Saturday, June 26, 2021

You Fascinate Me

You fascinate me

I have been watching you, sometimes up close, sometimes from a distance. I never know what you are going to say or do next. You fascinate me. The other day, I heard you chuckle. When I looked up, there was a twinkle in your eye and it melted my heart. We were so close, I could feel you leaning in, shoulder to shoulder. You said something funny and we both stopped for a breathless moment, knowing there was brilliance in your words and then it started, the laughter, and it seemed it would never end.


I can feel you looking at me

You had to go, or was it me? One of us slipped away and I only started missing you when I realized, I feel so alone? I look for you and catch glimpses of you over there, just past that... I can feel you looking at me, inviting me to find you but you feel so far away, just out of grasp. You evade or did I just stop looking for you, trying to find you? I feel you, you are present and yet...


Love runs deep and cuts even deeper

I did not know

I did not know that love runs deep and cuts even deeper

I did not know

I did not know what dying felt like or what rebirth meant

I did not know

I did not know
In my dreams I look
but cannot find you
I did not know that the heart could long to the point of breaking, and can feel sutures as they artfully mend. I did not know that you and me and they are so connected: when one of us breaks, when one of us slips or walks away, we all fall down, we all feel the loss, we all look for and long for and miss and and...we seek in order to find, to retrieve, to restore and it is akin to a driving force that cannot be denied.


The twinkle dimmed

You had to go, or was that me? The light fades, dimming so that I squint to see. I cannot see the twinkle in your eye, it too has dimmed. I look for it and wonder, where did it go? We used to lean in and I can still feel you, brushing against me, a phantom memory, a used to be. A could have been. A moment spent and gone. What was is no more and this has always been.

I see you, from a distance...

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Casualties of War and Hedonism

The inoculated
I wept bitterly last night, over the casualties, those that have willingly crossed the line that put them in harms way, into enemy territory.

They are the inoculated, those that have taken a deadly poison into their bodies under the guise of health. Some have not been tricked in this way: many of them don't believe the injection protects or prevents anything, accept of course, access to pleasure... they have fallen for one of Satans oldest tricks and temptations:

Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendour."All this I will give you," he said, "if you will bow down and worship me." (Matthew 4:8).  

Bend itself
I know we are in a spiritual battle, and yet, I have been struggling with understanding how the mind can bend itself in the direction of depravity to the point of being so debased, it no longer has the ability to recalibrate to truth, despite logical arguments and debating points presented. Get bent, an expression used to tell people to shove off, is now an everyday event... people are hell bent on their own destruction.

God and God alone
I have come to the conclusion, that since the flesh is demanding, it is reliance on God and God alone, that helps us navigate the rough rapid waters that the devil attempts to throw us into without a raft: I say this because I am recognizing how grievous this past year and a half has been, as I watch one professing Christian after the next, handing their lives over to worldly leaders that took liberties and stole freedom, only to promise its return with the compliance of those they subjugate. I have lost many a friend in this battle, and consider them casualties of spiritual war... this saddens me greatly, especially when I recall how much we shared, physically, emotionally, and spiritually:

It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man (Psalm 118:8). 

Hedonist in them
Satan is the deceiver, and the first thing Christians must learn and grasp hold of all the days of their lives, is what bluff looks and sounds like... alas, many lie to themselves, making it much easier for them to be susceptible and gullible when toyed with by the master of deception. Just threaten a persons basic needs, couple that with their desires for entertainment and pleasure, and voila, the hedonist in them will not be able to cope with someone suggesting they can't have what they want, when they want it, and in the quantity they require for satisfaction. 

Physical freedom of choice
While the devil attempts to coerce, we remain at choice: and yet, those that would cling to creature comforts, including food, shelter, travel, and acceptance in a society that has turned almost completely anti-christ, have willingly given up their physical freedom of choice by trusting in, believing in, diving in, to the lies of the evil one: they subject themselves willingly to those he employs as human foot and mouth soldiers, doing his bidding. The shot, jab, injection, that so many have taken into their bodies, is a statement of belief, making them casualties of the war for souls... they are booty for the devil. They believe they can have their life back but alas, they deny the Giver of life, when they say yes to the destroyer:

Behold, the LORD's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save, or his ear dull, that it cannot hear; but your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear (Isaiah 59:1-2). 

