Friday, November 26, 2021

Self Deception

Find below a partial quote: a response I made to a comment on my writing piece entitled Green Screen:

... the guarding of the mind is the work of the Holy Ghost and yet, we let our thoughts become things and sneak around behind His back... we are an adulterous lot of sinful people

I am learning how very true it is, that we sneak around behind the Holy Ghosts back. It is on the silly side of story telling, to believe that we can hide anything from the Spirit of God, but alas, many have made a sport of self deception! 

Bit actors
And ye shall know the truth, and the 
truth shall make you free (John 8:32)
When I look around me, I see evidence of mask, I mean mass, deception: the facade of pretending that a made-up sickness that is purportedly wiping out whole populations, has turned millions of people into bit actors. No need to audition, just get out that dirty thing you sling over your ears a couple of times a day, to make sure no one sees your handsome/pretty face, smiling back at 'em. Now don't get me wrong, this whole fiasco is working to my advantage! I am the best looking mask free shopper in town, with my pretty pink lipstick, and grin that flashes my pearly whites. I am a knock out, well, in comparison to the strangely muted and muzzled lovelies that I pass in the aisles that is. What do I know though... I am thinking people must have a lot to hide... What is under those masks anyways?!

Subordinated lives
And this has us circling back nicely, to sneaking around behind the Holy Ghosts back, now doesn't it? In their minor roles of bit actor, many have subordinated their lives to the main characters that have taken centre stage: and in their egoism, the prima donnas and wanna-be-lego-kings of the castle, have become unvetted directors for the pee on crew of devotees that do their bidding like out-to-lunch-lackeys. You will forgive me dear reader, for my harshness? I speak without subtlety in the hopes that it irritates and jars a few readers out of their stupor, so that when they have gone out to lunch, they won't come back with any for the creeps that tried to steal theirs in the first place! When bullies have to fend for themselves, somehow they fail and fall fast

Accommodate other men
What does the above paragraph have to do with the Holy Ghost, and sneaking around behind His back, you ask? It is this, dear one: when we behave in ways that accommodate other men, and the other men are wicked, cruel, despots, and devilish, then we are unequivocally adulterous and sinful in our behaviours, and we are grieving the Holy Ghost. 

Just to be very plain... He is the HOLY GHOST... HOLY! Holy is sin free, unlike you and me

He is in charge
When I was growing up, I had a pretty healthy fear of my mother and father, and their ability to punish me when I misbehaved. I cannot say that I had the same fearful reverence of God, until I was in my twenties, and I recognized He is in charge of everything, all of the time, whether I wanted to act like it or not! At this point in my life, I know that Gods no to me is for my own good, and Gods yes to me is for my own good... but man? Well, man has his own interests, and they don't often cross hairs with Gods plans: to trust a godless man or woman with my life, when there is potential gain in harming me, is what is known as insanity, in many a wise circle. 

Part of the reason we are in an unholy mess, is far too many people have FOMO (fear of missing out), on what the world has to offer, and they are decidedly disinclined toward Gods masterpiece purposes and proposed ways. No sex outside of marriage, no drunkenness, no stealing, no coveting... you get the picture. Too many no's and all of a sudden everyone is heading for the exit. Now, a whole globe full of yessers, including so called Christians, have turned this place we call our earthly home, into a spinning spewing rotten wormy apple, by doing and saying exactly what God has asked us not to, and I am pretty sure God has had enough... especially when He sees how easily our babies are being destroyed by their own parents (I will leave this sentence open: I am confident I do not have to be specific here)

It is my life and I will do what I want with it is pretty much the jungle cry of the wild, or at least, it used to be? Now, now dear reader, enslavement is a cumbersome mantle barely noticed, and easily maintained, for those that have become obliviously blind to their predicament. It is a pseudo choice-less life, and even those that dictate the acceptable attire and behaviours, have a void like emptiness that echoes nothingness in their beings. Facade is just that, facade. You cannot place emptiness into nothing to fill a void... nothing from nothing leaves nothing, as the saying goes.

