Almost Persuaded
Often times, we need a little persuading, to move us from where we are to where we want to go
Often times, we need a little encouragement too, because going "it" alone, can be a daunting prospect
Trouble Shooting
Before we can be persuaded and encouraged, some trouble shooting might be in order. There are things and stuff and nonsense that get in our travelling way, and moving the pebbles, stones and boulders, and even shifting some of that underneath sand, may be required to continue on the path of fulfilling our purpose... and make no mistake, you were created on, and for a purpose!
- What is your purpose?
- What will persuade you to live according to the purposeful plan designed just for you?
- What encouragement do you need to get you from where you are, and living where you want to be?
It all sounds so esoteric and mystical, and it truly is, until of course, you take ACTION!
You get to think and daydream and wonder and imagine, and then, you can get down to the business of ACTIVATION...
You and me, we can do this together, client and coach. How very exciting for both of us
I look forward to hearing from you, or perhaps a friend or family member that needs to be ACTIVATED!
Linda Grace Byers
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10)
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