God knows
God is mighty to save
While we were created in the image of God, we fall short of His glory, because we just can't seem to get over ourselves. Little people with tiny minds we are, not seeing past the ends of our own noses... living for today is what has gotten us into this massive mess of degradation: trusting in the God of eternity is the only thing that will get us out of here safely. So here is my suggestion, if you have taken that poison shot and you suspect that you have made a grievous error: read scripture and pray to God! Here is a sampling for your soul:

In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead (Acts 17:30-31).

God is merciful and forgiving, He is long-suffering and wants none to be lost, including you. Go to Him, on your knees, beg for forgiveness and praise Him for the love He showed by giving His only Son as a living sacrifice for our sins and soul salvation. 

Go to Him now... call on the LORD

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Murky Bottom

Murky Bottom

I just can't see the bottom of the deep end... this is what I said to God this morning.

Testing chemicals
I have a swimming pool, and recently, I managed to do some things right, because I could finally see the bottom of the shallow end. Before you start problem solving, and making up in-your-mind suggestions as solutions to my dilemma, I want you to know, I have tried everything, from testing chemicals, adding what was missing, asking professionals and taking their advice, adding clarifier... yup, I have tried it all, and seeing to the bottom of the deep end is still murky business, which brings me to my writing topic. 

Transitionary moment
While I was telling God I just wanted to see the bottom of my pool, I had a transitionary moment of looking up, to a blue sky spotted with white clouds. Everything around me is bathing in light as I write, and the sharpness of the lines and colours helps me clarify my thinking... God is the great definer, refiner, clarifier, solvent and solution to what is murky and lurky, and muddled.

Prized creation
Try as I might, I cannot see to the end, the bottom, the conclusion of what is happening in this world. I am a thinker and I want to think my way to a logical result that will make sense, and will aid me in the instructions I must follow to make murky go away. Alas, God gave me the metaphor of my pool to teach me that I am to trust in Him, and not lean on my own understanding for what the near future holds as we live with tyranny and travesty, witnessing men and women mocking God by destroying His most prized creation and possession, human beings. 

God sees all; trust in Him
Delusion is not new, it is the murkiness of the soul, the soul that would prefer their own version of the truth in direct opposition to Gods inalterable truth: 

  • He is God and you and I are not 
  • Truth is immutable, indestructible 
  • Regardless of our desires to convolute or corrupt it, truth will not comply or bend to our wishes 
I know this: God sees the murkiness of the soul. God wants nothing but clarity for each one of us, and we can partner with Him and bask in His defining refining light, or suffer the consequences of self-indulgent delusions that result in our ultimate demise and potential eternal separation from God. 

Repentance is the ultimate solution to delusion... and in the end, when we get to the bottom of things, we will know why God kept us from seeing all the details

For now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; but then shall I know, even as also I am known (1 Corinthians 13:12).

Monday, June 14, 2021

Almost Persuaded

Almost Persuaded

Often times, we need a little persuading, to move us from where we are to where we want to go
Often times, we need a little encouragement too, because going "it" alone, can be a daunting prospect

Trouble Shooting
Before we can be persuaded and encouraged, some trouble shooting might be in order. There are things and stuff and nonsense that get in our travelling way, and moving the pebbles, stones and boulders, and even shifting some of that underneath sand, may be required to continue on the path of fulfilling our purpose... and make no mistake, you were created on, and for a purpose!

  • What is your purpose?
  • What will persuade you to live according to the purposeful plan designed just for you?
  • What encouragement do you need to get you from where you are, and living where you want to be?
It all sounds so esoteric and mystical, and it truly is, until of course, you take ACTION!

You get to think and daydream and wonder and imagine, and then, you can get down to the business of ACTIVATION...

You and me, we can do this together, client and coach. How very exciting for both of us

I look forward to hearing from you, or perhaps a friend or family member that needs to be ACTIVATED!


Linda Grace Byers

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them (Ephesians 2:10)

Friday, June 11, 2021

I Agree

I Agree
  • What do you agree to?
  • Do you agree to disagree?
  • What, exactly, does that mean?
These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that sowth discord among brethren (Proverbs 6:16-19)

I am afraid
I am afraid we have fallen into a deadly trap, set by those that live for their earthly god: the one that bids them to be proud of themselves, as they:
  • lie
  • shed innocent blood
  • devise wicked plans
  • run swiftly to cause trouble
  • falsely accuse the innocent 
  • and instigate discord among brethren
I am old enough to remember this admonishment: before you sign anything, read the small print! This was, and still is, most excellent advice, and yet, I don't, read the small print that is, and perhaps you are guilty of the same?

