Find below a partial quote: a response I made to a comment on my writing piece entitled Green Screen:
... the guarding of the mind is the work of the Holy Ghost and yet, we let our thoughts become things and sneak around behind His back... we are an adulterous lot of sinful people
I am learning how very true it is, that we sneak around behind the Holy Ghosts back. It is on the silly side of story telling, to believe that we can hide anything from the Spirit of God, but alas, many have made a sport of self deception!
Bit actors
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And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32) |
When I look around me, I see evidence of mask, I mean mass, deception: the facade of pretending that a made-up sickness that is purportedly wiping out whole populations, has turned millions of people into bit actors. No need to audition, just get out that dirty thing you sling over your ears a couple of times a day, to make sure no one sees your handsome/pretty face, smiling back at 'em. Now don't get me wrong, this whole fiasco is working to my advantage! I am the best looking mask free shopper in town, with my pretty pink lipstick, and grin that flashes my pearly whites. I am a knock out, well, in comparison to the strangely muted and muzzled lovelies that I pass in the aisles that is. What do I know though... I am thinking people must have a lot to hide... What is under those masks anyways?!
Subordinated lives
And this has us circling back nicely, to sneaking around behind the Holy Ghosts back, now doesn't it? In their minor roles of bit actor, many have subordinated their lives to the main characters that have taken centre stage: and in their egoism, the prima donnas and wanna-be-lego-kings of the castle, have become unvetted directors for the pee on crew of devotees that do their bidding like out-to-lunch-lackeys. You will forgive me dear reader, for my harshness? I speak without subtlety in the hopes that it irritates and jars a few readers out of their stupor, so that when they have gone out to lunch, they won't come back with any for the creeps that tried to steal theirs in the first place! When bullies have to fend for themselves, somehow they fail and fall fast
Accommodate other men
What does the above paragraph have to do with the Holy Ghost, and sneaking around behind His back, you ask? It is this, dear one: when we behave in ways that accommodate other men, and the other men are wicked, cruel, despots, and devilish, then we are unequivocally adulterous and sinful in our behaviours, and we are grieving the Holy Ghost.
Just to be very plain... He is the HOLY GHOST... HOLY! Holy is sin free, unlike you and me
He is in charge
When I was growing up, I had a pretty healthy fear of my mother and father, and their ability to punish me when I misbehaved. I cannot say that I had the same fearful reverence of God, until I was in my twenties, and I recognized He is in charge of everything, all of the time, whether I wanted to act like it or not! At this point in my life, I know that Gods no to me is for my own good, and Gods yes to me is for my own good... but man? Well, man has his own interests, and they don't often cross hairs with Gods plans: to trust a godless man or woman with my life, when there is potential gain in harming me, is what is known as insanity, in many a wise circle.
Part of the reason we are in an unholy mess, is far too many people have FOMO (fear of missing out), on what the world has to offer, and they are decidedly disinclined toward Gods masterpiece purposes and proposed ways. No sex outside of marriage, no drunkenness, no stealing, no coveting... you get the picture. Too many no's and all of a sudden everyone is heading for the exit. Now, a whole globe full of yessers, including so called Christians, have turned this place we call our earthly home, into a spinning spewing rotten wormy apple, by doing and saying exactly what God has asked us not to, and I am pretty sure God has had enough... especially when He sees how easily our babies are being destroyed by their own parents (I will leave this sentence open: I am confident I do not have to be specific here)
It is my life and I will do what I want with it is pretty much the jungle cry of the wild, or at least, it used to be? Now, now dear reader, enslavement is a cumbersome mantle barely noticed, and easily maintained, for those that have become obliviously blind to their predicament. It is a pseudo choice-less life, and even those that dictate the acceptable attire and behaviours, have a void like emptiness that echoes nothingness in their beings. Facade is just that, facade. You cannot place emptiness into nothing to fill a void... nothing from nothing leaves nothing, as the saying goes.
Above, I stated that many have made a sport of self deception. I said this tongue in cheek, but alas, it isn't really that funny, because honesty has become a dangerous endeavour, with players matching wits with those that would have their head, for the brutality of truth telling. The shrill voice of the house of cards queen of hearts in Alice and Wonderland comes to mind, with her quick command, off with their heads, for those that displeased her highness. She didn't take kindly to subjects, whether agreeable or not, and this, dear one, is my final point... neither does Satan and his workers of inequity. No matter what you do for your enemy, he will never be satisfied, and the price you pay in compliance, will increase exponentially at every entry point, until you have paid in blood: yours and or someone else's
You and me, we have one shot at this life, the one God wants us to live eternally with Him... it is this:
Confess our sins
Repent and sin no more
Fall at the feet of Jesus as our Saviour 💖
And we will see each other in heaven
If the Son therefore makes you free, you shall be free indeed (John 8:36)
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