Monday, November 18, 2024

Mafia Mentality-Murder Meat Hook

Dear reader, have you become accustomed, or acclimated, to killers and killing, to murder, of any and all sorts? I have finally figured something crucial out, and you and I need to discuss the matter.  

Let us consider the babe in the womb scenario. A female is impregnated, this causes her distress and while considering her options, she decides to engage the services of a qualified killer, and his assistants, to murder the new life so that she doesn't have to face the world with obvious evidence of her sin. 

Let us now consider the possibility of the female having been raped, or perhaps she is married and via ultrasound, it is disclosed that the baby is marred in some way ... no one would want to deal with these stigmas; surely aborting the mission, aborting motherhood, ridding one's self of a reminder of violence committed or a disabled human that will only hinder the woman's life, is good enough reason to kill the thing. 

Validating reasons gives permission to play the role of creator and killer, after all, the woman and someone she partnered with, willingly or unwillingly, created a baby, and isn't it right, dear reader, that she ought to have the right to kill it to0? According to man's rules, all of this makes perfect sense. Got a problem, find a way to fix it ... sounds so gangster to my typing ears. Our society, at large, has a mafia mentality. 

When I considered this piece of writing, I was going to go down a well trodden grass and plant free path, calling for attention and accountable for the people that have been placed as leaders for the countries of the world, but I decided that isn't the route required. I see the forest, and I see that some have stepped on the short greenery as they wove their way in and around the trees; so few have travelled there that the wear and tear of the foliage is almost imperceptible. Let us go there now, if you can bear it, dear one. 

The only reason I deduce as an explanation for supporting killers that publicly declare the terms that are excusable for killing babies in the womb, is plain old fashioned guilt alignment. If a person is culpable, if a person has committed the crime, lived with the sin without calling it sin, or repenting from having killed their own offspring - or someone elses as the hitman or cashed out mercenary, otherwise known as abortion doctors - then it makes perfect sense that they would applaud those that condone the acts of murder. If a leader is the immoral judge, and you or I want our conscience assuaged, then hoorah, we have found ourselves someone that will champion our own wicked choices, and in return, because reciprocal responses are conditioned into unaware and susceptible humans, we champion them. 

Why not take this whole argument a couple steps further, shall we? If there are valid reasons to eliminate a child from the womb, or shortly after it takes its first breath after exiting the womb (either way, murder is murder), then does it not make logical sense that humans, big and small, young and old, are also expendable, if they don't like their life, or they are a burden, or they aren't smart, cute, creative enough ... if they are perceived as useless, ugly, and just plain old stupid ... 

Off with their heads, is what the Queen of Hearts would say, and aren't there a whole bunch of idiotic cards, just waiting to do her bidding? 

Exodus 20:13
Thou shalt not kill

Hmmmm, thou shalt not kill, unless ...
Oh, thou shalt not kill, except for ...
Ya ya, thou shalt not kill, not including ...

We have lots and lots of reasons to justify what is wicked in the eyes of the Lord. We give ourselves a pass whenever we decide to do what we know is not right, and as a collective, the masses give anyone a huge pass too, when their crime, their sin, their unrighteousness matches up almost perfectly with the loud mouth in front of the microphone. 

So, dear reader, I ask you. 
  • What crime, secret to you but clearly an affront to the all knowing Lord, have you committed? 
  • What sin have you buried deep in your soul that you condone in others, so as to feel okay about what you did? 
  • Do you collude with killers, because it lets you off the murder meat hook? 
Those that have ridden the crimson wave to the top of the leader board, were swept up high by people like you, if you have not confessed, owned, grieved, sorrowfully wept, over your own sin, and the sins of those you profess to love. If you make excuses for others, clearly, you are comfortable, making them for yourself; and clearly, you just cannot stand it when people like me, point out what God has commanded. 

There are a lot of thou shalt nots, and some dare to suggest that God contradicts himself and does what he says we ought not do. Here is my response, found in scripture, to this very nervy suggestion:

See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand (Deuteronomy 32:29)

If you approve of abortion, you deny God's declaration that he is the one that kills, he is the one that makes alive, he is the one that wounds and heals, and he is the one that holds his own in his hands, and no one can take from him.

People playing God, approving, applauding, condoning, excusing any form of killing, are murderers in his sight. Are you, dear one, an unrepentant murder? 

