Thursday, March 6, 2025

God's Mercy & Gracious Blessings

I have been putting food outside my kitchen sliding door. I make "milk" from almonds, and place the ground up nut meal out on the step for whomever it is that happens by. So far, there have been squirrels, birds, chipmunks, and one adorable grey mouse, in his fluffy full winter coat. The mouse tunnelled through snow to get to the food, and it makes my heart happy to think of the little guy ... and it also had me wondering when I saw him, What about the days I don't put anything out? Should I worry about him starving to death?

Have you ever wondered how it is that birds, with their stick thin legs, manage to stay warm? How is it, that when I go outside in the winter, with far more meat on my ankles than the birds I mentioned, I have to cover all flesh to keep from feeling the freeze? I won't go in outdoor waters unless they are a certain temperature, and yet ducks and geese happily float, and dive too, no matter the weather. 

God created each creature with their habitat and natural habits and needs in mind, and provided for them in uniquely wonderful ways. I am living proof of his provision. I won't explain exactly what I mean, but suffice it to say, that what I have does not match up with what I have monetarily earned. I kind of live this life described in the story found in Kings:

2 Kings 4:1-7
Now there cried a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets unto Elisha, saying, Thy servant my husband is dead; and thou knowest that thy servant did fear the LORD: and the creditor is come to take unto him my two sons to be bondmen.

And Elisha said unto her, What shall I do for thee: tell me, what hast thou in the house? And she said, Thine handmaid hath not any thing in the house, save a pot of oil.

Then he said, Go, borrow thee vessels abroard of all thy neighbours, even empty vessels; borrow not a few. And when thou art come in, thou shalt shut the door upon thee and upon thy sons, and shalt pour out into all those vessels, and thou shalt set aside that which is full. 

So she went from him, and shut the door upon her and upon her sons, who brought the vessels to her; and she poured out. And it came to pass, when the vessels were full, that she said unto her son, Bring me yet a vessel. And he said unto her, There is not a vessel more. And the oil stayed. Then she came and told the man of God. And he said, Go, sell the oil, and pay thy debt, and live thou and thy children of the rest. 

Be not anxious
How wonderful, how marvellous, is our God? He says not to worry or be anxious for anything, and this does not mean we ought to sit around and wait for food to fall fully cooked onto our plates, but what it does mean, is that when we live his will for us obediently, trusting that he knows exactly what we need, and when we need it, he will provide, and provide abundantly, as in a little bit of oil going a long, long way. 

I had this blog in mind a while ago ... it has been lounging in the closet of my mind, waiting to be aired. A most excellent friend prayed over me, and when she spoke about oil flowing in my life, filling and spilling over, abundant oil, I excitedly interrupted her in gratitude, sharing that I had this as a topic of writing waiting in the wings. I know, dear one, I know, what God has done for me and my family, that cannot be reckoned in an accountants book. God does not give what we deserve, he gives us far more, and beyond our wildest dreams. I cannot earn what he provides, and my wages are my reward from a gracious, merciful, provisional Father that holds back nothing from me. 

I am thankful, grateful, and sometimes stupefied at his generosity. I ask you, what do you have that you simply cannot take credit for? 

The little grey mouse
The fluffy grey coated mouse doesn't care that I went to Costco and bought almonds in a bag that were grown in California, picked there too, and shelled for me to enjoy however I please. The little grey mouse hasn't a clue how I made nut meal and he wasn't watching (at least, I don't think he was?) when I put the white blend on the step. He came a calling and there was a snack, waiting for him and some of his furry outdoor friends. Isn't that kind of funny, dear reader? Think with me ... food, just waiting ... without the critters making it themselves, or having to pay for it either. 

Oil, flowing, from one vessel into the next, and the next, and the next ... without growing olive trees, plucking the fruit, and grinding it to a slick. Did you know Jesus is referred to as the Good Olive? I like this very much.

I want you to know that I have figured out, that you and I cannot be more merciful than God. I want you to know that as far as grace goes, he has us beat by a landslide. We don't have to worry about animals feeding and clothing themselves in inclement weather. We don't have to be concerned that somehow they will not be shown the love that all creatures are given by the Sovereign Creator. We get to praise the Provider, the one that does all the behind the scenes work that somehow shows up as edible and wearable, for all his creatures!

Praise be to God, dear reader, because if we had to count on one another to provide our every need, we would fall short of the mark every time. This lovely doxology comes to mind; perhaps you know it, and will sing along?

Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Voting for Hitler

I have some extreme thoughts and feelings that make my heart race and my stomach flip. I have images of young men raising their arms in unison, saluting, if that is what I must call it, a man that made a deal with the devil, agreeing to kill; to kill, dear reader. This takes my breath away, makes my nose tingle, and my eyes fill with tears of terror and sorrow, mixed into a chemical mess running down my face. My soul cannot comprehend killing, and that is what I must address with you, because murder is afoot, killers have agreed to commit the crime, and just like the Fuhrer, men and woman have sold their souls in contract with Lucifer, binding themselves to his conditions, which includes exterminating humans. 

The darkness has been brought to light, over and over again. In the extremities of this existence, we see humans behaving like demons. People are demonically animated, and that is what makes them inhumane and capable of cruelty. 

Hitler demanded what he commanded, and his foot soldiers did his bidding. He killed Jews, but before this he targeted the disabled and vulnerable. Satan, and his helpers, are equal opportunity killers; they don't discriminate. When Hitler smelled treason, he didn't hesitate to kill the men that worked by his side. When the devil was done with Hitler, because do recall, he is an equal opportunity killer, Hitler reportedly shot himself, preferring not to face the discordant music that awaited him if he were to survive. Back then, he would have been executed for his crimes against humanity, but not so today ... Hitler, like the current "world leaders" that pushed lethal poison on the populace, would walk freely among us, as though he were an untouchable; never held accountable for his wicked murderous ways. Hitler had his time to do his dastardly deeds, and so did all those that had murder in their hearts. If it takes a village to raise it child, it takes an army to destroy whole communities. Bloody hands and consciences are numerous, isn't that so, dear one?

