Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Weapon of Love

Behind the scenes not so secret support weapon of love. I have some people cheering me on. They appear and disappear, letting me know that they are somewhere out there. Cheering me on to what? I don't know, I just know that I have support and it buoys me. I had a conversation with a close friend this morning. We share our lives in one hour increments, twice a week. She told me about an injustice and with flashing eyes, divulged her wickedly schemed revenge. With some anticipatory excitement I asked "what are you planning to do?". I grin broadly as I report to you Dear Reader that the plan involved killing, with kindness. She said for every nasty thing this enemy of peace says, does and implies, she will retaliate with KINDNESS (ok so I did not have a pen and paper and this is not a verbatim quote-this was the just of her intentions!). This type of gentility is rare. My friends secret weapon is love. She rights a wrong with what she is naturally inclined toward, elegant righteousness. Revelations 22:11 Let the evildoer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy, and the righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy." If you are inclined toward lying, misrepresenting and manipulation than chances are that is how you are known in this world and guess what? It isn't hidden or a secret-everyone is well aware of your propensities and who you are. They may not feel comfortable confronting you because the fallout is nasty but they can see you. On a happy uplifting note, if you are kind, gentle, generous, thoughtful and loving, you are a beacon and you too, are known and oh so bright that we can all see you from miles away! Dear Reader, how do you want to be known, seen, behind the scenes spoken of? Is it too late to change your ways? Never. Kindness is a choice just as being mean spirited is chosen. You are not your moods or your behaviours and yet, they both say a lot about what is going on in your heart. May you be righteous, do right and be holy.

One Life, One Love, your way of being to choose. 

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