Friday, June 11, 2021

I Agree

I Agree
  • What do you agree to?
  • Do you agree to disagree?
  • What, exactly, does that mean?
These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that sowth discord among brethren (Proverbs 6:16-19)

I am afraid
I am afraid we have fallen into a deadly trap, set by those that live for their earthly god: the one that bids them to be proud of themselves, as they:
  • lie
  • shed innocent blood
  • devise wicked plans
  • run swiftly to cause trouble
  • falsely accuse the innocent 
  • and instigate discord among brethren
I am old enough to remember this admonishment: before you sign anything, read the small print! This was, and still is, most excellent advice, and yet, I don't, read the small print that is, and perhaps you are guilty of the same?

I am thinking of the many applications I have on my phone, and even the site I am currently using for this piece of writing. If I want to use someone else's property, whether material or intellectual, I must agree to their terms, or do without. Seems reasonable really... and reminds me of the kid with the ball in the playground that makes up the rules, even when they are unfair: my ball, my rules, or bugger off!

The boy with the toy calls the shots, at least, that is how it is when dealing with a bully?! 

Try as we might, negotiating with a bully is impossible (unless of course, they are struck with a sudden and rare bout of conscience). The bully believes in his own self-indulgence and the person on the other side of the table, or playground, simply cannot convince him that fair means everyone wins, everyone gets to have a say, and that rules are meant to ensure each party comes away from the experience with a sense of well-being. Bullies don't care bout fair, they care about control.

I asked you some questions above: they are important ones that you must consider. The rules that others want you and I to follow aren't the ones that God commands. We have unwittingly, agreed over and over again to the demands of others, to the point that it feels as though we have not the option, let alone the power, to say no. I am thinking of the current lies repeated ad nauseam by the big bullies that want to rule the world:
  • you must get shot(s)
  • it is ok to have aborted baby parts injected into your body
  • mixing and mingling the TWO sexes to homogenize them is acceptable
  • rushing people to injury or death to protect everyone makes sense
  • accusing the healthy as a cause for injury and potential death to the infirm is science
  • instructing family to coerce family to comply... oh boy, this one is NASTY
What part(s) of the above do you agree to?

Dear one, my second question from above: do you agree to disagree?

And lastly, what does that mean?
  • I have observed, that those that have taken the shot(s), have agreed to them because they believed the lies
  • I have observed, that many of those that have taken the shot(s), knew what was in them
  • I have observed, that those that have taken the shot(s), decided this life was the one that they preferred to cling to, rather than trust in the One that made them, and the life that God has planned for them
Dear reader, I don't agree to disagree, and I find this inclination to wishy washiness embarrassing, especially given the current climate and culturally contemptible community we now find ourselves in. Taking a stand on what is good and right, pure, healthy and wholesome for everyone, makes far more sense to me, than to suggest, on the one hand that we all must choose based on what is right for us, while being told that there is only one right thing to do... this is good for you... 

No is a very big deal. No stops the flow, the push, the backing us into a corner by the bully. Think now, about travel: the lie that has been told, sold and swallowed, at the expense of the purchaser, is the ticket to ride. 

Since you and I, the lowly, do not own planes, airports, gas stations, and we have become accustomed to agreeing to the terms others put before us prior to buying a pass to travel, we have falsely bought the lie, that we must comply: get shot(s) for a sickness that was manufactured to manipulate man in order to go anywhere we want again... 

Dear one, the wickedly influenced may currently run the show, but God Almighty OWNS the airways! Get OUT of the trap set for you, and trust in HIM, and HIS plans! Wait on HIM... 

It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man (Psalm 118:8).


Wait for the LORD and keep his way, and he will exalt you to inherit the land; you will look on when the wicked are cut off... (Psalm 37:34). 


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