I am beating a drum I cannot take my hands from. I see people saluting killers, colluding with them, praising and lauding and applauding as though they haven't done a thing wrong? How can this be, my mind asks. If death has visited your family and stolen away one of your relatives, as a result of them having been injected, I ask, What kind of traitor are you, when you consider voting for an obvious poison pusher? It took many a loyal to the devil soldier to kill millions of people in Germany, and in Albania, where my father was born, and perhaps in the country where your ancestors resided. Call it fascism, socialism, communism, or the new spin from students of Marxism, the indoctrinated graduates from university, capitalism (my goodness, "educators" have done a marvellous job of reworking words to make them opposites of their originals - a sign, dear reader, of demonic infiltration into the school systems), but what it really is, is Satanism. 

I shake, I tremble, and my stomach flips once more, as I type. I am nervous for souls, truly frightened for them, because blindness has become a contagion. Saluting any of the current world governors is an act of treason against God Almighty. If I sound dramatic, then perhaps you are not taking seriously, your own contribution to the current and future demise of the human race. Anyone and everyone that wore a mask and told people to get injected, repeatedly, is doing the devils bidding; and they sold their souls collectively as mercenaries. There is an indisputable fact that I hope you consider immediately: out of the mouths of these killers, come the words, vaccine, over and over again. They are onto something, and like dogs that find a bone on the street, and grip it tightly in their teeth, they will snarl if someone tries to take it from them. They like that injections are so well received by the masses, and they like that people do their deadly bidding without thinking, without resistance, without an ounce of self-awareness or control. 

The word, the name, Hitler, is nails on the chalkboard awful. There are other names that belong to world leaders that are being added to this one, that will go down in history as those that filled the cup of iniquity to the brim, bringing us closer to the end of humanity on this plane of existence. I pray yours will not be added to the growing list, as a comrade-in-wicked-arms. There are only two options for each of us, dear reader, and we must decide, using godly discernment, who we stand-by, defend, and fight for. 

1 Corinthians 6:9-11
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. 

And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. 

Revelation 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

NOTE: The poison pushers have never said anything close to, I am sorry, I was wrong, Please forgive me. Make of this what you will, while I point out to you that regret, remorse, and sorrow, belong to those that know they have wounded others. When someone does not feel regret and remorse, they are clearly, incapable of empathy: an inability to feel and express empathy, is a sign that a person belongs to the devil. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Politicians, Poison, & Prayer

The phone has been ringing and when I answer, some poor sap on the other end is calling to inquire whether or not I can be counted on, to vote for the wretched person they are campaigning on behalf of. Well, since you asked ... I will tell you exactly what I think of the person you are calling about, and you may not like it, in fact, you might choose, in your exhaustion, to hang-up on me (this happened just last night). 

My memory isn't short, in fact it runs all the way back to 2020. Do you recall the events of 2020, dear reader? That was the designated year to pull the gigantic plug on the entire world. One might think that wicked conniving human beings accomplished this grand feat, but I have to give credit where credit is due, and tell you that God Almighty yanked the cord that had us plugged into our devices, our bank accounts, our pain avoidant pleasure seeking ways. Full stop, we all rushed into a massive grinding halt, a halt that felt rudely abrupt. I praise God Almighty now, for what I could not understand five years ago. 

Think with me, how valuable it is to have God sort for us, have God impose a time-out, when and wherein, we are made to choose, to access, to evaluate what matters most to us, and more importantly, to drop to our knees in urgent prayer, pleading for mercy from the God whose mercy endures forever. 

I begged God to keep my people, the people I love, from falling for the fraud being perpetrated. I have begged for healing for my people, the people I love, that are suffering, and one that was dying and has since left terra firma. In deep sorrow, envisioning what is now occurring world wide, I have wept; and I have not forgotten. 

I have not forgotten what the politicians did, the players that discharged their dastardly worst, to impose their influence in order to cajole the masses into doing their bidding, by following their feigned measures: wearing masks and getting pretend injections - all this with the desire to trick people into lining up for the real version of the shots, that injure, maim, and cause death. The divide and conquer plan was expertly implemented, and the poor lambs that were unaware and mesmerized, were deftly led to the slaughter, so to speak. And a slaughter it has been, isn't that right, dear reader? Do you go a day without hearing of someone you know, or used to know, having died suddenly or unexpectedly? 

The politicians pushed poison on the populace. I haven't forgotten, and when I get a phone call asking me to vote for this guy or that gal, I recall images of them in their ugly masks, masquerading as servants of their constituents; alas, they played a role in mass murder, and should I, vote for someone, like that? 

What do you think? Should you, vote for someone, like that?

People have asked me, So what is your solution then, if you aren't voting for anyone? My answer is prayer. You read that correctly. When the ancient Israelites had dug themselves a deep and filthy hole by whoring themselves shamelessly, worshipping idols and man made deities, they forsook their covenant relationship with God. There is always a remnant, a very small, count on your fingers number of faithfuls, that cling to God as their Sovereign, as their Saviour, and their Deliverer. They, dear reader, are the ones that beseech and plead and constantly request mercy, and relief from oppression. 

Wicked governments are as common as dirt, and there have always been consequences for the people that follow their leaders into dark and dank places. In my city, occult images are popular and prominently displayed, and there is nothing new to see here, since the very same things were displayed proudly, and openly, in the civilizations of old. Except, the Israelites were supposed to be uniquely different from their neighbours, and Christians are supposed to be uniquely different too, from false religion proponents. Alas, we are living to see full blown apostasy, but dear reader, I refuse to join the growing crowd of Christ haters. If you do not live for, and love, Jesus, as your Saviour, then your are one of the other guys, on team Satan, whether you think you are or not: it is that plain. 

