications, a married couple from church was similarly medicated, and many young people I know, are also drugged to smooth the rough edges of emotions that apparently, they aren't capable of handling. According to what I have read in Blue Dreams, this drugging has been happening for a very long time, and we have decades worth of dysfunctional humans to prove it. 

Social anxiety is a term coined to label people that are seemingly, afraid of other people. I find it disturbing that while eyes are glued to phone screens, toddlers babble and coo, tug at pant legs and sometimes drop on the spot, to get the attention of the adults that supposedly love them. Children learn empathy from eye contact, watching and listening to tone, and from the behaviours of ethically sound parental units: is it any wonder kids are anxious, nervous about being with other people, and inclined to be weak in the area of dealing with big emotions, when their parents, teachers, coaches, are probably numbed out of feeling anything at all because of their "low dose" antidepressants and perhaps, antipsychotic meds?

❓Are you on a low dose antidepressant and or antipsychotic?
❓Do you have social anxiety?
❓Do you know anyone that takes pills to even out emotions?

Altered by drugs
I know that when we eat, there is a chemical reaction in the body: I know that when we take drugs, there is a chemical reaction in the body... there is an alteration that happens, and if we eat what makes us ill for any length of time, we end up with disease, and conditions that cannot be easily reversed, if at all. The very same is true with a body chemistry altered by drugs, politely called medications or prescriptions. Psychiatrists are guilty of the sin of poisoning human minds, giving patients needing understanding, compassion, and guidance, the impression that what temporarily tames anxious thoughts and feelings is worthwhile, while NOT warning that the drug they take can become a tyrannical tiger, demanding a life time commitment to somatization. 

Psychic immunity
Somehow it became healthy to pop pills everyday, as though a dose from a plastic bottle with a difficult to remove push down hard and twist even harder lid, will be the anxiety companion to beat all others in the fight against emotions that threaten to kill the faint at heart. If what doesn't kill us makes us stronger emotionally, psychologically, physically and spiritually, than the pills, shots, and witch doctor brews do the opposite, weakening our psychic immunity to the point of capitulation to all things druggy. Psychiatrists legitimized their positions as physicians when they started prescribing medications: they looked out what would fix a malfunction, rather than treating humans as whole beings that deserved a chance to share their heaviness and be heard, rather than drugged to the point of being emotionally dulled. 

The Road Less Travelled
I think of Dr. Scott Peck, and my nose tingles with appreciation for the man he was, and what I learned on the Road Less Travelled. The good doctor was a balm for my troubled soul. He taught me how to chase down my wayward anxious thoughts, hold them captive until they explained themselves, and to be honest about what I was experiencing so that my feelings didn't rule the roost: rather, my conscience and aware mind helped me make my decisions. It is only when I don't take the time to think and feel that I become crazed, somehow discombobulated and disoriented: emotions can be like that, leading us by the proverbial nose. My exposure to Dr. Peck's writings and audio books gave me the idea that thought processes can be directed and focused so that choices are made with an individuals integrity intact. Group consensus is not a real thing, dear reader. When this concept is closely analyzed, you and I can chuckle and smirk, because we know that within our own families, within our own close circle of friends, within our own communities, there has never existed the wonderful animal called group consensus. To be more pointed and bring us back to why I am writing and you are reading this blog, if "no two snowflakes are alike", why in God's name, would we ever believe, that a one size fits all shot or two in the arm, would suit every human on the planet? Going back further, why would the same antidepressant drugs, or antipsychotic drugs, be prescribed to the tune of 54 million doses in the year 2011, to people of all shapes, sizes, ethnicities... 

The Bible instructs
I know God has a relationship with each human being He created. I know that each human being has one with Him too, whether or not they want to acknowledge this truth. The worldly would have us believe that God doesn't exist, and that if He does, He doesn't care. God would have us know Him, and the Bible instructs:

And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God (Romans 12:2)

Dear reader, I am not a doctor, nor am I giving you medical advise. In fact, if I were a doctor, I would be very nervous giving medical advice, given what has transpired in the past couple of years and counting... What I am is a faith filled Christian, that wants the very best for you. I am not suggesting you stop taking whatever it is you take, I am suggesting you ask some questions, like:

❓Why am I taking these drugs?
❓How long have I been on them?
❓How long will I be on them?
❓Do I have to take them?
❓What does the research indicate about long term effects?
❓What can I do to take care of my emotional, psychological, physical and spiritual well-being, that does not involve popping a pill? 
❓Is anxiety my constant companion? If so;
❓Who can I talk to to help me work things out?
❓Who do I trust to direct me to help?

