Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Flies and Spider Webs

Here is some trivia for you. Flies can reach top speeds of 7 kilometres an hour. Imagine buzzing happily along, looking for a stinky and delicious place to land and then WHAM, you hit a soft wall and in the stickiness, you are stopped dead in your airwave tracks! Try as you wiggle with all of your remaining might, you cannot set yourself free. This isn't good, you think to yourself, I feel stuck. You rest for a minute, tapping the air with the one part of you that isn't entangled. What to do, what to do, you wonder. Ok, you think, it can't be THAT bad. I mean seriously, just a minute ago I was full speed ahead. I was about to land on a pile that looked and smelled promising for my afternoon snack. I didn't see this thing I flew into otherwise I would have looped up and away for goodness sakes. I am going to try again. BUZZ, BUZZ, your wings make noise but to no avail. Buzz, buzz, you try again. It seems stickier now, with less room for movement. Buzz, you can't move and it dawns on you. I am stuck, I mean really, truly, inextricably, irrevocably stuck. Frantically, your eyes dart to and fro, searching as your mind races. What can I do, what is available now, how did this happen and will I ever get out to fly freely again? Panic sets in while immobility becomes reality. The web you are in is the trap that may mean your ruin. Is there no hope? A spider made this trap, this web that has you waiting and wondering what is to become of you. Proverbs 30:28 Spiders can be caught by the hand, yet they are found in kings' palaces. 

Webs await, they catch us sometimes, unaware, unprepared. We fly as fast as we can without care or worry until we are caught, held hopelessly captive and subject to the sinister spider that sucks the life force out of its prey. Have you ever felt trapped Dear One, caught in a web that you didn't know was there until you hit it at top speed? Have you found yourself entangled, searching, struggling for a way out? You are not alone, it is the human condition. Thankfully, we are not flies, doomed to destruction. We are humans and in us, hope springs eternal. Caught in a web is not where we are required to stay, especially when we remember "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1I I have been contemplating faithfulness, not mine, Gods. With all our might, we can fight and struggle, do mortal emotional and spiritual battle but it is God and God alone that can pluck us from the web, save us from the sinister web weaver and life force sucker. Where do you place your faith when the helpless feeling of trapped has you tightly swaddled? Your pain, it is real. My pain, it too, is real...the truth is, God is bigger than all of it and it is to Him I turn. Where will you turn, Dear One? 

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