I am praying for repentance and redemption, not ruin, for those that do not know that their lives belong to God Almighty. I won't be voting for any masked men or women, but I will hope for them, to suddenly get struck by a lighting bolt of blinding truth, that will turn them into Christ followers. That's the very best I can offer anyone. 

No to politics, no to poison, yes to prayer. That is my formula, and I encourage you to take up arms of the spiritual variety to combat the times we are in, so that perhaps you can play a very small role in someone's salvation story. 

1 Timothy 2:1-4
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 

For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Sheepish Wolf?


I howl at the moon and hunt by night, sniffing the air, finding my prey without sight. The scent is strong and my nostrils flare; I can taste flesh before my canines sink in. My teeth glisten in the moonlight as saliva drips from my barred fangs. I am ready to sample and next, to satisfy and satiate my ravenous hunger. 

I am wolf and I do wolfish things: it is my nature to be as wolfy as I possibly can be, and why not? It makes no sense to me to act otherwise. You can pretend to yourself that I am tameable, that you can dress me up in different clothing and make-believe I am some other breed of animal, but you only kid yourself, trick yourself. You cannot change me no matter what you want, no matter how hard you try. I am wolf. 

Misfit artist
A friend of mine artfully created the insightful picture I included in this piece of writing. She has a brilliant mind, and has always been somewhat of a misfit; she can see the ridiculous and strange, and is able to capture it in cartoon fashion. We are all pretenders, until we figure out our true nature, and stop the play acting. We must figure out who we are and what we are about, and from there, live as honestly as we possibly can.
Donald Trump is a wolf
Donald Trump is a wolf, and he doesn't pretend otherwise. Oh sure, he periodically says what he thinks little piggies and cuddly sheep want to hear, but ultimately, he is very honest about his intentions, because he knows who he is and what he is about ... it is the susceptible and naive amongst us that do not see his barred, fanged teeth. 

I suggest to you here and now, that if you adore the Don, you have put him in a sheepish outfit that clearly, is not a match for the man. Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. Donald Trump is a vaccine peddler, a killer that people put in disguise. He speaks violence and threat, and it behooves us to really see, to really hear, and not place him in a costume to protect his identify from our own wounded minds. 

Compare Christ, forgive me Lord, to Donald Trump, or any of the filthy mouthed politicians that hold audience with great arrogance. This must be our measure, dear reader, we must see Jesus Christ before us every moment of the day, so that the lies and liars look starkly ugly, while our Lord radiates wisdom, compassion, mercy, kindness, love, and devotion to his people; we must know him as the Sovereign. Jesus is the Author of life, while wolves in sheep's clothing want nothing less, then to devour whole, the flock of the living God. 

This day, and the days ahead, added to the days that have already pasted, accumulate, and so do the crimes and sins committed. We shall see more and more of the fanged, glistening teeth, barred for savagery as the year marches forward. Real wolves kill to eat. Human wolves kill for pleasure: it delights them to destroy, dear reader, and if you do not see this yet, you will. I pray you see it sooner than later, because it would be quite a horror for you to one day realize, that rather then glorifying Jesus as Lord, you gave your mind and heart to a mere, murderous, man. 

Ezekiel 22:27
Her princes in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, and to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain

Matthew 7:15
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves

God wants us to be aware:

Luke 10:3
Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Be Safe - Hot Air Balloon Balderdash

I want to explore with you the statement uttered at the end of many conversations: Be safe, and my natural reaction when I hear it or read it:  

  • What does that even mean? 
  • Am I in danger? 
  • Do I need to be extra cautious and careful? 
  • Is there something they know that I don't, or is the person uttering this phrase, some kind of paranoid?
  • Why is this even a saying, and what ever happened to God bless?
Tagging fear onto the end of sentences does nothing for the receiver. As a thinking person, I observe that this, Be safe nonsense, is part of social engineering, a way of instilling perpetual unspoken latent terror into the populace. Are you afraid, dear reader? If so, of what? I am disinclined toward feeling fear or having it as a constant companion. I am not afraid, and don't want anyone to suggest to me that I ought to be. 

What about the idiom being used as a form of kindness? as in, I don't want anything to happen to you, Be safe. If so, we are once again dealing with fear, projected from the speaker onto the person they bid farewell too, and hope to see again, if the person remains safe, and isn't tragically taken suddenly by some yet unknown mischief making death thief in the night, or day for that matter. People are dying suddenly though, aren't they dear one, and what I think has happened with the "Be safe" wishes, is people actually believe that if they are careful enough, death can be avoided. 

Casting a spell
During the dark days of demonically imposed shutdowns, Stay safe, Stay home, was stated over and over again on the airways, casting a spell on the populace, and used as messaging to supposedly protect people from what was being called a deadly virus. Alas, the deadly virus was trusting liars followed by their installation of fear, and from that weakened state, people made emotional decisions that ought not to have been made; thus the acceptance of injections to combat the invisible enemy promoted as a lethal killer.  

What I think needs to happen is hyper awareness and vigilance, not to "stay safe", but to ready our minds, and hearts, for combat of the emotional and spiritual variety. When we hear words that are meant to stir up anxiety, or a stress response, my hope is that there is a visceral reaction to the words, followed by some inquiries directed at the speaker to challenge the idioms that have snuck into our everyday language. I have helped clients practice saying difficult things that they simply must say, in order to break free from a fear hold. What are they afraid of, you ask?
  • What are YOU afraid of, dear reader?
  • What won't YOU say, or do, because of the fear of reprisal, or potentially broken relationship?
Staying safe, holding your tongue, keeping the peace, letting sleeping dogs lie, forgiving and forgetting, all sound so wonderfully pacifying, and yet, lack of action does nothing to rectify and spin a situation around. If the wicked ones that willfully disobeyed God by mistreating their neighbours so heinously, had been rebuked and remunerated in kind for their ghastly insinuations and impositions, rather then applauded and praised as heroes, then perhaps we would all be in a better state of mind and body. Isn't it time we took back our emotions and our language, and trained ourselves to skillfully reduce the enemy via wise words, directly aimed at their hot-air-balloon balderdash? 