The questions above can be a starting point, after prayer of course! The Great Physician designed you little one: He knows you, sees you in your pain, anguish, loneliness and sorrow. If you know and love Him, you can hear His voice. He is the healing balm, the salve for injured souls, and He is waiting for you to call on Him for help. Go to Him before you consider going to the world for solutions. When you call on Him first, and listen closely to His prescription, you will discover resources that are available to you that you didn't even know existed! 

But I am poor and needy; yet the Lord thinketh upon me: thou are my help and my deliverer; make no tarrying, O my God (Psalm 40:17)

With God by your side, your anxious companion will have to skedaddle! Send that worthless clinger on packing, inviting peace into your soul. 

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Co-v-id the Global Grifter

🥸 In the land of make believe, we hear things like "During co-v-id." 
🥸 If we had a phantom of imagination haunting us, it would be called co-v-id.
🥸 Believing fabrication takes us to the well oiled lie machine of CV.

Erased and replaced
A time, a place, a space, a people, an individual, being defined this way, is a travesty. Just like the f word, the c word must not be used. Have you observed that it is being erased and replaced, with other concepts, other profanities, to keep the vulgar lies firmly affixed to humans as a threat? 

The profanities, the vulgarities, are illnesses, numerous as the sands of the seas and stars in the skies, they grate in the ears and rub a soul raw when whispered. She/He died of a stroke, a heart attack, cancer, auto immune depleted something or other; or some rare unheard of before disease that somehow is now commonly caught and diagnosed as deadly: this is what we are hearing and observing happening. "They are dropping like flies" is an oft used expression by those of us that understand what the cause of sudden and frequent death is in what should be healthy and strong humans. 

Aftermath blood bath
The truth is "co-v-id" did it, not "during", but in its aftermath blood bath. Co-v-id the grifter sold the world swamp land in Florida at a bargain basement price, cashed in as quickly as it could on the easy prey it sold the lies to, and quietly got up in the middle of the night, after bedding itself comfortably, free of room and board in many a welcoming home, and then slipped away as though it never were. The vile lie has managed to blaster itself onto every soul surface in sight, and we see remnants, the carnage as it remains attached to humans that say things like "During co-v-id", even as it morphs into next. 

Real threat
Next, dear reader, is the suddenness of here today, gone today, or tomorrow, as fear of death soaks into consciousness as a real threat, a real outcome for believing in make believe, for allowing a phantom to dictate and decide, and for accepting fabrication as fact. Our trajectory is tragic as a human race, dear one. We are pathetically inclined to self-delusion and the evidence of this truth is verifiable, as the predictable outcomes of "co-v-id" acceptance, are now on full and ugly, heart wrenching display. The injected are becoming dejected, loosing the strength of their convictions as they suffer after-shot-shock from being poisoned. For some, the suffering is in witnessing others around them taking ill in strange and never before heard of ways. Nature is not taking its course in killing people, since people have always "died" and always will. No no, that is not what is happening... 

C  stands for Con men and women
O  represents a standing Ovation; well done you global grifter
V  is for Victory; you have managed to kill many
I   stands for Intentional; all those well plotted and planned goals worked out
D  is for Dead; the death toll rises, and many a soul has been damned

Quacks like a duck
Last night I had an amazing dinner with a sweet, kind, affectionate friend. She has almost countless relatives, with lots of cousins. They are one by one being pronounced unwell with various ailments and deadly conditions. In a large family it becomes obvious that the previously healthy and thriving, have done something they never have before: to suddenly become ill en masse is strange and surprising, and if it were say, a pan-dem-ic, then wouldn't they all die with the exact same symptoms? I am no epidemiologist, but if it quacks like a duck, and waddles like a duck, and actually is a duck, wouldn't it make sense to come to the conclusion that a duck acts like a duck, and a co-v-id acts like a co-v-id, no matter the "host" body? 

Anyways... and dear one, I never use this dismissive word but in my frustration I do so now, my jaw drops and I stare ever so briefly when someone says "During co-v-id." I would much rather hear them say "During the illegal grotesque imposition on humanity that we have suffered at the hands of murderous grifters that want to steal kill and destroy... " Is that too much to ask? Is it too far a stretch, to have people call what has happened, by its real name? Murder

Since we are here together, I ask you to consider how you use language and what messages you want to convey to listeners. If you see what I see, hear what I hear, know what I know, then you will not refer to the last couple of years and counting in any way other than as a travesty, a wicked oppressive and cruel theft of time and life from an unsuspecting, lonely, vulnerable, and naive populace, that wanted to believe they were doing the right thing because liars told them they were. They were duped, and language has changed in hideous ways as a result; I for one am guarding my tongue and ensuring that I do not double speak, or aid and abet the enemy by using their fabricated soul wounding profanities. 

