Monday, February 5, 2018

A Dart At Your Heart

So here it is, another round of truth telling

Let's just say you don't believe in hell, or heaven for that matter. This becomes a curiosity, a point of study for me in sociological terms. I mean, you are a human living amongst other humans, and when you look all around you, you can see that there are some vile crimes being committed continually. Criminals are routinely sent to prison for their egregious actions, sentenced sometimes for life or in some places in the world, sentenced to death. 

You aren't a criminal, are you dear reader? You haven't say, killed anyone lately or ever, am I right? And when was the last time you raped and pillaged? Never you say? Ok good, no jail time for you... except... did you happen to drink and drive recently, cheat on your taxes or perhaps your spouse, without being "caught"? This is bad but not nearly as bad as murder or assault... right?

You are being baited
I am laying down bait, attempting to entrap you here and now with an apologetic, so if you can't stand a dart being aimed at your conscience, you can dodge this dear one. Move along and we will pretend this never happened.

Consequences for actions
Jail is for criminals and I for one am grateful, when justice is served, and violent men and women are removed from the population for corporate good and safety. I am grateful to the justice fighters, those who risk their lives to guard and protect the vulnerable, this means you and me. And isn't it so, that with laws in place, when someone breaks the law, their are consequences for actions, that there is a price to pay, regardless of whether or not the violator wants to pay? 

You have made mistakes, I don't have to explain consequences to you, do I dear reader? By virtual of being human, we have all made them, and paid for them in one way or another. No one is, as they say, perfect or above reproach. 

Paying the price
Which brings me to my argument, about hell and heaven, about eternity really. This is another point of divergence for you and I, because you may not believe in eternity either. 

Do we part ways here, because we disagree, that there is a life after this flesh and blood one we live? If you are still here, hear me out. Our laws are natural. They make sense. They are orderly. When justice is not served, it is an outrage to our spirit:

And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground (Genesis 4:10) 

God is just
If we as humans want justice, what do you think God wants? Can you trick yourself into believing that you will not have to pay, will not be made to pay, whether you like it or not, dear reader? Hell, jail, they are one and the same because they represent a life gone bad, gone wrong. If you believe in one, is it a stretch to believe in the other? Know this to be true, God is just.

I will not tell you about saving grace, not today. I will point and throw a dart at your heart, held by this human hand. You are a sinner and you will go to hell if you do not repent, because agree or not, like it or not, I reiterate, God is just. 

Ultimately, it does not matter what I write, what you read: what matters is that He decides what your fate will be, and you either help or hurt your case. His is the last dart to throw and it determines where you go, after this, your one and only life. 

Jail is a removal of freedom with a chance at a change of heart. Hell is forever with no chance of escape. Believe, don't believe, it is your choice but the consequences, more than likely, will not be 

We arrive once again, at choice: yours 

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