LISTEN to what the people with microphones are SAYING! They are authoritarians, and the masses haven't a clue that they are being controlled and contained, complying without any sense of danger at all! If I were to use the words, Be safe, rather than stand your ground, and establish your self-worth by determining your own life trajectory, I would be one of THEM. Believing nonsense makes a person a fool, and dear God in heaven, why would any of us want to be foolish, foolhardy, fooled? 

Don't be safe, dear reader, be wise. Don't follow their rules, dear reader, follow God's commandments. Don't heed the criminals that dictate, harken unto the One that loves you and prepares a place in heaven for his children. Don't trust mealymouthed criminals that couldn't care less about your safety, and do all they can to ensure your demise; rather, trust The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost, for the salvation of your soul. 

If you have been injection infected or injured, I am very sad and sorry that this has happened to you. You are noticed and loved and people care for you and want you well. My hope is that you speak up, and that your voice is heard, and also, that you never again go with the crowd to the place the wicked bid you to go ... that you never again do what they want you to do, but that you go to the God of the universe that created and owns you, and receive balm for your soul, through Christ our Lord, Amen. 

Isaiah 41:10
Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. 

In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Decorator Crab

How much fun are fish in their natural habitat, the water! 

Recently I was introduced to an adorable little crustacean, the decorator crab. I felt utter glee at hearing about his habits and urges to adorn himself. Here is what this particular type of crab gets up to while roaming about. This information was taken from the Monterey Bay Aquarium web page; I have slightly altered the wording of the first sentence to fit into this piece of writing. Visit the page yourself for some fun! 

Decorator crabs camouflage themselves with tiny algae and animals like anemones, sponges and bryozoans. The crab selects pieces of algae and some animals from its habitat and fastens them to hooked, Velcrolike bristles, called satae on the back of its carapace, or upper shell.

Why, oh why, do these crustaceans decorate themselves? You tell me, dear reader, why they do what they do? It doesn't stop them from being fish food, because fish have got to eat, and they will get the meat out of the shell when and if they feel the urge to feed. Attaching things to its crabby shell is a form of camouflage, sure thing, but isn't it cute and funny and playful, and some kind of too sweet to comprehend?

I wear lipstick, and I dress to be attractive and feel good about myself. Some people enlarge their boobs, lips, buttocks, to make themselves stand out, to decorate themselves and draw attention, camouflaging what they think they lack. Are we any different from the crab that just cannot help himself, and must attach things to his hooked shell? Well of course we are different, dear reader, because we think, and crabs don't, no matter how purposefully they perform their daily tasks. 

This is almost too delightful for me to consider. God didn't just create, he decorated for our joyful discoveries, and to ignite our imagination. Plain old plain old just isn't good enough for God, and he makes it so that we can enjoy what he has made for us, in a playful way. I watched a teeny tiny almost see through crab with red on his claws (my memory isn't perfect ... there was red, but I cannot recall if it was on his claws or elsewhere, helping me spot him) pick invisible food from the top of a star fish that he had mounted for his eating pleasure. The star fish was none the worse for wear and seemed nonplussed by his passenger. HILARIOUS!

The ecosystems of the sea, of the ocean, of the lakes and streams, puddles and aquariums, give us a glimpse into how very magnificent creation is, and how wonderfully made the animals and humans and their habitats, by an all powerful, all knowing, glorious God. 

The decorator crab, what a little darling. 

Secretary Spread

Have you put on some extra weight that seems near impossible to shift, despite your attempts at slimming via calorie counting and reducing?

Fat spreads like butter
I read about secretaries spread years ago, which is the putting on of weight around the areas that happen to cover the chairs they sit in for hours. If you think of fat as somewhat misshapen and melty, spreading like butter, and muscle as firm but shrinking from disuse, you can understand how a sedentary life can negatively impact body composition. 

Fat just stops being used as a source of fuel when we sit on our duffs for extended periods of time. Our bodies are made to move and work, not stay stationary while our arms, hands, and heads, are locked into position over a computer, or while our backs take the shape of the couch we recline on. 

Extreme example
The show The Biggest Loser was an extreme example of what it takes to affect seismic shifts for those that have done extreme damage via disuse or abuse of the body, that is meant to be a means of transportation and good work. We cannot put on excess weight without excessive calories; that is part one of the formula. Part two is if you eat, and consume more than you need for optimal body functioning, and don't move around enough to burn off the fuel you ingested, you are effectively putting into storage, what ought to be used up today. Those lumps and bumps on your arms, legs, back, and midsection, are telling you something important. 

On a personal note: 
I added some extra padding to my body during the dark days of shutdowns. I call it padding because the fat filled in my pants to the point of overflowing at the tops of them! My underwear and bras seemed uncomfortable, as though they were saying, I am being stretched beyond what I can endure, and I am going to snap if you don't do something, pronto! While sitting, a stranger would appear that I could grab with both hands and pull up, then down, without any pain at all: the dreaded fat roll was a constant companion and reminder that I had let slide my principles, my rules of health and wellness, in favour of consuming ice cream and chocolate, and not moving nearly as much as I was used to.

I lost all but one of my personal training clients during the dark days, because fear drove them away from fitness. I just wasn't burning calories the way I had been, and something extreme had to be implemented to jar me into shifting the weight again. 

Extreme, by my standards, and perhaps yours, is two hours of daily exercise. So many people think this is crazy talk, unattainable, and just plain yucky to contemplate, but my goodness, they can sit for hours on end, binge watching their new favourite Netflix series, while snacking on God knows what, and sipping something sugary. Ok then, keep putting on that padding, while I get fit and feel great again. 

I have committed to six weeks of weighted hula hooping, for an hour a day. Today is day thirteen and my pants, underwear and bras, are thanking me for relieving their strain. I also walk whenever I can, outside, and if outside is a little too slippery for my feet, I will mall walk or use the indoor track at the YMCA, for free. 