Above, I stated that many have made a sport of self deception. I said this tongue in cheek, but alas, it isn't really that funny, because honesty has become a dangerous endeavour, with players matching wits with those that would have their head, for the brutality of truth telling. The shrill voice of the house of cards queen of hearts in Alice and Wonderland comes to mind, with her quick command, off with their heads, for those that displeased her highness. She didn't take kindly to subjects, whether agreeable or not, and this, dear one, is my final point... neither does Satan and his workers of inequity. No matter what you do for your enemy, he will never be satisfied, and the price you pay in compliance, will increase exponentially at every entry point, until you have paid in blood: yours and or someone else's 

You and me, we have one shot at this life, the one God wants us to live eternally with Him... it is this:

Confess our sins
Repent and sin no more
Fall at the feet of Jesus as our Saviour 💖
And we will see each other in heaven

If the Son therefore makes you free, you shall be free indeed  (John 8:36)

Friday, November 19, 2021

Stinking Soul Sardines

Recently, wanting to be entertained, I checked out a British comedy series. 

The first episode opened with a bedroom scene, and a person talking to themselves. While walking through the space, we see through their eyes, as they search the ensuite bathroom, return to the bedroom, and enter a large armoire, closing the door quietly behind them. Soon after, another character enters the bedroom, and there is a repeat performance: they look about and then their eyes settle on the armoire; they approach, and upon opening the doors, and entering in, there is a discovery of the hidden person. The two begin an awkward conversation, and learn who they know in common. By the third time this occurs, it dawns on me, that this is an adult game of sardines: before too long, there are four people inside the storage unit, with the last person entering rather rambunctiously. The combination of characters includes a sister and brother, the brother and his boyfriend, and another man. 

If you don't know the game of sardines, it is "a twist on hide-and-seek: Everyone seeks while one hides. As seekers find the person hiding, they hide with him. The last person to join the group is the odd man out."

The twist
The twist for this scene that I was watching, is that while everyone was hiding in this armoire, and as they were crowded into a very small and intimate space, their secret sins, and not so secret sins, were pouring forth, and the old euphemism turned joke about coming out of the closet, made this scene uncomfortable for me as a viewer, because their was absolutely no where to hide. These characters, in the darkened space, had so many skeletons in their closets, that had fallen out for full viewing, that their souls were exposed grotesquely. I did not persist in watching, because not only was I not entertained, I was put off by what I had already seen. 

The Light exposes our darkness
Freakish force of evil
Which brings me to this idea that I have, about the uncovering of our sins and the stinking soul sardines that hide there, hoping we don't detect them and route them out! In the demonic realm, that is exactly what Satan works hard to prevent: he does not want his freakish force for evil to be detected, as they whisper and plot and plan, attempting to keep quiet so as not to be observed, while the seeker searches for the hidden. Alas, demons can be sneaky in their silence, or down right tempestuously loud. 

Gust of wind
In the armoire of life, God says don't stay in there, trying to hide what you are doing. For your information, you can run, you can hide, you can pretend you can't and won't get caught, but alas, I AM The Light of the world, and I can blast those doors wide open with a wink, a nod, or a gust of wind from My nostrils (if He had nostrils that is), that will tear apart your delusions of being able to live freely from consequences, or any of those sins you believe to be secret. The Light, always exposes darkness. 

Impossible to sneak past Him
Now hear me out, because this is soul breaking exciting news! While we sneak around and crowd ourselves into spiritual storage units, believing we are avoiding and evading an all knowing God, Jesus is on the other side of those closed double doors, waiting for us to come on out. Eventually, when we get hungry and thirsty enough; when we get tired of our hiding and our silly games of secrecy; and when we finally fling open those doors to escape, Jesus will be waiting for us there, and by God, we will find it impossible to sneak past Him! 

For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad (Luke 8:17)

I end on this note: 
We all sin and fall short of the glory of God, and that is the human condition, but God doesn't want to leave us where we find ourselves. He is opposed to the soul sickness that sin cultivates, and the breeding ground that makes it easy for sin to become a cultural contagion. He wants us to search our own souls, and consciously come clean, confessing what lurks in the armoire of our spirits. God's light disperses the darklings, and they scatter in His presence. We are promised that when we are in Christ, and clothed in His armour of light, they cannot stand against us, because they see Jesus in our stead.  

