Monday, July 26, 2021

Divine Retribution

Soulful query
A friend of mine asked me a question recently, "If you had the opportunity to kill Hitler, would you have?" I gave him a quick answer, because it was not the first time I had considered this soulful query. Before I tell you how I responded, I ask you dear reader:

  • How would you respond?
  • What reasons do you have for your yay or nay response?
  • If you are on the fence, and don't know what your answer would be, how come?
Hash out
            God may be trying to 
              tell you something
Last night I couldn't sleep, for lots of reasons. God and I had some things to hash out, and rest was not mine until after we had resolved some bothersome items on my list of complaints. Top of the list of irritations for me, is how many people are now sick and or dying from shots they have taken that purportedly, will save them from death; ha, this always entertains me so, since Gods invisible signature is the only real one on any death certificate, but I digress... 
So me and God, we had a chat, and while I cried out once more for justice, and for Him to take out the wicked infused with nefarious energy, He gently reminded me of my pool and my inclination to save bugs of every kind from drowning, even the beetle, and long spidery legged varieties: I particularly appreciate saving bumble bees, and it always breaks my heart just a little bit, when they float lifeless, and I didn't get to them in time.

Paper thin self
This is when in my one dimensional paper thin self, I recognized God's mercy, His love, His desire to save the wretched and wicked, and how sometimes, when it seems they have soaked their souls for a little too long in their wanton ways, there is still enough life left in them to scoop them out from a watery grave, and save them from themselves. Of course, this metaphor only goes so far, since it is the fire of hell eternal God wants to redeem us from, but alas, I got the point God was middle-of-the-night-making, and it is this:

Each life matters to God, from gnats to human governors, and He majestically holds the keys in His cosmic hands, to the essence and ether of our existence: He alone determines the start and end dates of each life, and then there is this:

But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up (2 Peter 3:8-10)

Killing Hitler
Back to my friends question and my answer, about killing Hitler, stopping him in his murderous tracks. My answer is yes, I would have killed him, given the opportunity, and of course, God willing. I do not feel badly in my response, I can only hope that I would have the intestinal fortitude to follow through. I believe divine retribution can and does come from the hands of His faithful ones, those willing to do His bidding, no matter the task. I harken back, to the Old Testament, and the book of Judges, when Deborah the prophetess was the judge of Israel: for the full story, go to Judges 4:1-24.

Deborah & Jael
The Coles notes version here, dear one, is that Deborah as prophetess, knew God would deliver His people, but it would require obedience from each of the players called to perform a role. The honour of killing an enemy of God and His people, went to a woman named Jael. Fear was not a factor for Jael, and when she had the opportunity to eliminate a murderous man, a threat to the Israelites, without hesitation, she executed the task with tent-peg-in-the-temple precision. 

I want to be just like Deborah, and Jael: warriors working for God Almighty on behalf of His chosen ones!

What about you, dear reader? 
  • Who's side are you on? and; 
  • What are you willing to do in obedience to God Almighty, if and when He calls you to service?
We are beings unto death, and it is in this life, we get to choose God's way, or the highway to hell. Maybe tonight, when you can't sleep, you and He, the Great I AM, can have a little chat about what is what?!

I hope your sleepless night in the presence of God serves you well, dear one. You are awake for a reason, make it count for the Kingdom. 

Sunday, July 25, 2021


Burnout is real
If you are a nurturing kind of person, you may find yourself in an emotional pickle: while it is better to give than to receive, it may just be time, for you to find a soft place to land, for your own well-being.

What this looks like is different for each of us. I know that I need good food and exercise out in the great outdoors, time to write and be quiet, to recuperate from my peoplie activities. 

What do you need? 

I love people and want to see them healthy and whole, from their thinking to their every heartbeat and breath: this means I might overextend myself when someone is in need, but this doesn't bode well for my own health!

Burnout is real, and overextending yourself may show up in habits that can hurt you, and the people you care about: in overeating, under exercising, sleeplessness, agitation and perhaps some interpersonal irritation. Taking time to rest in ways that serve you best, can fix what ails you. Nurturing yourself is what you need, and perhaps some coaching on boundaries too?

I am a quick text, phone call or email away to set up your first coaching session!


Linda Grace Byers 

Saturday, July 17, 2021


Compromised integrity 
They fell for it; the medical community I mean. In droves, doctors, nurses and pharmacists all over the world, fell headlong into the snare set for them by satan and his in-the-flesh workers of iniquity. They gave and got the shots that are sin soaked, with the blood of the innocent, while the poison pushers collected cash for the actualizing of plans they implemented as a horde of humans that hate their fellow man. 