I simply cannot enjoy my body, without appreciating all it does for me and rewarding it by treating it kindly, and that includes exercise and mostly, 80-20, good clean eating habits. 80% of the time I eat wholesome unprocessed food that comes in it's natural packaging, and 20% of the time I select foods that rate highly on the Yuka app, that have been processed. 

Future fitness freak
You can do this too, and I hope you do! I have heard too many people say they have been told they are pre-diabetic and or have high cholesterol. The next step for them, according to medical standards, is to control the issues that are presenting themselves, via medications that usually, once started, are taken for a life time. 

Why, oh why, would you do this to yourself, dear future fitness freak, when food and exercise are the best natural medicines known to mankind? 

Get fit. Commit today. Make a plan, hire a trainer, do something to shed the weight, feel good about yourself, and move the needle in the right direction toward your health and wellness. 

Do it today 💝

The Big Squeeze - Macrocosmic Spasm

Every once in a while I get to smirking. This morning I give room and space in my mind for some sarcasm with matching imagery; an orange held in the hand of a person that wants to wring out every drop, is the similitude I am considering. 

Energy sucker
I knew a woman that could pick the ripest citrus fruit, filled with juicy goodness, slice it down the middle, place a half at a time on a juicer, and twist and turn the thing until it was wrung out, leaving a white and orange carcass behind. She was an energy sucker, one of those people that preyed on the kindness of others. She would critique and criticize the "fruit" she saw, and want to devour it at the same time. She would tap into talent, see what use she could make of it, and appropriate it as her own, for her own benefit, all the while the orange, the person she manipulated, twisted and turned, suspected nothing untoward, until of course, they felt a little confused, confounded, and confronted, by the self-serving audacity of the juicer. The Big Squeeze got what she could before moving on to her next bag of fruit, while the oranges were left to peel away the layers of deception they had been subjected to, in order to understand the answers to the questions: What just happened and; How did this happen to me?

Upon reflection, I see the juicer as an infiltrator. She managed to find groups of people, ingratiate herself into the assembly, and then befriend individuals, attempting to make them feel uniquely wonderful, all the while looking to make her way to the centre of the group, with all eyes concentrated on her as leader. Disassembling the leader of the pack behind the scenes was a sneak attack tactic, a way of implying everyone ought to be somewhat suspicious of the person that was in charge, and called the group together in the first place. 

An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations. Feet that be swift in running to mischief. A false witness that speaketh lies, And he that soweth discord among brethren (Proverbs 6:18-19)

This verse, the one you just read, perfectly describes the person I am writing about. When I think about it now, there were two such people that colluded and caused destruction as a tag team, with a sidelines participant that managed to play silent partner. Wicked people are drawn magnetically together, and they unite in their purpose to wreak havoc. They cannot help themselves: snakes slither and hissper, and saints must beware. 

Now, I tell you all this because life, each life, is a microcosm, a mix of the good, the bad, the wicked, the ugly, and the beautiful too. Tender hearted people long to be connected in community, and they are inclined to include and invite others into their personal world and small groups. Every once in a while, someone is bound to enter in that does not belong, and in fact, must be cast out once their duplicity is made evident and clear. This is very hard to do, considering the closeness that may have been established between them and group members ... this is where and when prayer is most beneficial, because God always gives us an out, and he can remove the thorn in our flesh, the trouble maker in our midst. 

Each life is a microcosm of what trouble and tribulation look and feel like, coupled with triumph and trumpet celebration too. If we all held hands and looked into our brother's and sister's eyes, we would see pain there, and perhaps a glimmer of hope? Try to look a liar in the eye: they cannot help but blink and avoid the intense exchange. 

The world is in the grips of a macrocosmic spasm. Infiltrators are human haters and traitors, betraying trust, duplicitously sneaking and slithering in and out of homes, small and large groups, and squeezing the life force right out of the people they manhandle and manipulate. Like an outrageously gigantic electric orange juicer, all the opportunists are put to good use, twisting and turning truth until they have wrung out every last drop, bastardizing what is good, pure, honest, righteous, kind, merciful, godly. They cannot help themselves, they belong to their daddy the Devil, and the fruit does not fall far from the tree. 

In Canada, and the United States of America, people just voted for the bad fruit to continue to lead the country to destruction. Forgive me my scepticism, dear reader, but at this point, I see cluelessness everywhere I turn, with discernment turned permanently off. 

I will end with what God has to say as the Authority:

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children (Hosea 4:6)

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Golden Statues & Worshipping Men

Two men, two golden statues: history always repeats itself, and humans never learn from the past, rather, they make fools of themselves just like their silly willy god forsaking ancestors. 

Daniel 3:1-11
Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, whose height was threescore cubits, and the breadth thereof six cubits: he set it up in the plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon. Then Nebuchadnezzar the king sent to gather together the princes, the governors, and the captains, the judges, the treasurers, the counsellors, the sheriffs, and all the rulers of the provinces, to come to the dedication of the image which Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up. 

Then the princes, the governors, and captains, the judges, the treasurers, the counsellors, the sheriffs, and all the rulers of the provinces, were gathered together unto the dedication of the image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up; and they stood before the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up. 

Then an herald cried aloud, To you it is commanded, O people, nations, and languages, that at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, ye fall down and worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king hath set up: and whoso falleth not down and worship shall the same hour be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace. 

Therefore at that time, when all the people heard the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and all kinds of musick, all the people, the nations, and the languages, fell down and worshipped the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king hath set up. 

And whoso falleth not down and worshippeth, that he should be cast into the midst of a fiery furnace.

Lately, I write a lot about Donald Trump. When someone believes he is larger then life, and that the idea of erecting a golden statue of himself is suitable for his position of power, his stature in the world, and a testament to his grandiosity, I have to wonder once again, about onlookers. Modest people everywhere are cringing ... while others are lap-dogging up all the vomitrocious nonsense that spews from this man's self-important mouth. 

The bigger they are, the harder they fall, is an idiom that perfectly predicts what will happen to the Don. 

