Death sentence proponent
Some people get self righteous and perhaps a little squeamish at the thought of the death penalty, as a judicious consequence for heinous crimes committed by murderous marauders. Capital punishment is an ancient law, and ought to be brought back as modern day law; clearly, I am a death sentence proponent.
Sweet nothings he whispers
Like many, I have spent countless hours weeping as death counts go up, for those that have been once, or twice bitten, with snake venom. I use euphemisms, because the serpents tricks are ancient, and repetitive too, and one way or another, he manages to inject his vileness into humanity; by hook or crook, he can convince the masses to acquiesce to his hisspers, the sweet nothings he whispers in the ears of those that have muted God's voice, in favour of one that tickles their fancy, and promises pleasure.
Subjected to the venom
Adults aren't my major concern, accept for those that do not have the mental and emotional capacity to make crucial life altering decisions on their own: my concern is for the children, those that have immediately been impacted by their parents willingly taking in the poison, or those children that have been subjected to the venom directly, as a result of their parents offering them up sacrificially to a medicine man, that sells snaky solutions for a problem the medicine man created, so he can sell snaky solutions to the people that think they need a solution, for a problem that the medicine man said existed, so he can sell product to the people ...
Yes, thats right, I repeated a theme; it isn't you or an editing problem. I was just travelling the well worn circle that has been rutted into our sadly sleepy, numb and dumb society, since a serpent met a woman at a tree, and suggested she taste and see what God Almighty was purportedly withholding from her. The snake knows all too well how susceptible we humans are to flattery, to vanity, to self-absorbed, self-indulgent power tripping, coupled with our desire to be in control of self, and shamefully, in control of others too, as is the case of the maladjusted humans that hate humanity enough to want to destroy, maim and murder them en masse. Which brings me back to my topic, of capital punishment.
Positions of power
I do not take life lightly, in fact, I see it as sacred. This is why it appals my spirit, when I see, hear, and witness, cruelty, torture, and the death of innocents at the hands of those that feel no compassion, and are devoid of remorse. This is common practice now, and murderers not only freely walk the streets, they have the gall to publicly announce from their positions of power, that they will continue to impose abusive measures on adults, and without restraint, upon children too.
Murderers are equal opportunity killers, so it ought not surprise us, when parents, their children, and even their pets, are easily disposed of by hands that do their fathers bidding. The father of lies is the instigator of death too ... Lucifers' hate for humanity is contagious, and his human henchmen willingly do his bidding, just for the thrill of toying with and taking life.
This naive still
Don't believe me? Are you having trouble comprehending that humans can be so cruel as to enjoy harming others to the point of pleasure for the violator? Too bad for you, if you are this naive still. You have some catching up to do, and I suggest you do your own research into dangerous personalities and what these types are capable of. You increase your risk of victimization when you refuse to take a close look at the lengths wicked people will go, to devastate the lives of others, all the while looking around them for their next victim fix.
What does the Authority have to say
So now you know where I stand: my soul aches daily for what is happening to the children in the world, the orphaned and the murdered alike. What does the Authority, the Sovereign, have to say about this matter? Let us start in the Old Testament:
And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man. Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man (Genesis 9:5-6)
NOTE: These are the study notes from a King James Version study Bible
9:5-6 your blood of your lives will I require. This indicates how serious the bloodshed was before the flood. Now strict rules are given concerning the sanctity of human life. The blood of man represents his life. Since he alone is made in the image of God, his blood is not to be shed lightly. Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed. The law of capital punishment to be administered by man has never been revoked by God (Romans 13:4)
Let us now go to the New Testament, to see what is stated in Romans 13:3-4:
For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise for the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil (Romans 13:3-4)
Study Notes:
13:3-4 Paul states the divine purpose and duty of a ruler as God's servant (minister), namely to give praise to the good and punishment to the evil. Since the latter can refer only to that which a civil ruler is competent to judge, it must be understood as sin expressed in outward criminal acts. sword. The use of deadly force to punish or defend against evil (Gen. 9:6); Acts 25:11). execute wrath. The ruler inflicts a measure of God's judgment against sin (12:9)
Let us look at Acts 25:11 as cross referenced in the note above: adding in verse 10 for context:
Then said Paul, I stand at Caesar's judgement seat, where I ought to be judged: to the Jews have I done no wrong, as thou very well knows. For if I be an offender, or have committed any thing worthy of death, I refuse not to die: but if there be none of these things whereof these accuse me, no man may deliver me unto them, I appeal unto Caesar (Acts 25:10-11)
Paul was being accused of a crime worthy of the death penalty, by lying Jewish men. He states that he is willing to die if rightly accused, but is not willing to be murdered. Paul is a new testament personage, and the law included capital punishment for certain crimes. And, dear reader, the law hasn't changed, because the law is of God: thou shalt not kill (Exodus 20:13) comes to mind immediately, and this is a crime that crushes the souls of those that survive the loss of a loved one, whose life has been stolen by murderous men and woman.
Repercussions awaiting them
Here I am, dear one, with you. My heart feels twisted, battered, and bruised, from watching and waiting. Watching one victimized human after the next, suffering and dying; and waiting, while others live as though they have the world to gain without any regret, remorse, or repercussions awaiting them.
Murder is never acceptable
I will not pretend to know what God is doing in our midst. He is the one with the Masters Plan in place, and we are the lowly, AND well-loved, crafted by His holy hands creatures, that have no clue about His glorious and mysterious ways. I do know that He is just, and vengeance is His: I also know that murder is never acceptable to Him, and it ought not be to anyone, since life is precious and sacred.
Letal injection
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Lethal injection is for murders |
Of this I am confident: capital punishment, or the death sentence, is a valid and useful law to implement, and my hope is that those that have committed high treason, those that have hands dripping in crimson blood and crave the shedding of more blood, will be held to account to the point of execution, via lethal injection: a poison potion snake bite, designed just for them
Then THEY can say, I took MY shot ...
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