The night is almost gone, and the day is near. Therefore let's rid ourselves of the deeds of darkness and put on the armour of light (Romans 13:12)

From the armoire of stinking soul sardines, to the armour of light that dispels darkness and the secrets therein, we can be set free from what haunts us and desires to devour... we can be heavenly creatures, here on Gods earth 

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Green Screen

I am thinking about deception and how easily we are manipulated, depending on our bias
Confirmation bias
Confirmation bias is looking for and finding evidence, to prove we are right with what we believe and perceive: I don’t know about you, but I have enjoyed this shade of green screen once or twice.

Handy dandy
It is better to trust in the LORD than to put 
confidence in man (Psalm 118:8)
We humans are susceptible to shifty shenanigans, thrown our way by satanic seducers, that
want to swindle us out of the truth. I am not technically inclined, but as of late, I have become adept at using some handy dandy editing items, that can be added to a photo: for example tiny pictures, mini videos, and text. I have learned to sharpen an image, brighten, highlight, and select font along with how big it is, the colour, and where to place it advantageously to get a point across. The picture I use for this piece of writing, is one I selected and added to: it is a green screen with a message.

As an amateur picture propagandist, I have nominal skills with a limited viewing audience: imagine the propaganda power of the media professionals?! or even our children, that grew up with hand held computers. Just imagine... I know, I know already, that you don't have to imagine what I suggest, because you and I, we are already subjected and well aware, of the power of propaganda.

Subjected vs Subjugated

While Satan is a pro at manipulating humans, we will forever be green behind the ears at understanding how good he is at his own games; and how inclined we are to play them. There are some folk with strong opinions and influence, while others have thoughts they prefer to keep to themselves. Either camp, is still susceptible to messages, and undoubtedly, mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual, manipulation. The enquiry is, are we simply susceptible, or have we become subjugated?

Which begs the question: 
  • when are we hearing, seeing, and receiving truth, and 
  • when are we being duped by a disguised lie? and 
  • how do we know the difference? 
It is a green screen dilemma; one we must address, each to their own, because darn it all, that confirmation bias some of us are inclined toward indulging, can get us in trouble fast, when we lean a little too easily and heavily in one direction, making it hard to straighten up from

To answer the questions I posed above, I am going to get down to the nitty gritty, with simplicity:
  • we are hearing, seeing and receiving truth when there is no confusion, it is provable, and it complies with God's character
  • we are being duped when stories change rapidly, often, without rhyme or reason; and there is a disconnection with God's character
  • we know the difference by comparing and contrasting what we are hearing, seeing, and receiving to who we know God to be
Since Jesus states in His Word, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6), we must compare and contrast who He is to what the world says, presents, and promotes. Let us face the facts, shall we? The deceptive human heart is not trust worthy, but alas, God cannot tell a lie, and all that we see that He created, is real, no green screen required to pronounce, announce, or portray an idea or image ... His creation declares truth!

Psalm 148:1-3

Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD from the heavens, praise him in the heights! Praise him, all his angels; praise him, all his hosts! Praise him, sun and moon; praise him, all you stars of light!

And this: Psalm 150:6

Let everything that has breath praise the LORD

God has a wonderful way of tearing down super imposed lies: the truth, when we scratch a little, is always just below the surface, while green screen deception, would have us take what we hear and see, at face value as valid. Let us resist all forms of satanic subjugation, and praise God for truth not only sought after, but also undeniably, revealed🙏

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Frivolous, Frolicking, Foolishness

Wickedness is obvious
and out in the open
Feeling of desolation
On the heels of a satanic concert that targeted a young audience, I am left bereft. I can't shake the feeling of desolation. I have been groaning in my spirit for days, unshed tears stored up in an untapped well, are buried somewhere within me. A little digging, and the well will burst forth; my fear is that I will never stop weeping, never be able to stem the flow

Watching people fall headlong into the abyss is excruciating. I long to have the simplicity of joy, and I so want to be a motivational speaker and writer. I would love to just write encouraging words that uplift the spirit but I simply cannot; to do so would be to deny what I see, what I hear, what I have seen, what I have heard