I recall seeing images of Donald's apartment in New York, where gold plating covered far too many surfaces to be appealing. It wasn't beautiful, it was garish. Less is more Donald, and that is exactly what so many of us have experienced: much less than what we were used to, during the dark shut-down days, while you continued your rich and famous life, unhindered, unimpeded, uninterrupted, and prepping for round two, a foregone conclusion, of your presidency. 

Sting of consequences
During the dark days, I learned so much about what is important. I keenly felt sharp contrast: my businesses suffered immensely when people decided to back away from working with me, in favour of hiding in their homes, safe from a bug that didn't exist; they gave up on their own wellness, they forfeited their own bodily control ... they handed over their autonomy to criminals, and Donald, you are one of them, to be sure. Rather than sharpening their minds and strengthening their bodies, my clients, all but one, took to the shadows: I wonder, do they regret their choices? I sure hope so, because without regret, there cannot be repentance. We need to feel the pinch of conscience and the sting of consequences, to have a change of mind and heart. 

Some behaviour is asinine and unbecoming, lacking decorum and dignity. Childishness in grown men and women is embarrassing, and Donald Trump is one of the hardest men to listen to and watch. Donald is like a small child infected with the permanent condition of solipsism, so focused on his own need to be the king in his invented realm, that he doesn't consider others. 

Matthew 4:8-10
Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; and saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan; for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. 

NOTE: If I have calculated correctly, threescore cubits is 90 feet, plus six cubits, which is the measurement for the base of the statue, at 9 feet. The statue of Nebuchadnezzar was 90 feet tall and 9 feet wide ... Talk about conceited garishness!

NOTE: Donald Trump ushered in the "vaccines", then left the world stage while the stooges did their dirty work pushing the propaganda, making him look like he didn't play a part in the injuring and killing, only to come back as the golden god to save the day. 

Think on that a while ... 

Monday, February 24, 2025

Gold To Be Refined

God sent them into captivity, not as dross is put into the fire to be consumed, but as gold to be refined, Matthew Henry, page 740 from his Commentary On The Whole Bible. 

And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat (Luke 22:31) 

A friend of mine, whom I mentioned in a previous blog, told me that when she was at the airport recently, waiting to hear whether or not her flight was cancelled due to a winter storm, there were many very sick people, hacking and coughing all over the place. It made me wonder: 

  • What happened to all the temperature guns aimed at foreheads, covid testing and masking ... all the "preventative" nonsense measures that were taken to heighten awareness of a deadly disease, and force people to comply with medical tyranny, including holding some people hostage in hotels at their own expense, if they tested positive for a fictitious virus? 
  • Why is it no longer a concern for the authorities to corral and contain, and isolate people that are a threat to human existence, each time they sniffle or cough?
  • What about those days-gone-by vaccine passports that were highly prized as admittance cards to life: restaurants, entertainment arenas, boarder crossing, flights? 
Here is what happened, dear reader. The "authorities" got exactly what they wanted.

Their plotting and planning was put into action, and the masses were coerced in most cases, to take shots that would eventually, or immediately for some, cause harm and or death. When hundreds of people mix and mingle, coughing, sneezing, and wheezing, they tend to contaminate one another. For the wicked conspirators, this is fait accompli, or mission accomplished. Isn't this vile, dear one? 

While people wonder, Why do I feel so sick; Why am I still sick; Why am I sick again; Will I ever get better? the plotters whoop with glee, and need not speak of protective measures, or isolating at home to stay safe from a fake virus, or from people that might have it - they are sitting back and enjoying the show, and they celebrate the fact that they have the ability to wield power while men bend at their command. 

The injections are the cause of sickness, of suffering, of permanent injuries, and of sudden death too. It is plain as day to me as I type this truth, and my prayer is that if you suspect that what you are reading is true, that you will stop all covid activities, and start to pray that your being sifted by Satan stops immediately. 

God wants none to be lost, and he will refine his children in the fire: we are the apple of his eye, and he is mighty to heal, to save, to restore and to redeem, but we must first turn to him for all of our earthly and heavenly needs. If you have been injured via all the covid measures you participated in, please do know that God hears you when you cry out for help and relief, and he wants nothing more than to fold you into his flock. But you must repent, because you followed the orders of mere men, and wicked men at that, rather than trusting in God as your all-in-all. 

You are not dross to God if he is refining you. If it took falling for a lie to finally fall at Jesus' feet, then perhaps praising God is what is now called for from you. Eternity is a very long time, and we are all beings unto death. Sooner or later we will meet our Maker, and my hope for you as that you meet The Judge while you walk this earth, and that after repenting of your sins, you live for Christ as a witness to his mercy. 

1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness

Hebrews 4:16
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need 

Lastly, I must finish with the concept of our captivity. It would be remiss of me to not mention that I believe our cumulative sin, world wide, put us in a perfect predicament, setting the stage for covid and all the fallout associated with it. Bondage to the Devil is what we never want for ourselves or those we love, and yet this is what we have witnessed on a global scale. The masks alone speak volumes regarding enslavement, and dear reader, if you are coming out of the spell, and realizing that what has occurred is a spiritual battle, with souls as the booty, than please do, step out of captivity. Jesus makes us free as The Way, The Truth, The Life, and he is the only one that holds the keys to your eternity. 

Go to him. Get to know him. Leave the world outside your doorstep, and give yourself over to the One that loves you so much, he died for your sins on a cross over 2000 years ago. Live to glorify Jesus Christ as your Saviour, and never look back. 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Don Shoots, He Scores

The year is 2016, and Donald J Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Centre, Iowa:

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, Ok?" It's, like, incredible."

Yes, Donald, it truly is incredible, meaning impossible to believe, because you are so right, about being about to get away with murder without losing voters. The regular folk just cannot get enough of you, and you are so hallowed as to be able to boy scout say, and do, just about anything, while being lauded. I don't have a problem with you personally, Donald ... I have difficulty with the other human beings that wanna eat you up with a spoon, as though you are the best flavour. and their personal favourite, in the Baskin-Robbins selection line-up. 

