Thursday, September 22, 2016

Coming Clean

There is a way we all have, of avoiding painful truth. Avoid it we can but only for a short time and not even for a short time, because it doggedly follows us, licking at our heels, wanting to be seen, heard, understood. Our souls, they want to go on vacation, a soul segway so to speak, rolling fast and away to some distraction from truth because to face it means to face the consequences too. We all fall down. We all fall short of doing what is good, what is right, what is honourable and integrity filled from time to time. Some errs and omissions, some larger than life mistakes and even the tiniest of slips can cause devastation and pain in the long term. To look closely at these is to be held accountable, in the moment of the choice and in the aftermath of the results and or consequences. The truth is dogged because without it, without the acknowledgement(s) of wrong done and harm caused, no change is possible, no correction available. There is only the dodging and avoiding in an attempt to evade what we already know...we screwed up and there is a price to pay. Oh Dear Reader, if you can relate, you are not alone. It is the human condition to choose and to choose wrongly, until we learn how to choose better. What feels good in the moment is not always what serves us best in our future. Living with what is after the choosing, throws in front of each of us another choice. We get to look directly at our own decisions and say that was me, I thought that, said that, did that, no matter how painful it is to reflect upon it. The point of pain comes when we see that we cannot turn back time. Now is happening as a result of choices made in history, this is true for each of us. Here is where life can be either devastating or exhilaratingly liberated, Dear Reader. How willing are you, Dear One, to come clean? How honest with yourself are you willing to be? The truth will not drag you to itself, kicking and screaming. It follows closely behind you wanting you to look and see, hear and taste its goodness and be washed clean from the mud and muck of avoidance. This is true confession and it is indeed, good for the soul. You cannot change the past, but you can learn from it and in so doing, forgiveness of self is available. I recall a business decision my husband and I made that cost us some money. Upon reflection, I do believe I would make the same decision all over again, because I did not know then what I know now-now I know better and I can DO better. I did have to look at my choices, how rash they were, how I ignored red flag warnings that something did not fit, something was not quite right. In the reflecting I had to be honest with myself and look at some weak character traits. This was my work, my lesson, my learning and you have your own too, Dear One. NOW is your opportunity to learn from your own history so that you can shape your future. This honesty thing, its hard work-the payoffs are outstanding. Relief from the weighted and unchangeable past can lift us to heavenly heights. What was is no more, what will you do with your now? 

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