I am thinking of the many applications I have on my phone, and even the site I am currently using for this piece of writing. If I want to use someone else's property, whether material or intellectual, I must agree to their terms, or do without. Seems reasonable really... and reminds me of the kid with the ball in the playground that makes up the rules, even when they are unfair: my ball, my rules, or bugger off!

The boy with the toy calls the shots, at least, that is how it is when dealing with a bully?! 

Try as we might, negotiating with a bully is impossible (unless of course, they are struck with a sudden and rare bout of conscience). The bully believes in his own self-indulgence and the person on the other side of the table, or playground, simply cannot convince him that fair means everyone wins, everyone gets to have a say, and that rules are meant to ensure each party comes away from the experience with a sense of well-being. Bullies don't care bout fair, they care about control.

I asked you some questions above: they are important ones that you must consider. The rules that others want you and I to follow aren't the ones that God commands. We have unwittingly, agreed over and over again to the demands of others, to the point that it feels as though we have not the option, let alone the power, to say no. I am thinking of the current lies repeated ad nauseam by the big bullies that want to rule the world:
  • you must get shot(s)
  • it is ok to have aborted baby parts injected into your body
  • mixing and mingling the TWO sexes to homogenize them is acceptable
  • rushing people to injury or death to protect everyone makes sense
  • accusing the healthy as a cause for injury and potential death to the infirm is science
  • instructing family to coerce family to comply... oh boy, this one is NASTY
What part(s) of the above do you agree to?

Dear one, my second question from above: do you agree to disagree?

And lastly, what does that mean?
  • I have observed, that those that have taken the shot(s), have agreed to them because they believed the lies
  • I have observed, that many of those that have taken the shot(s), knew what was in them
  • I have observed, that those that have taken the shot(s), decided this life was the one that they preferred to cling to, rather than trust in the One that made them, and the life that God has planned for them
Dear reader, I don't agree to disagree, and I find this inclination to wishy washiness embarrassing, especially given the current climate and culturally contemptible community we now find ourselves in. Taking a stand on what is good and right, pure, healthy and wholesome for everyone, makes far more sense to me, than to suggest, on the one hand that we all must choose based on what is right for us, while being told that there is only one right thing to do... this is good for you... 

No is a very big deal. No stops the flow, the push, the backing us into a corner by the bully. Think now, about travel: the lie that has been told, sold and swallowed, at the expense of the purchaser, is the ticket to ride. 

Since you and I, the lowly, do not own planes, airports, gas stations, and we have become accustomed to agreeing to the terms others put before us prior to buying a pass to travel, we have falsely bought the lie, that we must comply: get shot(s) for a sickness that was manufactured to manipulate man in order to go anywhere we want again... 

Dear one, the wickedly influenced may currently run the show, but God Almighty OWNS the airways! Get OUT of the trap set for you, and trust in HIM, and HIS plans! Wait on HIM... 

It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man (Psalm 118:8).


Wait for the LORD and keep his way, and he will exalt you to inherit the land; you will look on when the wicked are cut off... (Psalm 37:34). 


Monday, June 7, 2021

Fidelity & Integrity Newsletter #7

When I was a child, I watched a lot of television. Mixed in with programming, was another kind of programming, otherwise known as commercials. Everyone was selling something, and high fidelity stereo systems were promoted regularly.

Sound of fidelity
One definition of fidelity is: the degree of exactness with which something is copied or reproduced. Music to the ears brings a whole bunch of soundness to the soul. High fidelity is an elevated degree of reproduced feeling expressed through sound. 

Another definition of fidelity: faithfulness to a person, cause , or belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support. This form of fidelity expresses exactness too. In fidelity, there is excellence, and a commitment to high standards. 

Now, we get to look at ourselves, and the combination of Fidelity & Integrity!
  • Your soul searches for soundness 
  • Your soul desires an elevated degree of faithfulness to what is most valuable to you 
  • You want excellence, and in your search you will find 
Integrity is what you desire, and one definition of integrity is: the condition of being unified or sound in construction. We have returned to sound...