I recall you as the prez, the final say, the one that determined who should stay and who should go on the show The Apprentice. Humans loved to hate you Donnie, because what people admire and perhaps fear the most, is power, alpha male top dog I win every time power: You had that power in the show that had you sitting as judge and final juror, determining when someone was summarily dismissed, and you were given the awesome role of saying, You're fired, while pointing your finger, singling out the best of the worst in a crew of people trying to please you. 

Tail between their legs, the newly fired loser would head for the elevator while the receptionist watched the departure ... cut, they were cut from the team, and you were seen as Da Man, bigger than life, flanked by one or another of your children in the boardroom. I didn't like you then and I certainly don't like you now, but that, again, is not the reason for my writing. It does not matter what I think of you, all that matters is the chronicling of what you are saying and doing, and the hope that people actually see you as you are, and not how they want to ice cream flavour you, in their mucked up thinking. NOTE: The Apprentice was a great piece of weekly predictive programming for the masses. Viewing audience members got trained up to see you pointing your finger and saying the words, You're fired, in your ruthless, big business man success suits, and now they get to watch you doing the very same thing for the cameras. Good job Donnie, good job! You managed to blend theatre and backstage with current modern day reality. In fact, your life is one big reality show, but people cannot tell that this is so ... thus my concern. 

Shoots off his mouth
The Don shoots, he scores, dear reader. The Don shoots off his mouth, and with every seventh grader speech he gives, he scores points. People think he is being sarcastic, playful, jovial, funny, while he makes financial and resource threats to other countries; and while he speaks plainly about absorbing other countries as though he is a massive sponge, boldly displaying confidence that nothing will stop him from doing as he says he will do. He gives credit and awards to people like Bourla and Fauci, and he has long lunches with the likes of Bill Gates, while hobnobbing with virtual heroes, Elon Musk and what is that fellas name, the one that stole two brother's idea, and made a killing out of it, oh ya, Zuckerberg, mister Meta reality. 

The set up is so perfect, no wonder it has caught so many flies! The web has been woven so tightly, and is so translucent as to be almost invisible, that the unsuspecting only discover the stickiness once they are already trapped. I comprehend, dear reader, how difficult it will be for you to extricate yourself, but do know, you can, if you decide that you prefer fact over fiction. The moral of the story here, is liars lie, they mislead, and I wonder, are you one of the flies held still, awaiting the sinking in of the venomous spider fangs? 

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, Ok?" It's, like, incredible."

Now, just to challenge your thinking a little, if it so happens that you dig the Trumpster, I have to ask, since you may be a devotee:
  • Does what he said about being able to shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue strike you as funny? 
  • How about his arrogant proclamation that he wouldn't lose any voters by doing so? 
  • Is this just something a playful, sarcastic person would say? 
  • Are you a sarcastic, playful, jovial person, that would say such a thing to prove your popularity, and your untouchable personage? 
That public statement, recorded for posterity, gave us a glimpse of the pride and arrogance of a man that once in office, told the people of his nation, in a most cavalier manner, to get injected. Donald's love affair with money is well-known, and dear reader, as an immoral man, he has proven over and over again, that what he admires and appreciates most, is cash: he surrounds himself with people that steal for a living, kill for a living, and murder naturally without batting an eye, and he isn't even shy about it ... but still, he is seen as somehow naively innocent, a business man that will make people's bank accounts great again. So, I suggest a most insulting thing to you right now, that perhaps, if you like Trump, you too, have a love affair with money:

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows (1 Timothy 6:10)

I beseech you to go before God, and ask him to look into your heart and next, give you clarity about what is going on in there. What are your motives to support someone that says what he means and means what he says, even when it is vulgar, abusive, self-congratulatory, and promotes violence against others in the form of figurative or actually, shooting, via a gun or syringe? 

What, dear one, will it take, for you to actually believe what this man is saying, and not just excuse him as guileless and innocent of wrong doing? 

What will it take, for you to love the truth, and only the truth, so help you God, and not be swayed to the piecing of your own soul, by your love of money? 

What will it take?

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Kick 'Em When They're Down ...

Covid con-artists abound. They did an exceptional job tricking the masses but then again, the many that make up the masses, love to be misled. 

I know some people that I hold near and dear, that I have compassion for, that wouldn't kill a spider or hurt a flee, let alone injure purposefully, another human being, because their hearts are huge and they love living creatures in extraordinary ways. I think of them and I ache, longing for them to know and feel God's presence every waking and sleeping moment, especially when they are feeling unwell. They got injected ... and they just didn't know at the time, that a scam had been perpetrated world wide. They simply, plain old, did not know. 

Some say Donald Trump just didn't know either, and that he was duped, tricked, and unwittingly fell into some unseen trap set for him by Fauci. The Don, some say, some think, some believe, was shanghaied into pushing poison on the populace, and since he just didn't know, he just isn't accountable either. 

I think of rape victims in the olden days, being accused of "asking for it" if their clothing was suggestively sexy prior to the violent attack on their being: the victim was re-victimized when the perpetrator(s) were painted pretty and innocent, despite the massive trauma they caused. That is how I see what is now happening, with all the Trump Ra Ra, all the support he gets, all the love pouring out toward him, while victims of poisonous injections silently suffer, believing it is their own fault, for trusting the fraudsters. 

For every excuse made for this man, there is someone that is being diagnosed with a turbo cancer. For every lie told to keep this man in a holy place where he is not culpable for what he has said and done, there is someone sitting bedside, holding hands with a friend or family member that is slipping away. For every cheer and set of hands clapping for The Don, there is a child being diagnosed with heart disease, or young man or woman being told they have high blood pressure. Young people are killing themselves in desperate droves with mental illnesses that they cannot suffer, and old people are being shot up as though they are drug addicts, hidden away in nursing homes with their life expectancy shortened, despite the advances of modern technology and "medicine".