Get bloody, swim around in your own sin soaked soul. Ask yourself if you are a liar, making a mockery of God's commandments and refusing to confess that you have gone along with wickedness because you have refused to acknowledge your own disobedience. Go ahead, test your character and intestinal fortitude, and try for once, being utterly, painfully, repentant, and finally:

Plead for your soul to the God that made and can break you, through our only mediator, Jesus Christ. Thank God for providing the Way to redemption, for giving us his only Son, who willingly took on flesh, preached the Good News, went to the cross and died for the sins of the world, and rose again, proving to mere humans, that God is indeed, the Commander of llfe, death, wounding, healing ... and holding us tenderly in his loving hand when we belong solely, to him. 

I said finally as in we are finished here, but there is one more thing:

Guilty people pay for their sins one way or another when they do not repent. I call it leakage. The masses are now self-murdering in droves, because they did not trust in the Lord as their maker/breaker. People trusted in leaders that are just like them, and dear one, those that do not love the Lord, have murder in their hearts, and they kill themselves and others without conscience.

But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death (Proverbs 8:36)

If you sin against God, you wrong your own soul: if you hate God's commands, embrace your own sins and the sins of others, you have a certain fondness and love for death. It is as plain to me as the nose on your face ... 

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Spell Bound-FABRICation

Think with me, about the word spellbound. Let's split it into two parts: Spell Bound. 

Spell: noun a form of words used as a magical charm or incantation; a state of enchantment caused by a magic spell; an ability to control or influence people as though one had magical power over them

Under a spell: not fully in control of one's thoughts and actions

Under someone's spell: so devoted to someone that they seem to have magic power over one

Bound: noun a limitation or restriction on feeling or action; verb form the boundary of; enclose; place within certain limits; restrict; outside the limits of where one is permitted to be; beyond what is acceptable

Bind: verb tie or fasten (something) tightly together; restrain (someone) by tying their hands and feet; wrap (something) tightly

Spellbound: having your attention completely held by something, so that you cannot think about anything else

Spellbind: verb hold the complete attention of (someone) as though by magic; fascinate

Masks, a sea of them, greeted me when I entered Home Sense in search of a day timer for the new year. My eyes saw and my mind fought in disbelief: how could it be that everyone, men, women, children, staff, wore dastardly mouth and nose coverings? How could it be that they all, fell into the snare, the trap set for them? I found what I was looking for and began to feel dizzy, and as though my eyes wanted to cross. By the time I waited silently in line and then paid, I couldn't see straight, and I floated across the parking lot to my car, where my son sat waiting for me. I told him what was happening with my senses and how discombobulated I felt, and what I had witnessed inside the store, and he simply stated: They are under a spell mum. 

Ahhhh ... that feeling of having my soul side swiped and then slammed by an invisible force, pushing my spirit outside of my body so that I feel discomfiture, has occurred many a time since then, but now I am savvy. Now I know, without a doubt, that the masses were under a spell cast, and that they are now bound. They are: enchanted, controlled, influenced, not fully in control of their thoughts and actions; they are limited and restricted in their feelings and actions, enclosed, limited, not permitted outside of their enclosure; they have been tied, fastened tightly together, restrained at the hands and feet, wrapped tightly; their attention is completely held by something, so that they cannot think about anything else; their attention on someone or many someones is so complete that it is as though by magic ... they are utterly fascinated. 

I committed to never getting used to masks on faces. I committed to never accepting or excusing them as a form of medically approved protective gear. I committed to challenging the nonsense for what it is, FABRICation. Anyone that wore a mask that knew what had occurred behind the scenes, made themselves susceptible to more manipulation further on down the road. Giving into coercive tactics weakens a fragile character, and the end result? is a whole bunch of fearful people hiding, literally, behind masks. When the masses took those things off, the majority did not feel the sting of shame, nor did they commit to never again masking up, and I think that has a lot to do with our current state of spellbound-ness. They weren't sorry; they didn't repent, and chances are high that if everyone threw those suckers on again, the ones in the "know" would pull out their designer cloths too, and string themselves up so as not to stand out ... but they would stand out, dear reader, because I could see them the first time around this ugly bend. 