Many doctors have compromised their integrity, but worse than this, they have endangered patients, misusing the trust placed in them, and unwittingly have become accomplices to maiming and murdering those they advised to take lethal injections. 

First hand knowledge 
What is in this syringe?
I read a heart rending cry for help from a woman that reported severe adverse reactions to the shot that has left her in constant agony with no relief in sight. She went to her doctor and shared what she was experiencing and he suggested she see a different doctor; he told her the shot was safe, and he recommended she take the second one, while dismissing her symptoms, just before walking out of the examination room. She was confused and bereft, unsure why she had been treated with such disregard. This is the topic of my blog: the doctors disregard

NOTE: I am not here to share the details of Vanessas story, because hers is not unique, and you, dear reader, can look up information readily on this topic: I am also confident in saying, that you or someone you love, may very well be severely injured too? following injection(s) of these pushed on us poison shot(s). Anecdotal evidence becomes far more believable, when we or someone we love is suffering. My hope is this serves as a warning for those that are considering a first or second shot: please, I beg of you, do not do this! 

Doctors care(lessness)

Here is my assessment of the situation:
  • Doctors have taken the shot(s)
  • Doctors have recommended the shot(s) to patients
  • Doctors have recommended the shot(s) to family and friends
  • Doctors are seeing people suffering, and they are stunned, stupefied and scared
  • Doctors are fearing for their livelihood, their lives, and the lives of those that trusted them
  • Doctors fear malpractice suits
  • Doctors fear a paper trail that clearly establishes them having crossed demarcation lines ethically, morally, professionally, and physically, by bullying, imposing, suggesting, recommending and talking people, many many people, into taking these shot(s) while getting paid to do so
I suspect, that if a doctor has committed these recent heinous and mercenary acts, that this was not their first time making money off of the patients they profess to care about. Drugs and tests rather than healthy eating and exercise, have been the mainstay suggestions from doctors to patients, ensuring a continuous cycle of checkups, and remittance to bank accounts everywhere, for physicians and pharmacists alike. 

Every corner drug stores
There are drug stores on every corner, and there used to be almost as many walk-in clinics as coffee shops: now getting care for simple or serious real life issues, is near impossible, since the government is ensuring that it is easier to ignore a potentially life threatening symptom, than to go to urgent care, be turned away, or wait in emergency, and not be looked at for hours on end. Dying at home just might be preferable, to waiting in a room full of hurting people that may not be seen, despite their time invested in patiently waiting their turn. 

Back to the doctors

You know who you are 
If you happen to be reading this, and you are a physician that has peddled poison to your patients, you need to come clean before God and man. You have committed a culpable act in your haste to comply with wickedness. You violated real people, prior to investigating what was in the vile vials. You are guilty, and your hands are blood soaked, dripping and potentially permanently stained. 

For shame, for shame that you have sold your soul to the lowest bidder, suggesting satans serum to people that trusted you with their physical well-being. You are no better than a common on-the-corner drug pusher: getting paid to pollute the perfection of Gods creation. REPENT

YOU ARE A CRIMINAL in the eyes of God and man

Innocent blood
For all that have played a role in continuing this farce, this second greatest hoax perpetuated against man, you too are culpable and accountable. There is innocent blood on your hands, and it will coat you in the most sickening ways, if you do not stop the self-deception and the public pandering and pretending, that what we have gone through has been anything other than a catastrophic psychologically bent game played by the masterminds that think toying with lives, and having the power over life and death, is an acceptable form of entertainment. They are playing the game of Crimes Against Humanity, and they like it... 

Opportunity time
Now is your chance dear reader, to stop the nonsense. You have an opportunity to break free from the grim reapers grip by being a truth teller. The doctors have been careless, disregarding the health and welfare of their patients, their friends, their families, their colleagues, in favour of a lie that has caused massive suffering and destruction of lives, and potentially the elimination of future generations for some families. 

You get to choose, using common sense, deductive reasoning, and most valuably, praying to God for guidance with some confessing of sins, and a whole lot of repenting, if you have played a role in the demonic scheme we have all lived through. God is merciful and He will forgive you if you REPENT

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). 

Saturday, July 10, 2021


Brian and his dog covered
a lot of ground
Fast pace
There is a man that I noticed years ago, walking the sidewalks in my neighbourhood. His was a fast pace, and his harnessed companion easily kept up.

One day, I had the opportunity to speak with the man, and I learned his name is Brian. The next time I saw him, I called out, "Hey Brian" and he replied, "Linda, is that you?". 