In my nightmare moments I hear the cry of little children, or the silent weeping of souls that have not a voice. The desperate pleas for it to stop, begging for the hurt to go away. The old Mash song plays in my head, the lyrics lying about suicide being painless. Suicide it the epitome of pain, an expression of such severe desecration of the soul, as to render it lifeless. Suicide kills more than the body, it is leprous, and contagious 

How satisfied he must be
It is not beyond me, to envision Mr. Contrary, wickedly heckling, almost coughing up a phantom lung because his mirth makes it hard to stop laughing. He got people to kill themselves, to commit suicide without even recognizing it; and he got them to encourage and demand their children do the same. How satisfied he must be, to have twisted the minds of the many to the point of leaping into the precipice with barely an invitation. They wanted to save their lives, no matter the cost, and the price they are paying is suicidally high. 

Hapless hope
I do not underestimate God but likewise, I refuse to underestimate the devil. I don't have to go far to see how much damage has already been done: the evidence is finger tip taps away, or just outside my house walls... I see the walking dead that sustain themselves with food and drink, and a hapless hope of some carnal pleasure mixed in for good measure, to fill the hole that cannot be filled without God.  

Life and death situation
Systems built by man, are now being torn down by God. He is stripping away the frivolous, the frolicking, the foolishness. He is letting us know, that we are in a life and death situation: the past twenty months, has been catastrophic for many already, and reality is not only smacking us up against the face, it is delivering knock out punches, rending the hit irreparably injured. 

It is a gorgeous sunny November 10th, and I will walk with God out there, somewhere. He will be my comfort. He knows how wicked we are, how blackened and murderous our hearts. He knows I want to throttle and even kill, those that put their filthy hands on the innocent and vulnerable, and He also knows, that I don't have the strength required, that I am as weak as a kitten without claws. I am grateful vengeance is His, I am counting on this promise.

Forgive me
Forgive me dear reader, if you find me too melancholy; too sad for your hopeful sentimentality 
Forgive me dear reader, if I just can't muster the energy to make merry, in light of what is happening

Forgive me, for not being available for fun... that part of me needs resurrecting, but alas, now is not the time

Monday, November 1, 2021

Capital Punishment

Death sentence proponent
Some people get self righteous and perhaps a little squeamish at the thought of the death penalty, as a judicious consequence for heinous crimes committed by murderous marauders. Capital punishment is an ancient law, and ought to be brought back as modern day law; clearly, I am a death sentence proponent.

Sweet nothings he whispers
Like many, I have spent countless hours weeping as death counts go up, for those that have been once, or twice bitten, with snake venom. I use euphemisms, because the serpents tricks are ancient, and repetitive too, and one way or another, he manages to inject his vileness into humanity; by hook or crook, he can convince the masses to acquiesce to his hisspers, the sweet nothings he whispers in the ears of those that have muted God's voice, in favour of one that tickles their fancy, and promises pleasure. 

Subjected to the venom
Adults aren't my major concern, accept for those that do not have the mental and emotional capacity to make crucial life altering decisions on their own: my concern is for the children, those that have immediately been impacted by their parents willingly taking in the poison, or those children that have been subjected to the venom directly, as a result of their parents offering them up sacrificially to a medicine man, that sells snaky solutions for a problem the medicine man created, so he can sell snaky solutions to the people that think they need a solution, for a problem that the medicine man said existed, so he can sell product to the people ...

Yes, thats right, I repeated a theme; it isn't you or an editing problem. I was just travelling the well worn circle that has been rutted into our sadly sleepy, numb and dumb society, since a serpent met a woman at a tree, and suggested she taste and see what God Almighty was purportedly withholding from her. The snake knows all too well how susceptible we humans are to flattery, to vanity, to self-absorbed, self-indulgent power tripping, coupled with our desire to be in control of self, and shamefully, in control of others too, as is the case of the maladjusted humans that hate humanity enough to want to destroy, maim and murder them en masse. Which brings me back to my topic, of capital punishment. 