If someone tells you to do something and you have to compromise your integrity to comply, and you do, comply, you have entered a danger zone. You can no longer trust yourself, you can no longer count on you to do the right thing for your own well-being, and the door you entered through, opens you up to more of the same. The nefarious understand incremental degradation. This is why you and I can really like and then love someone when we first meet them and get to know them, and how we can gradually fall out of love and like, when we know what makes up their being. No one is cruel, dismissive, without affection entirely when we meet them: these things are discovered over time, and that trapped feeling can kick in and have us question our own lack of discernment. We can talk ourselves into bad behaviour, bad relationships, and more of the same if it is too uncomfortable to change (or way to easy to just live status quo). 

So, I challenge anyone reading this to take a good hard look at your recent, and perhaps rather ancient, past. We are all inclined to compromise our values to accommodate what we want or think we want, but alas, if you are in Christ, your conscience will prick and you will feel deep sorrow when you come to terms with your sins before an all knowing all powerful God. The devil delights when we collude with him, or those that openly sin. He gives himself a good old pat on the back each time we align with someone that cheats on his taxes, promotes prideful people and their agendas, supplies funds for immoral wars, agrees to the killing of babies in the womb, or adults and children via lethal injections ... I don't even have to list names here, because all the politicians are guilty of what I am accusing them of. The question is: Are you guilty of supporting demonic plots, fascinated as though spell bound? If so, please do, come out from your tomb, ask to be unravelled from the dead body mummy bindings, and pray to God to set you free in the LORD, the Saviour of the world, that died for your sins and mine. 

Christ, and Christ alone, for the professing Christian. 

NOTE: No where in The Bible does it indicate that it is our duty to vote for anyone, especially not the better of two evils. John the Baptist instructed: 

Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand (Matthew 3:2)

If only repentance was preached today ... 

Friday, November 15, 2024

Sucker Punched

I recall getting up rapidly and banging the left side of my head hard, on the object just above me. As I typed that first sentence, the left side of my neck tighten in the recalling. I drove home after the incident, decided to walk the dog, and as I rounded a corner, my peripheral vision faded to light grey ... I couldn't see properly, and I cannot recall if I completed the walk, or returned home immediately. All I knew at the time, was something was seriously wrong; I still suffer repercussions from that concussion.

I recall hearing my son say, Mum, I have to leave school, they are giving us until Wednesday to pack up and leave the dorms. As I drove to retrieve my son from the Christian college he was attending, I felt a gloomy greyness settle in like a fog, as though someone had flipped the switch on a massive circuit panel to off, for the whole world. Lights out was the sense I had; I still suffer repercussions from that strange and awful time of utter turbulence. 

I haven't forgotten March of 2020, because of the repercussions: they linger like a bad odour but it seems to me, no one else has sense enough to turn up their nose, or plug their nostrils to protect them from the stench of sickness and death. It seems to me, that everyone is carrying on as though there is nothing to see here, everything is back to status quo normal, and the hoax just didn't happen. But it did happen, and I haven't forgotten. 

I recall writing extensively about the violent shifts we pea ons were subjected to, made to feel afraid of real boogey men; hirelings that harassed the most innocent offenders, deemed guilty by mercenaries willing to do the bidding of those that plotted and planned the injury and demise of the masses, for cash. What surprises me is the apathy. What shocks me is the ease with which so many accept without wanting retribution or recompense ... 

My sister is dead. She took three of those injections, and I saw her decline, I witnessed her fading away. The thought makes me weepy, seeing her weak as a kitten, confused often, lost even, unable to retrieve and direct her thoughts. Poison does that to a person. And dear reader, maybe you are poisoned too, or you know someone that is very poisoned and is very sick and dying. Aren't you a little miffed, a little mad, a little sad and worried and forlorn? I am, because I haven't forgotten and I know who started it all ... they have been bold enough to say, It was me ... proud enough to want credit, I did it... 

People don't like it when I point out how wicked some people are. People don't like it when I remind them that their loved ones are hurt, suffering, sick, dying, because they went along with all the vile demands of wicked governors. People would prefer I be nice and easy, take a walk on the sunny side of the street, and make things good, make things great again, but I can not, I will not, because I haven't forgotten that we were sucker punched, and my sister is dead. 

Jesus always told the truth, and so must I, even at the expense of people pulling away from me because they would prefer to see the world with eyes of opportunity. I see it as dying, dear reader, because ... I haven't forgotten. 

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Looking Behind the Curtain

An excerpt from God is Dead, written by Steve Bruce:

When the oracle speaks with a single clear voice, it is easy to believe it is the voice of God. When it speaks with twenty different voices, it is tempting to look behind the curtain.