Walking companions
Over the years, I marvelled at Brian: I learned from someone that knew a bit about him, that he was a computer wiz of some sort, working at the University of Western Ontario. Brian covered a lot of ground, and he had many walking companions over the years: I can recall three. The last time I saw Brian, I witnessed something that made me cry in anguish for him, and the memory plays out in my mind every once in a while, causing me some grief yet again. Today was one of those days...

I went for a walk this morning, and saw some young men setting up for window cleaning. The vehicle they arrived in had ladders attached, one on each side, and while the car was in the driveway, the ladders were partially extended over the sidewalk. Unbidden, as memories are prone to do, my last remembrance of Brian appeared and played behind my eyes.  

Great stride
Brian has a great stride, and as I said above, he covers a lot of ground in a short period of time, and with great confidence. I am wincing in the knowing, and the recalling, that with that athletic pace, running into something sight unseen, would be painful and jarring upon contact. 

And that is exactly what occurred. While Brians German shepherd guide dog saw a clear walking path ahead, he did not see the overhanging item attached to a truck parked in a driveway, at head and shoulder height for Brian. Brian walked hard and fast, directly into that overhanging object, and enraged, he growled in frustration, hitting the truck with his left hand. This vignette has left a permanent mark on my memory... in my admiration all the previous years for Brian, I just did not image him being encumbered; my naïveté dissolved in that moment, and I considered all the times Brian walked into things, because someone, perhaps someone like me? left an item that could harm or hinder him, directly in his path?

I kept walking
Today, I walked past that vehicle with the overhanging ladders: I knew the hired workers were going to take them off soon, to use them to clean second floor windows. I kept walking, and the further I got, the more I considered going back; I talked myself in and out of saying something to them.
  • What would you do, dear reader?
Spun the other way
I stopped, turned back in the direction of the window cleaners, then called myself silly, spun the other way and resumed my walk. After a few tentative steps,  I stopped again, but this time, when I turned toward where I had come from, I ran to those fellas, that house, that parked vehicle with overhanging ladders that threatened to injure someone that can not see... 

And I told them: I told them about Brian, and how I couldn't live with myself if I didn't warn them...

Those with eyes to see
I think about you, and me dear one, and our responsibility to one another. The blind are leading the blind, while those with eyes to see, have been positioned to speak, to warn, to shout if necessary, DANGER, DANGER, harmful and potentially deadly object just ahead. 

The Good Shepherd
God is the Good Shepherd, the overseer of our souls:

For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls

Consider grace
When I think of narrow misses, easy getaways gone unnoticed, I consider grace, and Gods mercy. How angels step in, sight unseen, when we are in peril. My own life, and yours too? are a series of blunders that did happen, and yet somehow, more often than not, they were escapes that we knew not of. 

Am I my brothers keeper? Yes, I think I am, in some ways. While I cannot and will not impose myself on another, I will consider what impact my choices to speak or not speak, have on those that trust that someone is looking out for them when they are extra vulnerable, and simply want to enjoy a power walk with their most loyal and trust worthy companion. 

And isn't that you, and me? Don't we each, want to walk freely, unencumbered, and arrive home refreshed and ready to face tomorrow fearlessly, yet again? 

I think of Brian, and the Good Shepherd... God forever by his side, with every sidewalk eating stride. 

And the LORD, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed (Deuteronomy 31:8). 

Monday, July 5, 2021


Mistakes... we've all made em

Mistakes are one of those givens in life: we humans make them all the time. Sometimes, what we are told is a mistake, is actually the best choice we have ever made! More on that later; let's discuss what mistakes look like first.

Mistakes have relatives

  • Mistakes usually have relatives, little cling-on-consequences that make your life hellish and unbearable at times 
  • Mistakes like company, and tend toward patterns, as in, you keep repeating the same words and actions that cause you some trauma, and more than a little drama too

In other words, mistakes are choices you and I have made, that can be pointed at as the beginning point for the unfortunate circumstances we may now have to live with... but not forever

I mentioned above that sometimes what others perceive as a mistake may have been the best choice you or I have ever made. There is room, after we say or do something that probably was detrimental at the time, to turn a situation around, and have the lesson learned in the suffering, become a foundational pillar we stand on to become more purposeful in our work and intimate relationships. 

The turn around is up to you... and me as your coach and pattern busting confidante 

Call me, text, email... book your sample coaching session today! 
Or recommend me to a friend or relative in need


Linda Grace Byers

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).