Monday, June 12, 2017

Do Not Enter

Keep out
Do not enter is a warning
What sign is placed over your heart? Is there a Do Not Enter message? If so, how come? What is going on in there? Is your heart under construction, reconstruction, rewiring... or this, is it a dead zone? Do not enter is a warning to the would be intruder but it is also a protective measure taken by the one posting the sign. Something is unsafe for one or both of the parties concerned.

When we can no longer relate
I wonder about this. All around us are moving objects we call humans and we have been designed for relationship. When we can no longer relate or choose not to, it is because of injury, hurt, loss, imposition experienced. The pain may seem unbearable in relationship, and retreat becomes an unnaturally natural way of staying clear of all that can hurt or feel like maiming. This removal from others is our greatest loss dear reader because again, we have been designed for relating to one another.

Nothing is more wondrous than sharing
Lets have a heart to heart, you and I, here and now. Nothing is more precious than meeting you here Dear One. Nothing is more awe inspiring than feeling safe in your company. Nothing is more wondrous than sharing who I am with who you are...nothing. 

I cannot compare what it is like to be with you to any other experience I have had, in fact, I want this with everyone all of the time because it fills my soul with darkness shattering brilliant blinding light. There is safety in love given, love received. Do not enter stops me in my tracks and I cannot, will not enter against your will. In fact, my heart breaks at the thought of force, of violent entry. In our heart to heart, the message is enter, be mine, and I will be yours. You are welcome here... all are welcome here.

What message is placed over your heart dear reader? Look into my eyes, look into your fellow human beings eyes. Everyone wants to be welcomed in. There is no such thing as exclusion in love, everyone is and always will be, welcome

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: Just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another" (John 13:34-35).

A new commandment? If it is new, can you be too?  Love one another, what could possibly be better than love?

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