I have often said, If Jesus is Truth, and there is only One Truth, then we ought to all agree on scriptural meaning.

Individualism suggests we can cast our own light on meaning, interpret what we read as though it pertains uniquely and specifically to our personalized perception: alas, nothing could be further from Truth. The Bible is known as the oracle of God, and while this may hurt some feelings, The Bible is entirely about God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost ... we the people, must approach the reading of The Bible with reverence, and a comprehension that The Word existed before we could read, and The Word spoke us into existence. To be clear, we cannot, do not, will not, ever speak God into existence, and that is what people think they can do, magically. For example: If I believe that something is, I have the ability to manifest it; this type of conjuring (witchcraft) falsely implies demigod status, and when we delineate, we see that the deluded spell maker has fallen into the trap of denying deity of all creative Supremacy. God was, is, and always shall be ... he doesn't just appear when suddenly we first believe, even if that is how it feels when we fall head over heels in love with him. 

One Voice
When the oracle speaks with a single clear voice, it is easy to believe it is the voice of God. 

If God be our Oracle, and The Bible by extension, the written Oracle of God, we have a God that speaks to us collectively and individually too, with one message:

If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever, Amen (1 Peter 4:11)

The Bible is about God, and if we are to speak of him as his ministers, it must be according to the ability he gives us, with the focus being on glorifying him through Jesus Christ, who is to be praised, and who has dominion, for ever and ever.

In what you just read, do note: God, Jesus, glory, praise, dominion, for ever and ever. Scripture always points upward; when we pull The Bible toward us, we must do so with a heart willing to be humbled, willing to be course corrected and recalibrated to the righteousness of Christ. I am struck often, by the repeated theme, simplified for our easy comprehension and compliance if we so choose, to live the commandments. To love God is to live like him, and our perfect example walked the earth, spoke freedom from sin through repentance, and told us that the Kingdom of Heaven is near... imagine that! The Kingdom of Heaven is near, dear reader, because God incarnate said so. Choosing to believe this does not change the reality one bit; choosing to ignore the Oracle is perilous though, because like it or not, Jesus' words always ring soundly, ring truly, and those that have ears to hear, will heed. 

Many Voices
When it speaks with twenty different voices, it is tempting to look behind the curtain.

We need not wonder at the confusion, the chaos, the shade, stones, dirty, and mud thrown at The Bible. In the beginning, we are introduced to a talking snake, and silly humans too, that question and test God's authority. Snakes have proliferated, and silly humans have followed suit, behaving similarly to their deviating ancestors. The twenty different voices have become hundreds of thousands, competing for air and ear time, all of them suggesting that belief is the equivalent of verity. The slithering snake has managed to commend himself, and the voices in the heads of the confused are loud and demanding and we see the inner world showing up on the outside in all manner of debauchery. Looking behind the curtain, or beyond the veil, reveals a sordid sinful self-indulgent demonic crew of dissenters: fallen angels whisper, suggest, cajole, coerce, command, demand, and the silly humans comply. 

When reading The Bible, we are told not to envy, to pray for our enemies, to be content with what we have, to be at peace when at all possible, to love God and our neighbours, no matter what they have said and done. Are you living this way, dear reader? We are instructed to obey the commandments, need I list them here as a reminder?

When we look to The Bible, the spiritual realm opens up in curious and unusual ways that inform and instruct ... when looking behind the curtain to discern where all the doubtful voices are coming from, we discover the father of lies hiding there, pressing humanity at ever turn, desiring our demise.

Which voice do you hear? The voice of God will never instruct you to harm yourself or anyone else. The voices that attempt to compete with God's, will lead you in multiple directions, and always away from the Voice of Truth. Jesus is the Truth, and to deny him as deity, makes it really easy to shove The Bible onto a shelf, and treat it as though it is just one more book that you can take or leave, or as something that isn't sound, because humans that work for the evil one, have denigrated it mindlessly, and without relenting. 

The trap is set, and Christians are falling into it daily, when they too, suggest that the Oracle of God, is not to be trusted. I beseech you here and now, dear one, to return to your first love, spoken of in The Word, for the salvation of your soul, the soundness of your mind, and the edification of your spirit. One God, indivisible, Father, Son, Holy Ghost.

Goodbye for now ~ did you know this was what people used to say when they departed from one another, which means: God be with you? ~: I learned this from Steve Bruce. 