Coaching is forever and always about being sound in your mind, your heart, your body, your soul. Is this not what you crave must?

Book your half hour sample coaching session, to establish a happy hum in your life 

I look forward to your call..... hmmmmmmmmm

Oh come, let us sing to the LORD; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! 
(Psalm 95:1)

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Free Fall

Free Fall

Oh boy, I have tried to approach this piece of writing from a couple of different angles. I am often frank with my sharing, but today, I have some reticence kicking in that suggests I tread lightly: I just can't do it though, I can do no-thing with it except state the obvious in an unabashed fashion. 

The Spirit of God

You know what is going on, I suspect? We all feel it, why, even an imbecile is aware that while we are being constrained, we also feel this undeniable weightiness, like nothing will ever be the same again. And in this collective consciousness is a knowing, that we are right. The Holy Spirit of God, has had enough of the human race, and He is withdrawing His constraint, and his protective hovering hand over us. We are now, in a free for all fall. 

The free for all fall

In our world we have born witness to wickedness. This is not a surprise; humans can be a nasty greedy selfish lot of mongrels. Unbecoming really, to see creatures stampeding and head stomping their way in the opposite direction of their Creator. Again, this is not surprising, because it was all professed, proclaim, predicted to happen as it is happening, right before our eyes. The free for all fall has snapped us out of the spell of stupor, and now are are paying a little more attention. 

Everything, all of it, your history and mine, is predicated on this one statement from God, made to man prior to his fallen from grace state: 

But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die (Genesis 2:17). 

and then, there is this:

And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die... (Genesis 3:4)


Who are we to believe? When I look around me, there is literally in my face, or should I say, on the face evidence, that people actually believe, Ye shall not surely die... The idea that we can escape or cheat death is ludicrous: death doesn't ask your permission, and it can find you in your living room while you snack on chips watching Jeopardy on TV. The self deceptive part of many peoples thinking, is that they have time, that nothing has happened to them yet, so they can go into a fugue state about their eventual dead as a doorknob funeral state. Death is a surety for all, and you have no business counting your days, because they are already numbered: God didn't consult with you for your approval on your pink slip expiry date. 

The great difference

If we look at the messengers, a disparity immediately presents itself. The great difference between Gods custodial command and the serpents slithery suggestion, is love. Both had a working knowledge of the impact evil has on those that choose to disobey The Creator. We have benevolence vs malevolence, good vs evil, foreshadowing verses found in Genesis, the book dedicated to mankind's understanding of our in the beginning stages of life as Gods creatures. 

Blocked out the sun

I remember the first time I entered my house, the one I have lived in for nearly 20 years. For many reasons, it was ideal, a godsend, to have the opportunity to purchase it with my family and make it our home. The backyard had a newly installed in-ground pool, with all the bells and whistles of poolish splendour one would want; we even have a gazebo, making our backyard enviable, giving us a resort like feeling when we entertain there. While all this sounds wonderful, there were some things that needed to be addressed. The fence, on all three sides, was tree lined. Some of the trees were brushing the skies, and they blocked out the sun. There was also ivy climbing and weaving in and out, over and under and through every square inch of those fences. The ivy had to go, because it was taking over the world from the looks of it: believe me when I tell you, it was a rascal to eradicate. 

Roots remain

The thing is, we pulled all of the ivy off and down and out, but it kept showing up. Years of underground roots had established themselves and they weren't going without a fight. All the trees were cut down too, but alas, some of the trunks, while cut to the quick, still remain, albeit rotting now. All these years later, there is evidence of what used to be sky scraping trees and overgrown bushes. 

Moral of the story

What am I driving at; what is the moral of this story, you ask? It is this:

What we plant, when it takes root, becomes something we might have to cut out at root level, and sometimes, digging deep is required to eliminate the offensive thing that wants to take over our world. Much has changed for me since first moving into this house all those years ago, and in the last four plus years, I have noticed when I spot and tug at a root from the past, it yields readily to my increased strength. 

The company we keep

Dear one... the company we keep, the things we read and are exposed to, they become the trees, bushes, plants, flowers or thistles that can either choke us out, or delight our souls. I leave you with this scriptural guidance and truth: 

Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he mediate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away (Psalm 1:1-4).