Positions of power
I do not take life lightly, in fact, I see it as sacred. This is why it appals my spirit, when I see, hear, and witness, cruelty, torture, and the death of innocents at the hands of those that feel no compassion, and are devoid of remorse. This is common practice now, and murderers not only freely walk the streets, they have the gall to publicly announce from their positions of power, that they will continue to impose abusive measures on adults, and without restraint, upon children too. 

Murderers are equal opportunity killers, so it ought not surprise us, when parents, their children, and even their pets, are easily disposed of by hands that do their fathers bidding. The father of lies is the instigator of death too ... Lucifers' hate for humanity is contagious, and his human henchmen willingly do his bidding, just for the thrill of toying with and taking life. 

This naive still
Don't believe me? Are you having trouble comprehending that humans can be so cruel as to enjoy harming others to the point of pleasure for the violator? Too bad for you, if you are this naive still. You have some catching up to do, and I suggest you do your own research into dangerous personalities and what these types are capable of. You increase your risk of victimization when you refuse to take a close look at the lengths wicked people will go, to devastate the lives of others, all the while looking around them for their next victim fix.

What does the Authority have to say
So now you know where I stand: my soul aches daily for what is happening to the children in the world, the orphaned and the murdered alike. What does the Authority, the Sovereign, have to say about this matter? Let us start in the Old Testament:

And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man. Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man (Genesis 9:5-6)

NOTE: These are the study notes from a King James Version study Bible

9:5-6 your blood of your lives will I require. This indicates how serious the bloodshed was before the flood. Now strict rules are given concerning the sanctity of human life. The blood of man represents his life. Since he alone is made in the image of God, his blood is not to be shed lightly. Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed. The law of capital punishment to be administered by man has never been revoked by God (Romans 13:4)

Let us now go to the New Testament, to see what is stated in Romans 13:3-4:

For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise for the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil (Romans 13:3-4)

Study Notes: 

13:3-4 Paul states the divine purpose and duty of a ruler as God's servant (minister), namely to give praise to the good and punishment to the evil. Since the latter can refer only to that which a civil ruler is competent to judge, it must be understood as sin expressed in outward criminal acts. sword. The use of deadly force to punish or defend against evil (Gen. 9:6); Acts 25:11). execute wrath. The ruler inflicts a measure of God's judgment against sin (12:9) 

Let us look at Acts 25:11 as cross referenced in the note above: adding in verse 10 for context:

Then said Paul, I stand at Caesar's judgement seat, where I ought to be judged: to the Jews have I done no wrong, as thou very well knows. For if I be an offender, or have committed any thing worthy of death, I refuse not to die: but if there be none of these things whereof these accuse me, no man may deliver me unto them, I appeal unto Caesar (Acts 25:10-11)

Paul was being accused of a crime worthy of the death penalty, by lying Jewish men. He states that he is willing to die if rightly accused, but is not willing to be murdered. Paul is a new testament personage, and the law included capital punishment for certain crimes. And, dear reader, the law hasn't changed, because the law is of God: thou shalt not kill (Exodus 20:13) comes to mind immediately, and this is a crime that crushes the souls of those that survive the loss of a loved one, whose life has been stolen by murderous men and woman. 

Repercussions awaiting them
Here I am, dear one, with you. My heart feels twisted, battered, and bruised, from watching and waiting. Watching one victimized human after the next, suffering and dying; and waiting, while others live as though they have the world to gain without any regret, remorse, or repercussions awaiting them. 

Murder is never acceptable
I will not pretend to know what God is doing in our midst. He is the one with the Masters Plan in place, and we are the lowly, AND well-loved, crafted by His holy hands creatures, that have no clue about His glorious and mysterious ways. I do know that He is just, and vengeance is His: I also know that murder is never acceptable to Him, and it ought not be to anyone, since life is precious and sacred.

Letal injection
Lethal injection is for murders 
Of this I am confident: capital punishment, or the death sentence, is a valid and useful law to implement, and my hope is that those that have committed high treason, those that have hands dripping in crimson blood and crave the shedding of more blood, will be held to account to the point of execution, via lethal injection: a poison potion snake bite, designed just for them 

Then THEY can say, I took MY shot ...