God speed dear one. 

Monday, November 11, 2024

Net Bustin' Haul

The Gospel, St. Luke 5.1. Taken from pages 225-226 of the book of Common Prayer Canada

It came to pass that as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, Jesus stood by the lake of Gennesaret, and saw two ships standing by the lake; but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets. And he entered into one of the ships, which was Simon's, and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land: and he sat down, and taught the people out of the ship. Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing; nevertheless, at thy word I will let down the net. And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes, and their net brake. And they beckoned unto their partners which were in the other ship, that they should come and help them. and they came, and filled both the ships, so that they began to sink. When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord. For he was astonished, and all that were with him, at the draught of the fishes which they had taken; and so was also James, and John, the sons of Zebedee, which were partners with Simon. And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not, from hence forth thou shalt catch men. And when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all, and followed him. 

Let us see together, this miraculous scene, dear reader. 

Jesus has so many people wanting to hear the word of God, that he is being "pressed upon". In modern day imagery, imagine a celebrity thronged by crowds and needing space between them and their wonton fans. Jesus is being followed because people are hungry for want he has to feed them ... celebrities will always leave fans with an empty feeling, because a mere human, cannot satisfy what the soul craves. Jesus was not done teaching, so he decides to go onto one of two near-by empty ships. 

It is morning, and the fishermen have been out all night trying to catch fish; alas, their efforts go unrewarded, and they were left with the work of cleaning their nets. While on the ship, Jesus asks Simon the boat owner, to push off from shore so he can continue to preach to the people. 

  • Did you notice from the scripture above, that Jesus sits down? 
  • Did you also think to yourself, how could the people possibly hear him while he was afloat on the sea of Galilee? 
  • Did Jesus use a booming voice? 

I am not sure how all this worked together to make for a good sermon that people received, all I know is it is apropos, for God incarnate to be followed, to have throngs hang on his every word, and for him to sit as King of kings, and speak life to the crowd. 

Jesus is done speaking. Dear reader, he "left speaking" ... that is it, all she wrote. He stops communicating with the masses and turns to the recently unsuccessful fisherman, named Simon. There isn't a request, there is a command, from Jesus to Simon. Launch out into the deep, and drop those nets of yours for a draught, meaning a haul, a weight of fishes! Incredulous, Simon points out what was already obvious, that he and his partners had pulled an empty all nighter, but okay then, If you say so Jesus, I will do it, I will let down those nets again.

The nets drop, and the fish can't help but hurl themselves as a "multitude" into them. The net strains and brakes, and Simon resorts to calling to his partners, Hey, fellas, we need your help over here with this haul: the partners comply, and those ships got so full of fish that they both began to sink. 

  • How would you feel at this point, dear reader, if you were Simon, one of his partners, or even someone lingering and loitering on the sea shore, observing this astounding event?
Simon, seeing what was happening, fell at Jesus' knees, and asked Jesus to leave him, because he felt the weight of his sinfulness while looking toward this man/God that spoke of a great haul, a draught of fish, and it came to pass. What Simon and his partners as professional fishermen could not accomplish all night, Jesus commanded and realized in a matter of minutes. Everyone was astonished that witnessed this miracle, and the names of Simon's partners are listed here, James and John, sons of Zebedee, to let us know who, that day, was added to the short list that became part of the apostle posse. There were others there, but these were the called, namely: Simon, James and his brother John. 

Jesus acknowledges Simon's astonishment; Jesus sees Simon's fear and heard the suggestion that he is too sinful to be in the presence of the Lord. Jesus soothes Simon, comforts him with the words, Fear not ... but this is not all. Jesus with certainty, tells Simon that from now on, he will catch men. Now dear reader, the most delightful part of this story is the last sentence! 

After the draught, the haul, the sinking ship weight of such a multitude of fish, these men bank their boats, without cashing in on any of their catch, and they follow HIM.

They "forsook all" ... 
  • Do you think they ever ate fish again?
  • Do you suppose they went hungry, after giving up their profession?
  • What about regret? After leaving their boats, nets, and livelihood behind, do you believe they wish they hadn't? 
  • What would you have done in the same situation? 
  • What are you willing to forsake now, to become a fisher of men?
I confess that years ago I forsook all when I professed, I love Jesus more than anything and anyone. It came from my mouth without forethought, and I have absolutely no regrets: I continue to eat fish and other foods, and my life is richer for following the Saviour of my soul. My professions (my work) match my profession of faith: I love people to Jesus with coaching, personal training, my writing, my prayers. I too, am a fisher of men, and I pray, that you trust Jesus for your provision; you trust Jesus when he commands you to do his will; you trust him as your Lord and leader. 

