Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Chasing After the Wind

Trying to find meaning

Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labour that I had laboured to do: and, behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun (Ecclesiastes 2:11)

Have you ever felt this way dear reader? I have; in fact, today this is how I feel. Work did not satisfy, a bike ride in nature with a lovely friend did not satisfy. It was a chasing after the wind. A sense of wholeness was not mine to appropriate, not mine to have, not mine today. In its place is an understanding. As I unravel this dear reader, I invite you to walk and talk along side of me.

Darkness dominates
Today is the longest day of the year. This information made me so sad I almost wept. It means the sun will shine longer today than any other day, only to shine a little less tomorrow and the next day. This means that darkness will again prevail and take its turn, dominating. Under todays sun, I feel like I have been chasing after the wind.

The ultimate why, is love
The wind is uncatchable dear reader and if I take a look at what it represents to me, I see that it is love lost, love longed for, love unattainable, misplaced, unspoken, unrequited, irreplaceable. To catch the wind is quite a feat, wouldn't you say? 

Love can catch us off guard in its extraordinary beauty. It does exist, even when it feels as though it were only a vapour, a mist, here and then gone. 

When I look on all the works my hands have wrought, and what I have laboured to achieve, I recognize that none of it has worth or value without love felt, love shared, love embraced, nurtured, held in high regard and as the ultimate why for all I do. Nothing is gained, under the sun without love.

I want the intangible to become tangible. I want the chasing to become catching. I want I want I want what this existence really means. 

I want you and me, to be, in love...

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