Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Master of the Universe

Who is the expert in your life? Every time we take a course, attend a workshop or a program, there is subjection. We are subjecting ourselves willingly to the guidance of another, the prowess and expertise of the leader or teacher. Big dollar tickets may be attached to the attendance of said courses, workshops/programs and when we willingly pay the admittance price, we have committed to being student, a humbling of self in order to learn from the course provider.  
     While you and I invest in the learning, the leader makes a living, a profit from the exchange. Sometimes we attend a learning event to capture what the teacher has seemingly captured, the ability to fill a room full of people who will pay us for our expertise. And the cycle of life continues. 
     I am fondly envisioning Jesus on a beach and some men toiling with cumbersome fishing nets, his verbal invitation being shared in Matthew 4:19 "And He said to them, "Follow Me (as my disciples, accepting me as your Master and Teacher and walking the same path of life that I walk), and I will make you fishers of men." Leaving nets and fishy fishing behind, men did indeed, follow this mysteriously engaging and charismatic leader. I picture jaws dropped and some quiet in the head confusion for those who left what they knew behind to follow a fellow who seemed strangely (strange defined as: unusual or surprising; difficult to understand or explain) different without feeling like a stranger. Instant, inspired connection between Jesus and the men He commanded is evident in the retelling of this story. 

     I am grinning now as I write because I have a question for you Dear One. If He, Jesus, came to you and said "leave your desk, your office, your house, your country, your___________ and follow me", would you? My grin broadens. Close your eyes and see Him before you, your Jesus. His gaze is upon you. He beckons, waving His hand, requesting you to Him. How, Dear One, can you possibly resist, The Master of the universe? 

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