Monday, October 2, 2017

Just Another Day

Frown Lines
Has it been just another day for you dear reader? I have frown lines that are permanently etched between my eyebrows. I have noticed them in pictures lately. I could have something done cosmetically to erase the evidence of repeated facial expressions that have left telltale marks of consternation, and perhaps some squinting to see without glasses, but I am confident that in no time, they would reappear because clearly, I frown.

Laughing and Crying
Just another day... 
Today was not just another day for me. A close friend turned fifty and we shared our thoughts over lunch. While sharing, there were tears. Our hearts were tender and this is the beauty of friendship, knowing someone so well that it is safe to cry, and then laugh at one another for being cry babies. 

There is so much to laugh about and this is where I long to stay. and yet people are being stolen from. People are being murdered daily, and families are going to funerals for relatives taken without warning, senselessly ripped away never to return. And I ask you dear reader, why? Why are we so inclined to cruelty? Why do we hate ourselves so much that we want to take others down with us? Why is it ok to hate the world and make them pay for our pain? 

I am an "inspirational writer" but my heart is breaking and I ask you, is yours too? Is it just another day for you? Did you work today and think about all the things you always think about... or did you stop and grieve, feel the pain of loss and suffering as it ripples across continents and open waters and in its wake, did it leave you cold and shivering, unsettled and frowning?

Take Care of Business
We must, of necessity, take care of business. We must work and do our part to make a difference in a darkened world. It will not do to curl up into a ball and cry, not for long... for today though, for this day, we can weep for the lost, feel the pain for our fellow men and women as they search for a way to see past their own suffering, clinging to something, anything to make it better somehow. 

Compassion is a gift, a soulful rendering of how our God feels when He sees His children in turmoil and troubled. It is unnatural to be feelingless... today is not just another day

Addendum: I do not recall what was happening in the world when I wrote this piece. Since then, in the past two years in particular, I have wept what seems like oceans, for the dead, those that fell prey to the forces of evil that conspired to maim, to kill, to destroy

This piece of writing is a foreshadowing, a predicting of the grief that we will experience over the next decade, as we mourn the losses accumulated, of loved ones.

The friend I celebrated, the day of this writing, she is a casualty, a love lost, because she went the way of the world. We did not, could not, see eye to eye: she lives in fear, and this is the sin of the masses.

She would not heed my warnings: only God can help her  

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