Soulful query
A friend of mine asked me a question recently, "If you had the opportunity to kill Hitler, would you have?" I gave him a quick answer, because it was not the first time I had considered this soulful query. Before I tell you how I responded, I ask you dear reader:
- How would you respond?
- What reasons do you have for your yay or nay response?
- If you are on the fence, and don't know what your answer would be, how come?
Hash out
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God may be trying to tell you something |
Last night I couldn't sleep, for lots of reasons. God and I had some things to hash out, and rest was not mine until after we had resolved some bothersome items on my list of complaints. Top of the list of irritations for me, is how many people are now sick and or dying from shots they have taken that purportedly, will save them from death; ha, this always entertains me so, since Gods invisible signature is the only real one on any death certificate, but I digress...
So me and God, we had a chat, and while I cried out once more for justice, and for Him to take out the wicked infused with nefarious energy, He gently reminded me of my pool and my inclination to save bugs of every kind from drowning, even the beetle, and long spidery legged varieties: I particularly appreciate saving bumble bees, and it always breaks my heart just a little bit, when they float lifeless, and I didn't get to them in time.
Paper thin self
This is when in my one dimensional paper thin self, I recognized God's mercy, His love, His desire to save the wretched and wicked, and how sometimes, when it seems they have soaked their souls for a little too long in their wanton ways, there is still enough life left in them to scoop them out from a watery grave, and save them from themselves. Of course, this metaphor only goes so far, since it is the fire of hell eternal God wants to redeem us from, but alas, I got the point God was middle-of-the-night-making, and it is this:
Each life matters to God, from gnats to human governors, and He majestically holds the keys in His cosmic hands, to the essence and ether of our existence: He alone determines the start and end dates of each life, and then there is this:
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up (2 Peter 3:8-10)
Killing Hitler
Back to my friends question and my answer, about killing Hitler, stopping him in his murderous tracks. My answer is yes, I would have killed him, given the opportunity, and of course, God willing. I do not feel badly in my response, I can only hope that I would have the intestinal fortitude to follow through. I believe divine retribution can and does come from the hands of His faithful ones, those willing to do His bidding, no matter the task. I harken back, to the Old Testament, and the book of Judges, when Deborah the prophetess was the judge of Israel: for the full story, go to Judges 4:1-24.
Deborah & Jael
The Coles notes version here, dear one, is that Deborah as prophetess, knew God would deliver His people, but it would require obedience from each of the players called to perform a role. The honour of killing an enemy of God and His people, went to a woman named Jael. Fear was not a factor for Jael, and when she had the opportunity to eliminate a murderous man, a threat to the Israelites, without hesitation, she executed the task with tent-peg-in-the-temple precision.
I want to be just like Deborah, and Jael: warriors working for God Almighty on behalf of His chosen ones!
What about you, dear reader?
- Who's side are you on? and;
- What are you willing to do in obedience to God Almighty, if and when He calls you to service?
We are beings unto death, and it is in this life, we get to choose God's way, or the highway to hell. Maybe tonight, when you can't sleep, you and He, the Great I AM, can have a little chat about what is what?!
I hope your sleepless night in the presence of God serves you well, dear one. You are awake for a reason, make it count for the Kingdom.
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