I pray, you put all you have in his more than capable commanding hands, and live a life worthy of being called a Christ follower. 

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Topsy Turvy

I keep trying to right myself, keep myself from falling face down in our topsy turvy world. I would call the tilt unpredictable, except for its constancy. Are you getting used to it too, the feeling of instability as people lose their minds and solid ground dissolves just inches away from their feet? 

Cognitive dissonance has resolved itself turning into permanent cognitive detachment from reality. Peril is no longer perceived ... People, you are in peril, I want to shout this with a plea in my voice but the words are silenced in my throat, held captive there. I may as well be a mime with plaintive eyes ... I hate mimes. Am I becoming one?

I am often torn between thankfulness and concern, the two playing tug of war with my thoughts and feelings. I cannot help but thank God for all he has rescued me and my family from, and I cannot help but be concerned for those that do not know him, call on his name, trust him to deliver them from their pain drenched soul sickness. If I could give people faith in God, I would hand it out like Christmas candy ... not Halloween tricks and treats. 

Grief includes the sadness that comes from seeing sorrow in another. I see my mom, looking down, pondering, her life altered forever with the loss of her eldest. I have heard my younger sister weep loudly with unchecked agony: she asks, When will the pain go away? I see the lostness in my brother-in-law, his playmate and constant companion, missing and leaving him without the desire to take action. I hear the break in my sister's friends voice, when she promises, I will not cry ... 

Death is a vulgarity. It is an ugly misshapen thief. It does not care, does not feel, and with disregard, snatches life and removes a character ... my sister was a character! 

We aren't done dear reader. More sickness, more dis ease, more dying awaits. Sorrow has moved in demanding attention, insisting on its own room in every household. It isn't visiting either: it plans to stay for the long haul. 

My plan is very simple and its execution even more so, now that I have committed. I will enjoy each person I have in my life, ensuring I see them often, make memories by going and doing, and letting them know that I will clear a path to them, so that nothing stands between us. I don't want to live the would have could have should have emptiness of regret. I want to know I did all I could to celebrate relationship with the ones I profess to love. This is righting my world, stabilizing it, and the tilt isn't nearly as threatening for me as it may be for most. 

But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you (1 Peter 5:10)

Peter, the apostle that denied Christ three times before the rooster crowed, knew suffering and thankfulness too. I hope this is your destiny dear reader. I hope God makes you perfect, establishes, strengthens, and settles your soul, in the peace that comes from a clear path to Christ, where all regret is washed away with tears of repentance. 

Monday, November 4, 2024

Blind & Deaf

Eyes squeezed tightly shut, the babe is unaware of surroundings. Tender ears ill equipped to sort and cope with the noisy world, the newborn is given the gift of quietude as it sleeps. Can it see, can it hear? Is the child doomed to never have vision, never have the pleasure of attuning to sound and its meaning?

Most children open their eyes to lay hold of the one that nuzzles them close. Most children turn their heads toward what they perceive as voices, human and animal, and of course, to other sounds, including ruckus or music. Do I describe a strange occurrence? Am I delving into unchartered territories that terrify? Do I go where no man, no woman, has gone before, as I describe what is natural and normal for a babe in arms that gradually becomes accustomed to their environment, and in turn, begins to respond to what they see, what they hear, what they sense with touch, and sniff in the air too? 

Of course my questions are silly rhetorical's, and you answered them with initial politeness, followed by perhaps irritation and finally, some frustration, at being asked about what is obvious to any observer. Babies that see, babies that hear, eventually become children that begin to identify and label, making sense of sounds, noises, sensations. As they explore, they sort and group, and this gives them more confidence in their competency as worldly navigators. But dear reader, before they could see and say they saw; before they could use their ears and tell what they heard, before they put their little fingers up their own nose, or yours, there was God. The world awaited their arrival, and wouldn't you know it, it awaited yours too, perhaps many moons ago?

At this point you have every right to ask, Where is she going with this? I will tell you now, so you do not have to speculate or take to guessing: Some people can see but do not have sight. Some people hear, but they do not comprehend. Some people experience the world, in all its majesty, and haven't a clue how wonderfully made it is. Some people, have turned to shutting their eyes tightly, closing their ears with plugs, and deadening their sense of touch, by roughly handling what ought to be treated gently.   

