Monday, February 19, 2018

Emotional Vagrant-Going Nowhere

Being swept up
I have met some emotional vagrants over the years, and been swept up in their whirlwinds. You know the type: they wander with words, aimlessly making sounds that seem to make sense but take you, and them, nowhere. I hate going to nowhere dear reader, it makes me crazy! Here is the thing with whirlwinds, otherwise known as dust devil or tornado: when you get caught up in one, you don't realize you are in there, until you have been spit back out! 

The whirlwind blows into town
Get out of Dodge
Just like an emotional vagabond, the whirlwind blows into town, stirs up the dust and dirt, swipes at the corners and roofs of buildings and whirs its way back out, leaving behind a trail of strange destruction for others to wonder at, and clean up. While relatively harmless, these dervishes are hard to ignore, especially in the aftermath.

How to recognize an emotional vagrant
Using our metaphor, let's identify the signs, and your symptoms, of being in the midst of a whirlwind, so that we go somewhere together and perhaps, when you see one coming, you can get out of Dodge.

Signs and your symptoms of exposure:

1. The person talks a lot
2. You don't know what they are talking about
3. They are repetitive and circle back to a theme
4. You don't know what they are talking about (yes, I know, this was number 2... get used to this one).
5. They appear to be building a case and want your approval
6. They have little interest in you, and a whole lot of details they can't seem to help sharing about themselves; they mention people you have never met before as though you already know them
7. You are unsure where they are going with their stories, and feel you have to work hard to understand
8. You want to run away but feel trapped
9. They ask you about you, but after you speak, they go right back to them
10. You get the feeling that they have said all of this before, in the exact same way, many times
11. You realize your life is ebbing away, and you may shrivel up and die on the spot, if you stay much longer
12. They have a glazed over look in their eyes when you speak, as though what you are saying does not compute
13. Their stories are devoid of personality and character: there is no life lesson, no edification, nothing to learn or grow from. Just a whole bunch of words strung together in endless sentences that numb the mind and shut down the listener
14. You are an audience
15. When you finally get away, you promise yourself, never again...

While we are all guilty of being self absorbed from time to time, it must not be a perpetual state, it must not take over who we are and have us disregarding others. I don't ever want to be a dust devil dear reader: yikes, the thought horrifies me! 

Ending now, I am stopping this topic, gotta go, see you later... have a good day... ciao for now. 

You still there? Don't get sucked in dear one, run while you still have your wits about you! 

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