Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Your Money or Your Life

Your money or your life, is a phrase and threat, that was used by highwaymen during robberies. Recently, the same ploy to take from unsuspecting prey, what belongs to them, was activated on a grand and global scale. I am going to work out this concept as I type, so bear with me, dear reader. 

It appears to me that there was at first blush a veiled threat, followed rapidly by a grotesquely real and eminent threat, presented monster big for all to see. The gun in our comparison, is a syringe, the money came in the form of employee paycheques. People chose their money over their lives, so this phrase is reversed, inverted, or swapped out somehow: Your life for your money ... Your life in exchange for the money you want to keep making ... Your life as you knew it, sold to you by the sweat of your own brow. The modern day highwaymen were and are, life robbers, guised as politicians and physicians, prostituted preachers and teachers ... The unsuspecting did not see the threat, hear the threat, comprehend the magnitude of giving into the threat, in fact, they trusted the highwaymen, and it rattles my cage to see the wicked getting away with any of the damage they have done during their destructive Godzilla like rampage. 

◾️ Do you believe, dear reader, that there are some people in the world that make it their life's ambition, to torture, to torment, to weaken and then destroy, other humans?  

◾️ Does it hurt your heart, the way it does mine, to even consider such a dreadful concept?

Daily I hear about deaths: I knew this was in my future, your future, our mutual present; I knew because poison kills, and people believed that they would not be able to live, or survive, without paycheques, so when employers imposed with incivility upon workers, with the threat, Injections or your money, many a troubled soul fearfully surrendered, arm at there side, sleeve rolled-up, in anticipation of their flesh being pierced, believing the highwaymen would take back employment, if they didn't do the bidding of the coercers. 

Many didn't do the bidding. Many said in their minds and hearts, Take my employment, the money isn't worth the risk, or giving up my freedom to choose  ... and that is the temptation we face while wandering about on God's green earth: men threaten, we acquiesce, or we trust in Providence and use our God given rights to say yay or nay, according to our values and principles.  

I met a pleasant man on the weekend. He had worked for the Salvation Army, past tense. They fired him, dear reader, when he refused to get the poisonous injections that so many are suffering side effects from, and dying from too. He had the audacity to say no, and they shamefully, had the crassness to say, Donald Trump style, You're fired. Before getting terminated, Health and Safety came after the fella to pressure him ... at the SALVATION army ... hmmm, there's that reversal, inversion, and swapping out again. What a front, The Salvation Army ought to be occupied with the saving of souls, not aiding and abetting the enemy of souls. Sigh ...

I am sad often these days. I am also joyful often these days. The sadness comes from the feeling of perpetual anticipation of yet another tragic tale, of life cut short due to well, you know, those poisonous injections that were and apparently still are, very popular in some sleepy crowds. The joy is mine when I recall that God is my hope, and that prayer is powerful, because our Creator wants none to be lost ... and so I pray for many and put my trust in Providential care for those I love.

Your money or your life, dear reader? Which will you choose, if the question is put to you again? We all got asked this question, and those that chose the expense of income loss for saying no to what did not seem fit or right to them, have no regrets; this cannot be said for the hundreds of thousands and even millions of people, that now recognize they erred in their judgment, and are currently asking themselves, What have I done?

No matter the camp you were in before, we are truly now, all in this together, and must hold each other's hands and hearts tenderly, comforting one another as we weep over loss after loss. Life is precious, and priceless, and it behooves us to recognize it as such; never allow reprobate highwaymen the pretence of holding your soul, or livelihood, hostage. You do not have to ransom your life, Christ ransomed his, paying the price for the sins of the world, yours and mine too, on the cross of Calvary. 

Trust in God as your Divine Provider... He is in charge, and each time you say yes to him and no to wicked requests, you are one step closer to heaven, even as you walk the earth. 

One last thing, before we go our separate ways ... if you haven't yet decided on your answer to the question, Your money or your life, then you actually have decided. Chances are good you will go for whatever is easiest for you in the moment, whatever is convenient. That is a wonky way of choosing and will be based on emotion rather than integrity. Think now, about your answer, for the sake of your own soul, and the souls of those that keep a close eye on what you choose ... we all have people we influence, make sure your impact on others is of a godly nature. 

Post Script: The devil's tactics are age old. He tempts with things that appeal to our senses and suggests we ignore the conscience that whispers and sometimes screams, Don't do it, DON'T DO IT ... alas, the consequences for sinful choices are varied and great, and this is what we are witnessing. 

I suggest that if you or those you love are suffering sickness from having said yes to the injections that have been marketed relentlessly for the past three years plus plus, that you repent, ask God to forgive you for making money your god, and heal you in Jesus name ... then, dear one, sin no more and live to glorify God. 

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