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard  (Psalm 19:1-3)

When you look to the stars, is it with awe, as they declare the glory of God? Do you see the earth and all that is in it, as God's handywork? Day after day the sun appears to brighten your vision, to enlighten your mind, and move you toward warmth. Night after night the moon, the sun's dim close cousin, establishes that the day before is much like this one and the one to follow, as long as it presents itself and lets us know, now is the time to rest. They display knowledge, not of their own accord: they display a knowledge that some humans irrationally reject, and that is that God has placed them where they belong, and will continue to hold them in their places, until he decides otherwise, and that day is coming. How do I know, you ask? Revelation tells us so. NOTE: There is no place in the entire world, where creation does not declare God's glory. Every nation, every tongue, is included in the responsibility of attributing to God, what only he could, and did, create. 

Think again with me about the infant that sees, hears, and feels about the world. Did his/her mother give the child eyes, ears, fingertips and toes along with a cute little sniffing nose? If the mommy were able to do such a thing, would they also be able to make all those body parts function effectively so the child would learn and grow and discover? (By the way, how do children grow? Explain the mystery of the forever changing shape of each human from day to day, from dust to human to aging, turning back to dust ... go ahead, I will wait as you figure this out and make sense of it all, all by yourself) The answer, of course, is not a chance. Listen, it takes a lot of yapping to talk people out of believing in God. It takes a lot of chaotic explanations to reason the Sovereign and his creative hand away: It is a foolhardy endeavour, I tell you, but people try to erase God, despite all of creation declaring his glory, day after day, night after glorious night.  

John's Epistles succinctly explain so much in very little written space. You can find 1, 2, 3 John, just before Jude, which is followed by the final book of The Bible, known as Revelation. Here is what John has to say about the whole world, minus of course, those of us that have heard the Gospel, believed the Gospel by the grace of God, and belong to him as his adopted children, through Christ our Lord. 

And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness (1 John 5:19)

Have you noticed this too, dear reader, that the whole world appears to be lying in wickedness? I certainly have. 

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17)

Dear reader, faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Those that hear the words but do not comprehend meaning, may as well be considered deaf. If I speak to someone about my faith, and use Biblical terminology, and they haven't an interpreter, in other words, they do not have the Holy Ghost to give them understanding, all they see is lips moving, and perhaps all they hear, is mumbo jumbo gibberish. 

Have you had your vision or hearing impaired by infection before? Years ago I had a kitten named Smokey, and as she sat on my shoulder, she swatted at my blinking eye, and scratched it's surface: the pain was excruciating. My ears for whatever reason, always seem irritated, and sometimes I just hear muffled voices and ringing ~ please don't feel the need to diagnose and cure me, I have tried everything. What I am saying is this: My vision was impaired and so was my hearing, and when I was suffering I could not focus on seeing or listening. THAT, dear one, is what the mind is like, of someone that does not know God as their Sovereign; their senses are impaired, and they cannot be cajoled, convinced, or connived at, to see clearly, to hear perfectly, to sense and fully comprehend the Word of God. Those that do not know God do not speak his language and do not hear his voice: they are of the world and can only hear other worldlings. Their urges are inclined toward satisfying carnal desires; God's children cannot help but want spiritual meat and drink that satiates the soul. John explains this so well, as I stated above:

Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error (1 John 4:4-6)

... the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error. To be clear, the Spirit of Truth is Holy, the spirit of error is devilish, demonic, satanic ... to hear God and his people means you have the Holy Spirit residing within. Those that belong to the world house a different spirit, known as error, that inclines them to the sins of lawless wickedness. It is that simple, dear one. 

Lastly, just as a mother or father cannot give their child physical eyes and ears to see, she/he cannot give them spiritual eyes and ears to hear, however; they can raise the child in the admonishments of the Lord, preaching and teaching his commandments, his laws, his number one rule, which is to love him and love the brethren. Without being taught, we do not learn the righteous Way. 

If you have not be taught by your earthly care givers, dear one, consider asking God to open your mind, your heart, and your soul, to learning directly from him. Our heavenly Father hears you, and none of your prayers, when they align with his will, are spoken, whispered, or silently pleaded, in vain. 

And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him (1 John 5:14-15)