Trump called Dr. Albert Bourla of Pfizer, One of the great people, one of the great business men. Now one would think that perhaps this would be an unwise thing to say publicly, considering the injury and death rates for people that were injected with Pfizer's potions, and the outrage that it might stir in the relatives that lost a loved one after lethal injections of said potions, but no, not at all! Trump banks on saying whatever he likes and remaining the white knight in shining armour, ready to save the day, the year, the next four years and beyond. 

One might also think that Fauci would be under arrest, since he so wickedly deceived Trump and people are dying in atrocious numbers, but alas, there is no such plan in place for justice to be served up for any of the perpetrators, which brings us back to the closing of this very full circle, with debauchery safely huddled in the middle. The victims are cast aside in favour of protecting the villains, and I say for shame on all that defend the wicked and without pity, do not consider the humbled and weakened amongst us. 

For, shame. 

If you are a Trump supporter, I insist, I simply must stand resolute and firm when I say, that you are kicking victims in the stomach and dropping them down at your feet, because you certainly aren't willing to see that murder is afoot, the killers roam free and back slap one another, and you have a twisted understanding of what is just, true, right, kind, merciful, and godly. The people that need to be protected, defended, fought for, are being ignored and neglected by you, every time you take the side of a man that has no sense of shame and continues on a path that is all his own and leads to destruction; his conscience is what The Bible calls seared. He has no regret and no remorse for what he has said and done that has damaged and disabled other human beings. 

The lie of, If you are not a part of the solution, you are part of the problem, is the very lie that has people believing that we must pick the best of two evils, and vote for the fella that sounds almost just right, even if he is a little off. No, no, no. Sinners are not saviours, they aren't the "solution", and people need to snap out of their stupor, ask God to forgive them for playing a role in moving wicked people into positions of authority and power, and plead to know, Lord, what can I do for the injured, the lost, the wounded, the ones that need protective curative love ... 

What, Lord, is the work you have for me?

Let us be very clear. People are still masking, they are still covid testing, they are still getting shots, and they still believe the lie, and Trump is making money from this, loads and loads of money on the propaganda that continues to be pushed, and pushed hard, on the unsuspecting. When the president of the United States of America is just a sarcastic jokester that means no harm, despite promoting the killing king of Pfizer, then something has gone seriously wrong in logical, deductive reasoning, and the cloud of deception has blurred and blinded the fans, followers, devotees, and worshippers, that make up the crowd that love a man that hates people to death. 

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him (Revelation 12:9)

If you don't know it yet, you will find out in short order, that Donald Trump is demonically animated and motivated, and his love for filthy lucre makes him the perfect man for the job of spokes-person for his daddy the Devil. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Slide, Flip, Smoke, Stop

Days ago I wrote a blog entitled Under God's Wings - Delta Down. Last night I saw footage of the Delta sliding, flipping, smoking, and finally, in short order, stopping. The scene is thrilling because I know the outcome; people were out coming from that plane. I cannot help but consider once again, how life altering that atypical landing will be in the aftermath, for the crew and passengers, and hopefully for onlookers too. 

While on the plane, was there fervent prayer, panic, pleading? Did people scream as they braced themselves, or slump in their chairs, hunkering down and preparing for an impact they could not control? Hanging upside down from their chairs, still attached by seatbelts - safety first - was all hope lost? Could they smell the acrid smoke, see out their windows that a wing was missing? Did they in shock, suddenly realize that they were indeed, alive, and start unbuckling themselves and then others too, helping one another to their shaky legs, finding their feet beneath them, ready to walk out door openings?

Did anyone make vows to God to honour and obey him while thanking him for this exquisite postponement of their judgment day? Did anyone make promises to change their life forever, begging God for forgiveness of their damning sins? Perhaps there were one or two saints on the plane praying loudly, or there were one or two saints praying for their loved ones from home base ... and this: God sent angels to control the slide, gently hamburger like flip the plane, and stop the icy glide. Delightful, absolutely delightful, dear reader. 

Where there is smoke, there is fire, and where there is sin, there are souls in peril. God is so gracious, he let everyone know days ago, that even when it looks as though all is lost, there is hope. The footage I watched was taken by an eye witness, from the ground. They were saying, No, no, no ... and some swear words ushered out. I wonder if God placed that man there, to witness the miracle of a life-time. How joyful I would be to be the one chosen to see such a mind and heart opening event. In fact, I am busting wide open as I type, gleeful for the souls that today, and from this day forever, survived one of the scariest and coolest landings, ever to have taken place in aviation history. 

Dear reader, when it is inconvenient to believe, and to have faith in God, that is precisely when we simply must, put all our cares, all our worries, and of our inclinations to fuss, fight and fret, into his capable hands. Prayer is the most powerful weapon in our faith arsenal, and by God, I am praying for more miracles. What is the point of being a saint, dear one, if prayer is ineffectual and does us not a lick of good? 

There is much to be grateful for, and much to pray about too. I have nothing to go on until I open my Bible or read from Matthew Henry's Commentary. Our minds are altered, and our thoughts directed, when we begin the day with the God that shifts and moves mountains, makes baby lambs and humans, and gently, ever so kindly, saves lives for the sake of their souls, and for the sake of onlookers that may take this event personally, as an invitation to change. 

Don't let this opportunity pass you by, dear one. 

I look forward to hearing testimony from the people that were on that plane or anyone that now knows Jesus as Saviour as a result of this event. I pray we hear much from them, and that their joy is evidence for all to see, that God is in charge of life, and death, and everything in-between.

See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand (Deuteronomy 32:39)

You, reader dear, are alive because he maintains you. You, dear one, will die one day, according to his schedule, and the death date he has already assigned you. People don't like God being in charge of everything, until of course, their life hangs in the balance, and then somehow God being Almighty, makes a whole lot of sense. 

Believe, especially when it is inconvenient, especially when you have no say and circumstances seem dire. Believe always and forever, and your reward awaits. 

Hebrews 11:1 
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen