Saturday, June 19, 2021

Murky Bottom

Murky Bottom

I just can't see the bottom of the deep end... this is what I said to God this morning.

Testing chemicals
I have a swimming pool, and recently, I managed to do some things right, because I could finally see the bottom of the shallow end. Before you start problem solving, and making up in-your-mind suggestions as solutions to my dilemma, I want you to know, I have tried everything, from testing chemicals, adding what was missing, asking professionals and taking their advice, adding clarifier... yup, I have tried it all, and seeing to the bottom of the deep end is still murky business, which brings me to my writing topic. 

Transitionary moment
While I was telling God I just wanted to see the bottom of my pool, I had a transitionary moment of looking up, to a blue sky spotted with white clouds. Everything around me is bathing in light as I write, and the sharpness of the lines and colours helps me clarify my thinking... God is the great definer, refiner, clarifier, solvent and solution to what is murky and lurky, and muddled.

Prized creation
Try as I might, I cannot see to the end, the bottom, the conclusion of what is happening in this world. I am a thinker and I want to think my way to a logical result that will make sense, and will aid me in the instructions I must follow to make murky go away. Alas, God gave me the metaphor of my pool to teach me that I am to trust in Him, and not lean on my own understanding for what the near future holds as we live with tyranny and travesty, witnessing men and women mocking God by destroying His most prized creation and possession, human beings. 

God sees all; trust in Him
Delusion is not new, it is the murkiness of the soul, the soul that would prefer their own version of the truth in direct opposition to Gods inalterable truth: 

  • He is God and you and I are not 
  • Truth is immutable, indestructible 
  • Regardless of our desires to convolute or corrupt it, truth will not comply or bend to our wishes 
I know this: God sees the murkiness of the soul. God wants nothing but clarity for each one of us, and we can partner with Him and bask in His defining refining light, or suffer the consequences of self-indulgent delusions that result in our ultimate demise and potential eternal separation from God. 

Repentance is the ultimate solution to delusion... and in the end, when we get to the bottom of things, we will know why God kept us from seeing all the details

For now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; but then shall I know, even as also I am known (1 Corinthians 13:12).

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