Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Bunnies and Burglars

Tall fence
We have us a liberal satanic socialism soaked society. A couple of years ago, the fella that put up part of a tall fence in my backyard said "I have skills they can use. As long as I can work, as long as I can eat pie every once in a while, and they leave me and my dogs alone, I am good: I will do what they tell me to do."

Interesting statements, made by a materialistic man that thinks only of his survival, his own creature comforts, and naively believes that "they" will be fair in trading service for service: he provides manual labour, they let him live to enjoy small pleasures. Hmmmm. Quite the concept, very mafiosa, and a dangerous outlook for not only this small minded man, but for those around him that will not feel an ounce of protective concern coming their way, if they need a helping hand of defence against encroachment from barbaric men. 

Years ago I spoke with a Christian teacher that works in the secular school system that shared she is a socialist. She is gainfully employed, admittedly overpaid, with a husband that makes a decent living. Her house and gardens are well kept in a nice neighbourhood. I know this because we live two streets apart. 

I would love to ask her if she would be okay with the "they" people, coming into her home, the one she and her husband pay exorbitant taxes on, the one where she has the freedom to lay around in her pj's and let it all hang out, if she would be okay if "they" entered in and took half the household items she and her husband had bought and paid for, giving them away to the less fortunate to even-steven the distribution of wealth. Would she also be okay if "they", take half the family income, including the money her children make at their part time jobs, to do with what "they" deemed appropriate? I do believe this educator has misconstrued the meaning of socialism, believing it a form of charity. In her desire to help others, to give so that they don't feel less than, she has lied to herself about what socialism truly is ... and it is far removed from anything remotely related to Christ and Christianity.  

What is mine is mine, what is yours is yours, unless of course, we decide we want to give what we have away. KEEP OUT signs used to be a warning to intruders, of private ownership, of property belonging to someone else: this is Biblical:

Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set (Proverbs 22:28)

Wooden line
Tall fences, like the one the man I mentioned above, sweat to erect to keep bunnies and burglars out of my paid for backyard, make a statement as a wooden line of demarcation. Each piece of cut and nailed to its next of wooden kin plank, say one by one "I am here to let you know that on the other side of me, is private property." If someone decides to hop the fence, they know that they are ignoring a landmark, and crossing an established line: "they" know.

To underestimate evil
I am very grateful these days, dear reader. I have been given the gift of good company. Authors that know of human nature, the dark side that lurks and peers out with blood lust eyes at their fellow man, ready to pounce on and destroy what stands in the way of their desire to own all that they see. The murderous ones have bellies already full with the delicacies that they have stolen: hunting for pleasure, the thrill of the chase; catching and killing stupid prey, is what they enjoy the most. This way they can gloat over cocktails with their accomplices. To underestimate evil, to cloak it in thoughts and words that transform it into something angelic, is to deny the devil. And this, dear reader, is where we are: a liberal satanic socialism soaked society with bleeding hearts dripping artificial compassionate blood all over those of us that would prefer they stop pandering to the wicked. They are weaklings that have exposed us to danger by accepting the removal of their autonomy. 

Right now, my fence, the locks on my doors and the passwords for my bank accounts, are obvious reminders of a deep-seated appreciation for privacy, for separateness, for letting me and others know that we are uniquely and wonderfully different, and that while you respect my boundaries, I too, will not cross over yours. The thief that comes to destroy may present like a bunny, but make no mistake, he is a burglar, and cares not for what I have accomplished, savoured, and saved, for me and my family. He wants what he wants, at my expense, and unfortunately, my neighbours have decided that giving what I have away is okay with them, because they refuse to see the killer that has leapt their fence, and is breaking down their back door. 

Edged out
We are in peril, dear reader, because people have become accustomed to the darkness. They do not see it for what it is, and since they refuse to acknowledge what is evident to many of us, we have been edged out of our peaceful existence to the precipice edge, nudged by goats that care not for our sheepish nature. 

The burglar is wicked. This is true, but so is the neighbour that does not defend those that live next door. So is the moral reprobate that refuses to believe what God has clearly taught us about the devil. With or without Biblical teaching, we all know that stealing, lying, killing, are wrong: even a heart hardened narcissist knows this to be true, that is why they feign kindness, until of course, their teeth draw near to their victims pulsing with life blood throat.

Do we have to see fangs, dear one, before we believe evil exists?

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