Monday, January 12, 2015

Not Done

One of my favourite writers is Napoleon Hill. As reader, I have the benefits of being spoon fed wisdom, gleaned over a lifetime and captured in writing. Napoleon Hills works are serving me well and neuropathways are being created in my mind as I digest and assimilate information that was written to hit the Truth buttons in my heart, pysche, soul, and stomach, to complete this metaphor. Definiteness of Purpose is a theme that I have lost and found on the bunny trail of life and today, and yesterday, I had the words "I'm not done with you yet" echoing in my head and reverberating throughout my being. The words came for me and at me, mostly at me, that my work with others is not done, there is more and I am to stay the course until He, God Almighty, tells me otherwise. This feels like a repeat, and as I write, it feels like another repeat and I have to stop myself from searching back in time into previous blogs to check for redundancies. Ether: the fifth and highest element after air and earth and fire and water; was believed to be the substance composing all heavenly bodies. The Voice inside my head and heart, it is my ether, it is the highest element seen and felt and touched with faith as the sixth sense that guides me to its is my faith in things unseen that has me knowing that the repeat is real and essential, that there is something in the message that I must pay attention to...Thine will, not mine Lord, this is my humbling, my knowing that the Voice, heard inside of my head comes from another, The Holy Spirit that lives within me...I am not Holy, I am not God, I did not make me and I know the difference between the Divine and the divinely created...I fall into the second category and I am quite content with this status of second, of follower, of being clay crafted into human form by a Mighty Hand. He is purposeful and definite and He calls me to be the same, definitely on purpose until I hear the words "well done, good and faithful servant". He has a message for each of us, it may be a repeat or something new, only listening ears and heart can tell, open yours today and Love will lead the way Home. 

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