Deception described
The Bible is known as the book of wisdom. Within its pages deception is described in detail. We have all been deceived in our lives, but the Truth is always and forever available. We can avail ourselves of the Truth, dispelling make-believe, evaporating imaginary phantoms, and busting to pieces fabricated lie machines so that they do not have appealing products for people to buy that will eventually, kill them. We have a role to play day to day, in how language is used and how it shapes our thinking. We must choose wisely, because we, just like the global grifters, have impact:

 - Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof

 - Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers

Global grifters be damned

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

I'm dying - please help me

It was the middle of the night when the calls for help started. Humanity sick and in stupor, gathered in the one place they had been taught would attend to their ills. The emergency waiting room was filled with the disheveled, the down trodden, the soul injured and psychologically broken. They waited their turn and their turn hardly ever came. In the waiting, there was one crying out plaintively, "Nurse, blanket. Nurse, I can't breathe. Someone help me, I'm dying. Help!" These words were shouted followed by bouts of head dropped sleep, as the man sat in a wheelchair he had selected for himself from the vestibule. The double set of sliding doors giving entrance to the waiting room had a mind and will of their own, the inner set going through a ritual of half opened, half closed, three to four times with every sliding open, repeating this rhythm incessantly throughout the night, making ghostly groaning noises that echoed those of a man in agony. The quiet that followed when the doors had shut, was a temporary reprieve to be celebrated, but only for a moment; without fail, something, or someone, would trigger the back and forth action, causing vexation to the soul. 

There were regulars in attendance. In a seven hour span, my son and I became acquainted with Eric, Cowboy, and a vulgar mouthed sweet man that periodically picked up his possessions, taking them with him for an outdoor cigarette break, while he waited to be called to the inner sanctum held under guard by the medical professionals and hired security. Upon his return, he muttered curses, about communism, Ford, Harper, and something about taking your "Smoking sensation" and shoving it somewhere. When I changed seats, and left something behind, he came out of his muttering and said "Miss, you left something", pointing to the item.  Moments before, a waiting room resident had done the very same thing for him, bringing his glasses that had been left behind where he had previously been perched. 

We watched an unconscious man sleeping in the vestibule in a wheelchair, suddenly come alive, making his way from one set of chairs, back to his wheelchair, to another set of chairs, and back again, making good use of the water fountain and the bathroom, and then settling in for more uncomfortable sleep in between. He too managed a smoking break, and when he passed us, I could smell what he had smoked, prior to his waiting room stint. 

Interestingly, there was a resident care taker, cloaked in eclectic garb. Holy Diver was familiar to the staff, and acted like a welcoming committee of one. We were greeted by this man with a walking stick when we entered the driveway to emerge. Later he took up residence in the vestibule in a wheelchair he had appropriated. He was kind and helpful, and he too, made good use of the restroom, taking tiny breaks from his self-appointed job of keeper of the gates. 

Each man had his own quirky personality traits, and ethical approach to others. Eric had a significant stutter, and approached the hideous glass encased work area, wanting to ask questions of the staff. Every few minutes, he made his rounds, to the bathroom, to a seat, to the glassed in area, then outdoors. He was thirsty, and didn't have any money. He told us he couldn't stand the taste of the water from the fountain, and asked us to buy him water, at the price of $3.00 a bottle from a machine, saying how dehydrated he was. He drank the water in seconds flat, thanking us, but also frequently apologizing, as he did with the staff too, for being what many would perceive as an annoyance, interruption, or waste of time. Eric was a sweet young man, that wanted his blood sugar level tested with reassurance that he wasn't in danger of coma, amputation, or other debilitating effects of diabetes. 

Cowboy was given a tuna sandwich by the staff, and all but insisted I take half stating "Oh come on! You have been here for hours. You must be starving." He didn't want to eat in front of me without sharing. In the end, he reached into one of his many pockets, pulling out oversized red socks in a plastic bag. In Cowboy's generosity, he threw them my way, wanting me to have something; wanting me to have a take away token. Cowboy was a bit of an historian too, sharing his knowledge of places that had existed in London, been torn down, and rebuilt into other businesses. He shared a nostalgic feeling, a sense of loss, and wondered out loud "They all closed. I don't understand." He knew all the best places to get cowboy hats, inexpensive or free food, and other necessities. I learned he is sixty-five, his father had been a cruel alcoholic, his mother was sweet but had gotten ill with Alzheimers, one of his bosses had been abusive, and that he had two Tim Hortons sweethearts, I presumed employees he had developed a relationship with. Cowboy was well known by staff and the other ER residents. He was popular, and his kindness made him a likeable fellow. He had a way of chuckling when sharing happy memories, and becoming downcast when relating sad stories. Getting to know these people has left and indelible impression... they are survivors, and they know where to find resources you and I, dear reader, know nothing about. Necessity drives them to do things we might consider deplorable and disgusting: what we the plentiful perceive as beneath us, they see as opportunity. 

I witnessed a well dressed adorable looking young woman place a McDonald's bag in the garbage. Not long after someone fished out an empty bottle from the bag, to capture water from the foundation. I watched another man, the one that declared he was dying, retrieve from the very same bag, a used coffee cup; he too, filled it with fountain water to drink from. He had been refused water by the woman behind the glass that admits sick people to be seen: apparently, not seeing his needs, ignoring his cries, was self-preserving. While the sick wanted to get help and live, the professionals were trying desperately to be kind while coping. The staff are relegated to a personal and communal hell, seeing humanity in these dire straights conditions, day in and helpless day out. I can not imagine working in such a hell hole, acclimated to horrible. 

I did witness human kindness, in subtle and obvious ways, but dear reader, I am very concerned for these humans, working in this environment, and for those going in for help. It is the sickest place I have ever seen, with no reprieve in sight. It is a heart heavy matter to witness humanity suffer so, and realize that I live in an ivory tower. 

After seven patient hours of waiting in emergency, my son had still not been seen, and the wait time posted was 13.5 hours, with no guarantee of examination by a physician (my son is fine, dear reader, thanks for your concern!). We left, and the sleep deprivation, coupled with the tension accumulated in my neck, caused a headache that had me vomiting in the parking lot before my son drove us home. The vomitting continued throughout the day, in my clean, private, en suite bathroom. Between bouts of sickness, I lay in my comfortable bed, holding my head, adjusting to the pain as best I could, with short spans of sleep relief, followed again, by the urge to throw up what wasn't there... only bile, wretched, gut wrenching bile came from somewhere within. Perhaps they too, the ER regulars, have bitter bile to expel. 

I picture them there still, waiting in emerge; the desperate, the lonely, the wounded and in need. Those that the staff try to ignore that keep coming back for more; something, anything, to soothe the sickness. They look in the wrong place, to the wrong people, of course. They will never get what they need in the way of healing from the equally sick souls that hold down the fake fort in hospital. The staff are no better off then the ER usuals, the regulars that frequent the joint. There is only a societally perceived difference between staff and those that go for help but really, dear one, you must go and see for yourself, how humanity can be kind and cruel, all in the very same small intimate space. 

In one small room, people slept in chairs, wheeled and four legged. They slept on floors, drank from a foundation, used the same bathrooms, and politely, for the most part, waited to be called up to the window of approval, to be let in and looked at, by someone, anyone, that could alleviate their pain. The situation is a conglomeration of co-ordinated mess, that somehow works in its extreme dysfunction. This is not good enough, for anyone, dear reader.

Jesus said this to those that have the desire to be His hands and feet:

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me (Matthew 25:40)

The Great Physician is on 24 hour call, and His waiting room is empty because He answers all that call on the name of Jesus. Dear reader this is not a simple matter, where God just comes down and gives a man water and a tuna sandwich. He calls on us to play a role. Luke 12:48 states:

But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.

In this snippet of powerful scripture, we are warned. Not knowing what is happening all around us, gives us a bit of a pass, and we will not be beaten as severely for our transgressions due to our unawareness. Once we KNOW though dear one, we are accountable and must do something according to the power and will of God the Father. We are to be the hands and feet of Jesus on earth, feeding the hungry, tending to His sheep, the lost and the found alike.

"Help me, I have fallen, and I can get up. Will you give me your hand?" This is what we must do, when we see a need we can do something about. I have a plan formulating, with prayer that I do what God calls me to do, without hesitation or procrastination. Love is the greatest medicine in the world, and we are to love others to the feet of Christ. 

Dedication: This is dedicated to the regulars that frequent emergency waiting rooms, hoping for the help they need so desperately. Jesus loves you, and my desire is that you will feel His love from those who are called to be His serving hands and feet: Love in action is spectacular to witness.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Jesus In My Blind Spot

You have a blind spot dear reader. I know, I know, you don't want to read this, believe this, trust it is true. That was my reaction when I read the facts of the matter in a book about lies and truth entitled Vital Lies, Simple Truths --- The Psychology of Self-Deception by Daniel Goleman

Happy little mind
Perhaps you and I learned the same thing when we were being taught to drive, that objects, namely cars, can be hidden from our view in a blind spot where a part of our own vehicle blocks our vision. In my happy little mind I preferred there being this type of blind spot, rather than an actual physiological one that also hints to a psychological blindness too, that impacts my thinking, my judgment, my very being. 

Monkey in the middle
Shattered. My delusion has been hit by a truth hammer. Now I must face the reality yet again, that I am inclined to self-deception: this knowledge is revealed to me by God's majestic design. God's wonderful works can be observed when we attune to Him. As I type I have Daniel Goleman's book to the right of me, and God's Word to the left, and I am the monkey in the middle. Of course God has tremendous humour: in one glance my eyes settle on this heading in the book of Acts: A Vital Church Grows. God's church, His people, can only be vitally alive and growing by making disciples of men, if we are willing to see our own self-deceiving blind spots and the vital lies we maintain, and desire truth telling exponentially more. 

Testing blind spots
So the blind spot, it is a real thing and there is a way to test it. This morning in quick order I alternated between appreciating the explanation, followed by resenting the testing of my own physiological blind spot: in the testing it was proven that indeed, I have one. This left me with a huge life metaphor. I was blind, but now I see... my blind spot?

Here is how it works. I quote directly from the book
 and encourage you to take the test too. 

In physiology, the blind spot is the gap in our field of vision that results from the architecture of the eye. 
     At the back of each eyeball is a point where the optic nerve, which runs to the brain, attaches to the retina. This point lacks the cells that line the rest of the retina to register the light that comes through the lens of the eye. As a result, at this one point in vision there is a gap in the information transmitted to the brain. The blind spot registers nothing. 
     Ordinarily what is missed by the one eye is compensated for by overlapping vision in the other. Thus ordinarily we do not notice our blind spots. But when one eye is closed, the blind spot emerges. To see your blind spot, close your left eye and hold this book at arm's length with your right hand while focusing on the cross. Very slowly, move the book toward you and back again. Somewhere between ten and fifteen inches away the circle will seem to disappear. 

                                 𝗫                                          ⚫️

This works even here dear reader. Did you test your own blind spot? In other words, does the spot in your eye disappear as you move the screen toward you, and away again?

It is of interest to me that the author referred to an x as a cross: it can also be referred to as an alphabetic x. I only realized this as I quoted the test instructions from his book. When we keep our eyes on the cross of Christ the spots in our eyes disappear dear one. If we follow the directions using opposites by closing the right eye, and keeping the open left trained on the ⚫️, the cross disappears. I can't help but think that God the Father truly enjoys adult kids, and young ones too, discovering the fun He has in store for us, each time we learn how truly wonderfully made we are. 

Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. 
No one goes to the Father except through me (John 14:6)

Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed him, 
If you abide in my word, you are my disciples indeed. 
And you shall know the truth, and 
the truth shall make you free (John 8:31-32)

God made us. He gave us blind spots to discover, giving us the opportunity to see them, and when we cannot, He covered that too, with compensated, overlapping vision. In other words, He gives us lots of opportunities to see Him, with both eyes wide open, right closed, left closed, close up or far away. We get to choose blind spots in the form of self-deception but at what cost, and to whom?

I find it outrageously helpful to know that God matches our physiology to His pure and magnificence intellect. I feel inadequate calling God brilliant with words that cannot touch His awesomeness, but one day, I will be speechless before Him, soaking in all that I can see, hear, feel, taste, and adoringly savour with my finger tips. 

Today I see the crosses and dots, the x's in my line of vision. They appear and disappear depending on how honest I want to be with myself, before God. It frightens me ever so slightly when I consider my self-deception, because I know that lies keep me from Truth, so long as I rely on them to lead me in my own blindness. 

I want the LORD Jesus Christ in my blind spot, and apparently, He already is. He set us up with the capability to seek, find, ask, and receive, all in good time. Now I ask you dear one:

Do you want the cross of Christ in your sites? 
 Have you trained your right eye to stay on Him?
What dots and spots impair your vision?

Self-deception is dangerous and puts us in peril. There is an antidote called Truth. All we need do, is willingly see with the eyes of discernment, yet another astounding gift from God Almighty. 

What pray tell, is in your blind spot?